Letter Request Claiming Travel Expenses from an Employer

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Dear ________


I am writing this letter to formally request reimbursement for travel expenses I incurred on my recent travel to ________. I embarked on this trip for the following reasons:


Under ________ of my employment contract, I am entitled to claim these types of expenses. Particularly, ________ of my employment contract provides that:


On the aforementioned trip, I incurred the following additional costs which were directly related to accomplishing my relevant tasks and assignments for ________. The total amount of money incurred is £________ (________), details of which are broken down below:


52 55525822 22 252 52828522 8855828 82 252 2228222222 82225582, 5 5582 2552 8552 2552 588 25222828 82855525 552 82 8822 8825 252 252528852822'8 2585288228 22 255828 25222828.

I kindly request that this reimbursement is processed at your earliest convenience. I am aware that processing of the reimbursement may take up to ________. If you require any additional information or evidence about my quoted expenses, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours Sincerely,



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Dear ________


I am writing this letter to formally request reimbursement for travel expenses I incurred on my recent travel to ________. I embarked on this trip for the following reasons:


Under ________ of my employment contract, I am entitled to claim these types of expenses. Particularly, ________ of my employment contract provides that:


On the aforementioned trip, I incurred the following additional costs which were directly related to accomplishing my relevant tasks and assignments for ________. The total amount of money incurred is £________ (________), details of which are broken down below:


52 55525822 22 252 52828522 8855828 82 252 2228222222 82225582, 5 5582 2552 8552 2552 588 25222828 82855525 552 82 8822 8825 252 252528852822'8 2585288228 22 255828 25222828.

I kindly request that this reimbursement is processed at your earliest convenience. I am aware that processing of the reimbursement may take up to ________. If you require any additional information or evidence about my quoted expenses, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

