Letter before Claim for Unpaid Debt


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Dear ________,





- and-



The letter is sent from Party A in accordance with the Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims (the Protocol). This letter is sent as a letter before claim.

This letter relates to debt which is owed by Party B. The relevant details are set out in the section below.


Party A provides a factual background as follows:

(1). The Parties entered into a written contractual agreement on ________. The agreement is titled: ________. A copy of that document may be requested from Party A at any time.

(2). The agreement specified that Party A must:


(3). Party A fulfilled their relevant obligations under the agreement on ________.

(4). In accordance with the agreement, ________ invoice was sent to Party B from Party A.

(5). There are amounts which remain unpaid in respect of the invoices, the details of which are set out below.

(6). A further copy of the invoice is enclosed with this letter.

(7). Party B has offered to pay the sums due in weekly instalments of £________ (________). Party A does not accept this is a suitable arrangement because:


Basis of Claim

Party B has failed to make the relevant payments in respect of the above invoices in accordance with the agreement.

Debt Due

Please find the full details of the debt below:

(1). Date of invoice


(2). Total invoice amount

£________ (________) including VAT.

(3). Days outstanding

________ days

(4). Amount outstanding

£________ (________)

(5). Interest

Interest is also due and applicable to the outstanding invoice at the rate of ________% in accordance with the following provision: ________

Interest has accrued on a daily basis. As of the date of this letter, the current interest which is due and payable is: £________ (________)


Party B should make payment within the next 30 days of the date of this letter for the total sum of: £________ (________.

Please be advised that the above total includes interest as of the date of this letter. Interest shall continue to accrue in accordance with the rate and accrual periods defined above until the debt is paid in full.

The above total sum may be paid to Party A in the following manner:


In the event that Party B wishes to discuss payment or options, Party B should:



Please find enclosed the following information as required by the Protocol:

(1). Information Sheet (Enclosure A)

(2). Reply Form (Enclosure B)

(3). Financial Statement (Enclosure C)

(4). Copies of the relevant invoices (Enclosure D)

(5). A statement of account in respect of the debt dated ________ (Enclosure E)

Next Steps

25828825882, 82 88 528528225 2552 5 2588 2522222 88 2552 82 5882555282 8825 252 82225252822 822 252 58282. 25252 22 2522222 88 2552, 25522 8 88 52858525 22 522552 252 228828822 22 25522 8 882582 88 5528 22 252 5522 22 2588 822225:

(1). a 822282225 82282 2252; 525

(2). a 822282225 282528858 525222222.

552 58282 528522228, 525 522 22525 8582222 82552822252282, 252 82 8222 22 252 5555288 22 25522 8 58 888225 52 252 222 22 2588 822225.

In the event that Party B fails to undertake the above steps within 30 days of the date of this letter, it is the intention of Party A to issue proceedings in respect of the debt. Please take note that any future claim will also include a claim for the costs incurred in making the claim. Please also take note that the Court will take into account non-compliance with the Protocol when making directions in any future court claim.

Yours sincerely,




A copy of the Information Sheet from the Protocol is to be attached below.


A copy of the Reply Sheet from the Protocol is to be attached below.


A blank Financial Statement form is to be attached below.


Copies of the relevant invoices are to be attached below.


A copy of the statement of account is to be attached below.

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Dear ________,





- and-



The letter is sent from Party A in accordance with the Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims (the Protocol). This letter is sent as a letter before claim.

This letter relates to debt which is owed by Party B. The relevant details are set out in the section below.


Party A provides a factual background as follows:

(1). The Parties entered into a written contractual agreement on ________. The agreement is titled: ________. A copy of that document may be requested from Party A at any time.

(2). The agreement specified that Party A must:


(3). Party A fulfilled their relevant obligations under the agreement on ________.

(4). In accordance with the agreement, ________ invoice was sent to Party B from Party A.

(5). There are amounts which remain unpaid in respect of the invoices, the details of which are set out below.

(6). A further copy of the invoice is enclosed with this letter.

(7). Party B has offered to pay the sums due in weekly instalments of £________ (________). Party A does not accept this is a suitable arrangement because:


Basis of Claim

Party B has failed to make the relevant payments in respect of the above invoices in accordance with the agreement.

Debt Due

Please find the full details of the debt below:

(1). Date of invoice


(2). Total invoice amount

£________ (________) including VAT.

(3). Days outstanding

________ days

(4). Amount outstanding

£________ (________)

(5). Interest

Interest is also due and applicable to the outstanding invoice at the rate of ________% in accordance with the following provision: ________

Interest has accrued on a daily basis. As of the date of this letter, the current interest which is due and payable is: £________ (________)


Party B should make payment within the next 30 days of the date of this letter for the total sum of: £________ (________.

Please be advised that the above total includes interest as of the date of this letter. Interest shall continue to accrue in accordance with the rate and accrual periods defined above until the debt is paid in full.

The above total sum may be paid to Party A in the following manner:


In the event that Party B wishes to discuss payment or options, Party B should:



Please find enclosed the following information as required by the Protocol:

(1). Information Sheet (Enclosure A)

(2). Reply Form (Enclosure B)

(3). Financial Statement (Enclosure C)

(4). Copies of the relevant invoices (Enclosure D)

(5). A statement of account in respect of the debt dated ________ (Enclosure E)

Next Steps

25828825882, 82 88 528528225 2552 5 2588 2522222 88 2552 82 5882555282 8825 252 82225252822 822 252 58282. 25252 22 2522222 88 2552, 25522 8 88 52858525 22 522552 252 228828822 22 25522 8 882582 88 5528 22 252 5522 22 2588 822225:

(1). a 822282225 82282 2252; 525

(2). a 822282225 282528858 525222222.

552 58282 528522228, 525 522 22525 8582222 82552822252282, 252 82 8222 22 252 5555288 22 25522 8 58 888225 52 252 222 22 2588 822225.

In the event that Party B fails to undertake the above steps within 30 days of the date of this letter, it is the intention of Party A to issue proceedings in respect of the debt. Please take note that any future claim will also include a claim for the costs incurred in making the claim. Please also take note that the Court will take into account non-compliance with the Protocol when making directions in any future court claim.

Yours sincerely,




A copy of the Information Sheet from the Protocol is to be attached below.


A copy of the Reply Sheet from the Protocol is to be attached below.


A blank Financial Statement form is to be attached below.


Copies of the relevant invoices are to be attached below.


A copy of the statement of account is to be attached below.