Workplace Code of Conduct Fill out the template

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Workplace Code of Conduct

Last revision Last revision 15/01/2025
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size3 to 4 pages
Fill out the template

Last revisionLast revision: 15/01/2025

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 3 to 4 pages

Option: Help from a lawyer

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What is a workplace code of conduct?

A workplace code of conduct is used by an employer to set out key rules and standards that will apply to all staff members. This workplace code of conduct can be used by employers in Great Britain.

What is the difference between a code of conduct and a disciplinary procedure?

A disciplinary procedure will set out how misconduct and disciplinary issues will be handled by an employer.

A code of conduct will explain any particular workplace rules and standards that are applicable to staff members. If the code of conduct is breached, it will lead to disciplinary action under a disciplinary procedure.

Is it mandatory for an employer to provide written rules about conduct?

Yes, if any disciplinary rules/standards apply to a worker, they should be written down somewhere accessible, such as a policy document.

What are the prerequisites of a workplace code of conduct?

If an employer formally recognises a trade union or staff association, they may wish to consult or agree on the terms of the code of conduct with them. If a collective agreement* is in place between the employer and the relevant union or association it may be a legal requirement to:

  • consult with the union/association about the code; and/or
  • explicitly agree upon the contents of the code with the union/association.

A collective agreement is a written contract that is negotiated between a union and an employer on behalf of its union members.

Who will be involved in the preparation of the code of conduct?

Usually, senior members of staff will be responsible for finalising the code of conduct. This might include a senior manager or a director of a company.

What will be the duration of the code of conduct?

The code of conduct can remain in place indefinitely but should be reviewed at regular interviews to ensure it is relevant and up-to-date. Usually, a code of conduct will be reviewed annually.

What should be done once the code of conduct has been finalised?

Once it has been approved by the relevant person (usually a manager or director), the code of conduct should be drawn to the attention of staff members. It should be kept in a readily accessible location for staff members to refer to. It should be provided to all new staff members with their contract for employment/contract for work.

Is the code of conduct legally binding?

The code of conduct is intended to form part of the contract for work/contract of employment of staff members. This means that staff members must ensure that they adhere to the rules and standards within the code.

What happens if the code of conduct is not adhered to?

If an individual staff member fails to comply with the rules set out within the code of conduct, they will be subjected to a disciplinary process. This could potentially result in written warnings or, in serious cases, dismissal.

What other documents should be used in conjunction with a code of conduct?

This should be used in conjunction with a disciplinary policy.

An employer will usually have other policy documents which expand upon the rules and conduct requirements concerning particular issues such as:

What must the code of conduct contain?

A code of conduct will specify the general rules and expectations about:

  • Punctuality and time-keeping
  • Professional standards
  • Apprenances and dress
  • Relationships between colleagues
  • Relationships between staff members and clients/customers

What laws apply to a workplace code of conduct?

The main legal provision that applies to a workplace code of conduct is the Employment Rights Act 1996.

General information can also be found on the ACAS website.

Help from a lawyer

You can choose to consult a lawyer if you need help.

The lawyer can answer your questions or help you through the process. You will be offered this option when you complete the document.

How to modify the template?

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

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