Minutes of Shareholders' Meeting


If the person preparing this document is intending for it to relate to a meeting which is being held by the members (ie the shareholders) of the company, select "A meeting of the company members (also called the shareholders)".

If the person preparing this document is intending for it to relate to a meeting which is being held by the directors of the company, select "A meeting of the directors".

This Minutes of Members' Meeting document is only designed for use in the case of a meeting by the members of the company. If a directors' meeting is being held, then our Minutes of Directors' Meeting document may be used instead.

Under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth), (the "Act"), most of the decisions that affect a company need to be made by a resolution. A company's constitution and/or Shareholders' Agreement (if the company has a shareholders' agreement) might also set out what sorts of decisions need to be made by resolution. Some decisions can be made by the company directors, and some need to be made by the company members.

Generally speaking, directors' resolutions relate to the day to day running of a company. For example, a decision to enter a particular contract, or to grant or revoke somebody's signing authority, might be able to be made by directors' resolution.

On the other hand, members' resolutions may be required for decisions that relate to the fundamental details of the company, rather than day to day business matters. For example, decisions relating to the following matters generally require a members' resolution rather than a directors' resolution:

  • changing the type of company
  • changing the company's share structure
  • changing the company constitution
  • adopting a new constitution
  • changing the company name

However, different rules may apply to different types of company. In addition, the company constitution and shareholders agreement (if there is a shareholders agreement) might also say something about how certain decisions must be made (ie whether they should be made by directors or members, and by ordinary resolution or special resolution). Therefore, if in doubt, seek legal advice.

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________ (ACN................................................)
(hereinafter "the Company")


Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) - Section 251A

(1) Background

(a) The Company is a duly incorporated company in New South Wales.

(b) A meeting of the Members of the Company was held at the following date, time and location (hereinafter "Meeting"):

Date: ________

Time: ________

Location: ________

(2) Attendees

(a) Attendees in Person:

The following attendee(s) were present in person:


(b) Remote Attendees:

The following attendee(s) attended the Meeting remotely:


(c) Proxy Attendees:

The following attendee(s) attended the Meeting by proxy:


(d) Guests:

The following guest(s) attended the Meeting:


(3) Apologies

The following person(s) were apologies:


(4) Absences During Meeting

The following person(s) were absent during the Meeting as described below:


(5) Conflicts of Interest

The following conflict(s) of interest are noted:


(6) Chairperson

The Meeting was chaired by (the "Chairperson"): ________.

(7) 822882

552 85585225822 582228825225 2552 222882 22 252 2222822 555 8222 25222582 28822.

(8) Quorum

The Chairperson acknowledged that a quorum was present.

(9) Previous Meeting Minutes

The Members resolved that the minutes of the previous Meeting be accepted.

(10) Agenda

The following agenda item was addressed:

Agenda item Discussion Responsible person To be completed by
________ ________ ________ ________

(11) Proposed Resolution

The following resolution was proposed:

Resolution Outcome
________ Passed by simple majority

(12) Other Matters

The following should also be noted:


(13) Meeting Closure

The Meeting was closed at ________.

(14) Minute Taker

These minutes were taken by: ________.

(15) Chairperson Signature

Signed by the Chairperson, ________:.......................................................

Date of signing:.......................................................

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________ (ACN................................................)
(hereinafter "the Company")


Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) - Section 251A

(1) Background

(a) The Company is a duly incorporated company in New South Wales.

(b) A meeting of the Members of the Company was held at the following date, time and location (hereinafter "Meeting"):

Date: ________

Time: ________

Location: ________

(2) Attendees

(a) Attendees in Person:

The following attendee(s) were present in person:


(b) Remote Attendees:

The following attendee(s) attended the Meeting remotely:


(c) Proxy Attendees:

The following attendee(s) attended the Meeting by proxy:


(d) Guests:

The following guest(s) attended the Meeting:


(3) Apologies

The following person(s) were apologies:


(4) Absences During Meeting

The following person(s) were absent during the Meeting as described below:


(5) Conflicts of Interest

The following conflict(s) of interest are noted:


(6) Chairperson

The Meeting was chaired by (the "Chairperson"): ________.

(7) 822882

552 85585225822 582228825225 2552 222882 22 252 2222822 555 8222 25222582 28822.

(8) Quorum

The Chairperson acknowledged that a quorum was present.

(9) Previous Meeting Minutes

The Members resolved that the minutes of the previous Meeting be accepted.

(10) Agenda

The following agenda item was addressed:

Agenda item Discussion Responsible person To be completed by
________ ________ ________ ________

(11) Proposed Resolution

The following resolution was proposed:

Resolution Outcome
________ Passed by simple majority

(12) Other Matters

The following should also be noted:


(13) Meeting Closure

The Meeting was closed at ________.

(14) Minute Taker

These minutes were taken by: ________.

(15) Chairperson Signature

Signed by the Chairperson, ________:.......................................................

Date of signing:.......................................................