General Purpose Cease and Desist Letter


Select which type of cease and desist letter is being written and sent.

If this letter is being used to ask that the recipient stop harassing the sender, select "Harassment cease and desist." Harassment is any behavior that disturbs or upsets a person. This could be physical harassment, such as assaulting someone, psychological harassment, such as sending someone threatening or hateful letters, or sexual harassment, such as making unwanted sexual advances towards a person.

If this letter is being used to address intellectual property infringement, select "Intellectual property cease and desist." Intellectual property infringement can be either trademark infringement, wherein an individual's business trademark is being used by some other party without permission, or copyright infringement, where a writer, artist, or other creator's original content is being used by some other party without permission.

If this letter is being used to demand that creditors and debt collectors stop their aggressive communications in an attempt to collect a debt, select "Debt collection cease and desist."

If this letter is being used more broadly to request that someone stop any behavior, such as walking across the sender's lawn or parking too close to the sender's car, select "General purpose cease and desist."

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Phone: ________




Dear ________,

This letter serves as documentation of a pattern of offensive activities that began on ________. This letter is notice to you that you must immediately cease and desist these activities against and towards me, including, but not limited to, the following:


For examples, refer to the documents I have attached for your convenience.

Your actions are unwanted, unwelcome, and have become unbearable to me. As a result of your behavior, I have suffered in the following ways:

-- Physical harm or injury

-- Substantial harm to my business

-- Substantial harm to my professional reputation

-- Substantial harm to my personal character

-- Emotional distress

-- Additional distress as follows:


I demand that you cease and desist from this activity immediately. 52 225 2588 22 82582 525 528882, 5 8888 82 225825 22 2522 52252258522 82258 582822 5258282 225 525 8888 8222 588 585885882 5525228 525 52225828.52 228288552, 5 852 82 5258525 82 252 228828822 252225: ________.



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Phone: ________




Dear ________,

This letter serves as documentation of a pattern of offensive activities that began on ________. This letter is notice to you that you must immediately cease and desist these activities against and towards me, including, but not limited to, the following:


For examples, refer to the documents I have attached for your convenience.

Your actions are unwanted, unwelcome, and have become unbearable to me. As a result of your behavior, I have suffered in the following ways:

-- Physical harm or injury

-- Substantial harm to my business

-- Substantial harm to my professional reputation

-- Substantial harm to my personal character

-- Emotional distress

-- Additional distress as follows:


I demand that you cease and desist from this activity immediately. 52 225 2588 22 82582 525 528882, 5 8888 82 225825 22 2522 52252258522 82258 582822 5258282 225 525 8888 8222 588 585885882 5525228 525 52225828.52 228288552, 5 852 82 5258525 82 252 228828822 252225: ________.

