Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association Fill out the template

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Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association

Last revision Last revision 14/11/2024
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size1 page
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Last revisionLast revision: 14/11/2024

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 1 page

Option: Help from a lawyer

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What is a Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association?

A notice of members meeting for an unincorporated association informs members such as clubs, societies or charities, of the date, time, location and agenda of a general or annual meeting.

A notice of members meeting for an unincorporated association provides the opportunity to inform members of the association of the relevant items of business on the agenda of the meeting that shall be discussed, with the goal of a decision to be made.

Is it mandatory to have a Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association?

Yes, an unincorporated association must provide notice for members to attend meetings.

The governing document of incorporated associations should include a notice period for general meetings, which is usually at least 14 days. The notice should include the purpose of the meeting.

What does "quorum" mean?

Quorum refers to the number or percentage of people entitled to attend the meeting that must be present to make valid decisions. The notice of members meeting for an unincorporated association should clarify the quorum.


Who can issue a Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association?

The trustees of an unincorporated association can issue a Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association.


What has to be done once a Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association is ready?

Once a notice of members meeting for an unincorporated association is ready, the following should be done:

  • Send notices to trustees by post, or by other methods if the embers have agreed including email;
  • Take minutes and records of the meeting;
  • No notice is required for trustees living outside the UK.


Must a Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association mandate an in-person meeting?

No, meetings can be held in person, virtually, or in a hybrid format. Unincorporated associations should consult their governing documents to see what is specified.

What must a Notice of Members Meeting for an Unincorporated Association contain?

A notice of a members meeting for an unincorporated association should include the following:

  • Notice period: to clarify the notice period for the meeting
  • Meeting details including the time, date, location and purpose of the meeting
  • Quorum
  • Majority required to make decisions and approve resolutions
  • Voting rights, including whether or not a Chair has a casting vote.


Any applicable law

The rules of an unincorporated association form a contract between the members and therefore the principles of contract law shall apply. In particular, the association's rules should be carefully considered to ensure that the notice is compliant.


Help from a lawyer

You can choose to consult a lawyer if you need help.

The lawyer can answer your questions or help you through the process. You will be offered this option when you complete the document.


How to modify the template?

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

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