Guest Consent Agreement Fill out the template

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Guest Consent Agreement

Last revision Last revision 12/03/2024
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size5 to 7 pages
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Last revisionLast revision: 12/03/2024

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 5 to 7 pages

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A Guest Consent Agreement is a document that two parties (the guest and the host) can use to create the terms and conditions for the guest to appear on the host's media. The media can be any kind of audiovisual media: a podcast, a YouTube channel, a TV show, an internet broadcast, etc. These days, many individuals have audiovisual media shows and often trade guest appearances. A Guest Consent Agreement is a very important document to have in these situations to ensure everything runs smoothly.

The most important parts of guest appearance relationships are often the intellectual property and the details on topics. It's important for the host to make clear that any intellectual property that comes from the appearance will belong to the host. Similarly, sometimes guests will want to establish what topics absolutely cannot be discussed - this should be in the agreement. Either way, spelling out the topics that will be discussed is also very important.


How to use this document

This document can be used and filled out by either the host or the guest. The party filling out the document will need to know all of the details of the appearance, such as what date and time it will be recorded, what topics will be discussed, and if the guest will be paid.

This agreement covers both the host and the guest in case anything goes wrong: it contains standard contractual provisions like arbitration and indemnity. In case of a dispute, the law of the host's state of residence will apply.

When this document is filled out, it should be printed out and signed by both parties and then a copy kept with each.


Applicable law

Guest Consent Agreements are normally subject to individual state laws, governing general and commercial contract principles. Federal copyright laws also often apply, in the appearance and media.


How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

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