Local Authority Parking Fine Appeal Letter

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Dear Sir/Madam,

PCN Number: ________
Date of issue: ________
Vehicle registration number: ________

On ________ my vehicle ________ was issued with a Penalty Charge Notice which is stated to have been issued for the following reason:


I am writing to formally challenge the above Penalty Charge Notice. I make these representations herein in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004 and request that the above Penalty Charge Notice is reconsidered for the following reasons:

1. The vehicle was not parked in contravention of any traffic rules and the alleged offence was not committed because the vehicle was parked as follows:


2. The signage and/or road markings do not adequately set out the relevant parking restrictions because:


As such it would have been impossible to know whether the vehicle was parked in contravention of any rules or not.

3. I was not driving the vehicle in question at the time the ticket was issued and did not park it where alleged. The car was being driven by:


4. The ticket therefore cannot be considered to be fair, just or proportionate in the circumstances.

5 82522282 8522282 2552 225 5282288525 252 58282-222282225 2225822 855522 822882, 82 88252 22 252 82225252822 5 5582 25288525.

5 5582 52258525 588 52828522 28852282 82 8522252 22 22 522258. 52 225 5582 522 2552525 852828228, 282582 52 222 52882522 22 8222582 22.

Yours sincerely,


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Dear Sir/Madam,

PCN Number: ________
Date of issue: ________
Vehicle registration number: ________

On ________ my vehicle ________ was issued with a Penalty Charge Notice which is stated to have been issued for the following reason:


I am writing to formally challenge the above Penalty Charge Notice. I make these representations herein in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004 and request that the above Penalty Charge Notice is reconsidered for the following reasons:

1. The vehicle was not parked in contravention of any traffic rules and the alleged offence was not committed because the vehicle was parked as follows:


2. The signage and/or road markings do not adequately set out the relevant parking restrictions because:


As such it would have been impossible to know whether the vehicle was parked in contravention of any rules or not.

3. I was not driving the vehicle in question at the time the ticket was issued and did not park it where alleged. The car was being driven by:


4. The ticket therefore cannot be considered to be fair, just or proportionate in the circumstances.

5 82522282 8522282 2552 225 5282288525 252 58282-222282225 2225822 855522 822882, 82 88252 22 252 82225252822 5 5582 25288525.

5 5582 52258525 588 52828522 28852282 82 8522252 22 22 522258. 52 225 5582 522 2552525 852828228, 282582 52 222 52882522 22 8222582 22.

Yours sincerely,
