Child Safeguarding Policy Fill out the template

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Child Safeguarding Policy

Last revision Last revision 27/12/2024
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size6 to 9 pages
4.6 - 241 votes
Fill out the template

Last revisionLast revision: 27/12/2024

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 6 to 9 pages

Option: Help from a lawyer

Rating: 4.6 - 241 votes

Fill out the template

What is a child safeguarding policy?

A child safeguarding policy is a policy that will be used by an organisation to set out its practices and procedures for protecting children. Typically, an organisation will require this type of policy if they organise events for children or offer services which may be accessed by children. This might include:

  • voluntary and community organisations
  • faith groups
  • charities
  • sports groups

Is it mandatory to have a safeguarding policy?

Yes - generally speaking all organisations that work with children should hold a safeguarding policy. Formal official guidance emphasises the importance of holding an appropriate safeguarding policy. The policy will help staff members to know how to safely work with children and how to address any safeguarding issues.

Who is involved in preparing a safeguarding policy?

A safeguarding policy will be prepared, approved and signed by somebody from the management team of an organisation. This will usually include a director, trustee or member of the organisation.

What will the duration of a safeguarding policy be?

The safeguarding policy will remain in place until it is reviewed and updated. The policy will specify the usual timeframe for updating and reviewing the policy.

What has to be done after signing?

Once the document has been signed and approved, it should be drawn to the attention of staff members and members of the public who are accessing the services of the organisation. The organisation may place an electronic version of the policy on its website. Alternatively, the organisation may place a printed version of the policy in an accessible place on its premises.

What other documents should be used in conjunction with a safeguarding policy?

An organisation should hold a first aid policy which should be read in conjunction with this policy. An organisation may also hold other relevant documents such as:

What is the legal status of a safeguarding policy?

The policy does not form part of any formal contract of work, employment or any volunteering agreement. However, it does set out the standards expected of them. Any breach of the policy may therefore give grounds for a disciplinary process to be brought against the staff member concerned.

Furthermore, any overarching failure of the organisation to adhere to the principles in the policy may give rise to complaints or reporting to the relevant authorities.

What must a safeguarding policy contain?

A safeguarding policy should contain details about:

  • reporting –how safeguarding concerns should be responded to and reported by staff members
  • safeguarding checks – the processes undertaken by an organisation to ensure that staff members are safe to work with children
  • supervision – how children must be supervised at the organisation and by whom
  • photography/videos – including whether the organisation will capture any footage of children at their venue and what their rules are regarding photography at their premises/events

Which laws apply to a safeguarding policy?

There are many different legal frameworks which are in place to safeguard children in the United Kingdom:

Help from a lawyer

You can choose to consult a lawyer if you need help.

The lawyer can answer your questions or help you through the process. You will be offered this option when you complete the document.

How to modify the template?

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

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