Minutes of Directors Board Meeting - Private Limited Company Fill out the template

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Minutes of Directors Board Meeting - Private Limited Company

Last revision Last revision 01/12/2024
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size2 pages
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Last revisionLast revision: 01/12/2024

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 2 pages

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What is a Minutes of Directors Board Meeting - Private Company?

A minutes of Directors Board Meeting is a written record of the discussions and decisions agreed during a meeting of the company's board of directors. For instance, if a board meeting is called to discuss the appointment of a new director and the purchase of new equipment, the minutes of the meeting would record the decision taken on the directors's appointment, what was decided about the new equipment purchase and how each director voted on these issues.

What is the difference between a Minutes of Directors Board Meeting and a Minutes of Shareholders' General Meeting?

As the names imply, the minutes of directors' board meeting are taken during the meeting of the company's board of directors. This means that shareholders of the company are not in attendance at the meeting, except that shareholder is also a director of the company.

Similarly, the minutes of the shareholders' general meeting are taken during the meeting of the shareholders. This also means that directors do not attend and cannot vote at the meeting except where that director is also a shareholder of the company.

Is it mandatory to have a Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company?

Yes, it is mandatory to have minutes of directors meetings, as the minutes act as a record of the decisions taken by the company's board of directors. The minutes of the directors meeting also make it possible for the shareholders to be aware of the decisions the directors are making, as well as ensuring the directors' compliance with legal requirements.

What does Quorum mean?

Quorum refers to the minimum number of directors who have to be present in order for the board meeting and the decisions taken therein to be valid.


What does Resolutions mean?

Resolutions refer to formal decisions or actions made by the directors at the board meeting.

What are the prerequisites of a Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company?

Before taking the minutes of a directors' meeting, the meeting should first have been called by giving adequate notice to all the directors. The meeting must also be validly convened, and a quorum must have been formed.

Who can use a Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company?

The minutes of directors meetings for a private company should only be used by a private limited liability company (LTD). This means it cannot be used by a public company, a general partnership, or a limited liability partnership (LLP).

What has to be done once a Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company is ready?

Once the minutes of the directors' meeting are complete, they should be printed or saved electronically. It should also be signed by the chairperson of the meeting to prove its authenticity. The signed copy should also be kept on file at the company's registered address, and copies of the resolutions passed should be filed in the company's minutes book. This can be done by the company secretary or any other administrative personnel.

Is it necessary to register a Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company?

No, it is not necessary to register the minutes of the directors' meeting. It only needs to be kept on file at the company's office where it is accessible for inspection.

Is it necessary to have witnesses for a Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company?

No, it is not necessary to have witnesses for the minutes of the directors' meeting.

What must Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company contain?

The minutes of the directors meeting should contain:

  • The company details (company number and name);
  • The date and location of the meeting;
  • Details of the directors in attendance;
  • The resolutions passed at the meeting; and
  • Other issues discussed at the meeting.

Which laws are applicable to Minutes of Directors Meeting - Private Company?

Companies Act 2006.

Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008.

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At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

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