Equal Opportunities Policy

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Policy Purpose

This policy is created by ________ ('we', 'our', 'us') in order to confirm in writing our approach to equal opportunities and our commitment to avoiding discrimination within the workplace.

We are committed to:

- encouraging and ensuring equality and diversity in the workplace;

- avoiding unlawful and unfair discrimination within our workforce;

- promoting equal job opportunities;

- creating a workplace environment which celebrates and values diversity; and

- creating a system for promotion, reward and hiring that is based upon merits.

Scope and Status of this Policy

This policy applies to all staff members. This includes all:

- employees

- workers

- volunteers

- agency workers

- contractors

- consultants

(staff members)

This policy does not form part of any contract of employment or any other contract for work or services.

We will inform and consult with all staff members about the contents of this policy.

Individual Responsibilities

Our compliance with and the effective operation of this policy shall be overseen and managed by: ________.

Staff members will be required to undertake equal opportunities training from time to time. Staff members who have responsibilities for recruitment, managing terms of employment or managing staff members will be required to undertake more in-depth training.

Training will be compulsory. All staff members should follow and have a responsibility to implement the principles contained within this policy.

Equality Statement

To achieve the aims and goals contained within this policy, we specifically undertake that:

We shall never unlawfully discriminate against, victimise or harass staff members, prospective staff members, or any other person due to their protected characteristics as defined under the Equality Act 2010. The protected characteristics are any of the following:

- age

- disability

- gender reassignment

- marriage and civil partnership

- pregnancy and maternity

- race

- religion or beliefs

- sex

- sexual orientation

We also express a commitment within this policy that we will not discriminate against, harass or victimise any staff member or any other person as a direct result of their:

- part-time, full-time, fixed-term or temporary status as a worker

- socio-economic background

- membership or nonmembership of a trade union

- responsibilities as a caregiver.

- part-time or full-time status as a worker

- fixed-term or temporary status as a worker

- membership or a trade union

- nonmembership of a trade union

- socio-economic background

- responsibilities as a carer

Discrimination, Harassment and Victimisation

Discrimination under this policy shall mean any of the forms of discrimination as defined below. Harassment and victimisation under this policy shall have the meanings as provided below.

Direct discrimination

Direct discrimination involves a situation where one person treats another person less favourably because of a characteristic which has been protected. Examples of direct discrimination include:

- where a person is paid less because of their gender; or

- where a person is not offered a promotion because of their sexual orientation; or

- where a candidate for a job is rejected on the sole basis of their religion.

Indirect discrimination

Indirect discrimination involves a situation where a provision, criterion or practice is in place which applies to everybody, but it puts certain individuals at a disadvantage because of a characteristic which has been protected and there is not a legitimate and objective justification for this. Examples of indirect discrimination could include situations such as:

- an employer changing a dress code policy or uniform in a manner which may not align with a religious dress code which one or a group of staff members may observe.

- an employer creating a new policy which stipulates that all employees must be available to work evenings and weekends. This may amount to indirect discrimination for those who have caregiving responsibilities (and who may comprise in the majority of women).


Harassment involves a situation where one person engages in unwanted conduct relating to a protected characteristic of another person and which has the purpose or effect of:

- violating that other person's dignity; or

- creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that other person.

It is important to note that harassment may be of a sexual nature. Harassment in either of the above forms may also include a situation where the victim of such conduct is treated less favourably as a result of their rejection or submission to the harassment. Examples of harassment include situations where:

- a group of employees make repeated and derogatory comments about the age of another employee and this makes this employee feel intimated.

- one employee repeatedly calls another employee offensive and racist names, which causes that employee to feel degraded and humiliated.


Victimisation occurs when one person subjects another person to a detriment because they have raised a complaint about discrimination or have otherwise exercised their right not to be discriminated against. Specifically, this would include a situation where the victim is subjected to a detriment because they have:

- brought proceedings under the Equality Act 2010; or

- given evidence or information in relation to proceedings under the Equality Act 2010; or

- performed some other action in connection with the Equality Act 2010; or

- made an allegation under the Equality Act 2010.

In practical terms, victimisation may therefore include a situation where:

- a staff member (A) raises a sexual complaint about a senior manager. Another member of staff (B) provides a witness statement in support of A's case. B is then treated unfairly by the senior manager as a result.

- a staff member raises a complaint of discrimination against their supervisor. The supervisor then starts to treat them unfairly as a result.

Disability discrimination

Disability discrimination includes direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. Where there is unjustified treatment of another person unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of that other person's disability, it shall amount to discrimination. Disability discrimination also includes any failure to make reasonable adjustments to avoid disadvantages which may be faced by a person who is disabled.

Pregnancy 525 252252822 discrimination

252225282 525 252252822 58885828252822 82585 8288552 5 2252 22 585282 58885828252822 25 82585282 58885828252822. 5588 2222 22 58885828252822 8888 28855 8522 5 82252 88 858228225 22 522582555882 252522222 8285582:

- 852 88 25222522; 25

- 22 52 8882288 85222525 58 5 528582 22 252225282; 25

- 852 88 22 252252822 82582; 25

- 852 558 528528225 25 88 5285282822 252252822 82582.

Gender 525888222222 (58822828) 58885828252822

88885828252822 22 252 85888 22 5 225822'8 222525 525888222222 82585 2522 28582 58528282 25 8258528282. 52 88 5882 8858825 58 58885828252822 82 252 8582 22 5 225822 82822 2525225 8288 2582555882 58 5 528582 22 52 5882282 52852822 22 222525 525888222222 82:

- 252 5882282 858 8285582 22 88822288 25 822552; 25

- 252 5882282 858 225 8222 22525 525822 525 82 858 222 5258225882 225 252 58822222 22 82 2525225 8288 2582555882.

Application of this Policy

The employer

We have undertaken that we shall not discriminate against, harass or victimise staff members (or any other person) on the basis of the above factors in any circumstance. This shall include, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:

- any recruitment and selection process;

- when creating and reviewing terms and conditions of work;

- when creating, discussing or reviewing conditions of pay and benefits;

- the dismissal of any staff member;

- any redundancy process;

- any grievance process;

- any disciplinary process;

- when offering training opportunities;

- when considering or making any promotions or other career development opportunities;

- when considering and responding to requests for leave; or

- when considering requests for flexible working,

At relevant and regular intervals we shall review and, where necessary, reform our procedures and practices around employment in order to safeguard fairness and to keep them in line with any relevant changes in the law.

We shall at all times observe and scrutinise the composition of the workforce in relation to the protected characteristics to fulfil the purpose of this policy. This practice shall include assessing the effectiveness of this policy in action and reviewing and implementing changes to address any issues which may arise as a result.

Staff members

Staff members must ensure that they do not discriminate against, harass or victimise any other staff member or any other person during the course of their work with us.

Staff members must also ensure that they do not discriminate against, harass or victimise any other staff member or any other person when they are outside of work and they are wearing their uniform.

Dealing with concerns

In the first instance, any concern or allegation of a staff member which relates to equal opportunities, discrimination, harassment or victimisation should be reported to your direct supervisor or manager. If your complaint concerns your supervisor or manager, you should approach the next most senior person. If you would like to make a complaint but feel unsure about how to report this, it is also possible to obtain confidential advice via the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).

All complaints and concerns relating to equal opportunities, discrimination, harassment or victimisation will be treated with fairness and with the appropriate level of confidentiality. Where any staff member wishes to raise a concern or complaint, they are able to raise a grievance in accordance with our usual procedures. Please see our grievance policy for further information

Where an allegation or concern relating to discrimination, harassment or victimisation is raised in respect of a Staff Member, we shall follow our usual disciplinary procedures in order to investigate the conduct of the accused. Where any staff member has been found to have been responsible for discriminatory behaviour, harassment or victimisation, they shall be subjected to the appropriate disciplinary sanctions. Serious findings may amount to gross misconduct which may result in dismissal.

Further details can be found in our disciplinary policy.

This policy for Equal Opportunities at Work is robustly endorsed by us at all levels of management.

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Policy Purpose

This policy is created by ________ ('we', 'our', 'us') in order to confirm in writing our approach to equal opportunities and our commitment to avoiding discrimination within the workplace.

We are committed to:

- encouraging and ensuring equality and diversity in the workplace;

- avoiding unlawful and unfair discrimination within our workforce;

- promoting equal job opportunities;

- creating a workplace environment which celebrates and values diversity; and

- creating a system for promotion, reward and hiring that is based upon merits.

Scope and Status of this Policy

This policy applies to all staff members. This includes all:

- employees

- workers

- volunteers

- agency workers

- contractors

- consultants

(staff members)

This policy does not form part of any contract of employment or any other contract for work or services.

We will inform and consult with all staff members about the contents of this policy.

Individual Responsibilities

Our compliance with and the effective operation of this policy shall be overseen and managed by: ________.

Staff members will be required to undertake equal opportunities training from time to time. Staff members who have responsibilities for recruitment, managing terms of employment or managing staff members will be required to undertake more in-depth training.

Training will be compulsory. All staff members should follow and have a responsibility to implement the principles contained within this policy.

Equality Statement

To achieve the aims and goals contained within this policy, we specifically undertake that:

We shall never unlawfully discriminate against, victimise or harass staff members, prospective staff members, or any other person due to their protected characteristics as defined under the Equality Act 2010. The protected characteristics are any of the following:

- age

- disability

- gender reassignment

- marriage and civil partnership

- pregnancy and maternity

- race

- religion or beliefs

- sex

- sexual orientation

We also express a commitment within this policy that we will not discriminate against, harass or victimise any staff member or any other person as a direct result of their:

- part-time, full-time, fixed-term or temporary status as a worker

- socio-economic background

- membership or nonmembership of a trade union

- responsibilities as a caregiver.

- part-time or full-time status as a worker

- fixed-term or temporary status as a worker

- membership or a trade union

- nonmembership of a trade union

- socio-economic background

- responsibilities as a carer

Discrimination, Harassment and Victimisation

Discrimination under this policy shall mean any of the forms of discrimination as defined below. Harassment and victimisation under this policy shall have the meanings as provided below.

Direct discrimination

Direct discrimination involves a situation where one person treats another person less favourably because of a characteristic which has been protected. Examples of direct discrimination include:

- where a person is paid less because of their gender; or

- where a person is not offered a promotion because of their sexual orientation; or

- where a candidate for a job is rejected on the sole basis of their religion.

Indirect discrimination

Indirect discrimination involves a situation where a provision, criterion or practice is in place which applies to everybody, but it puts certain individuals at a disadvantage because of a characteristic which has been protected and there is not a legitimate and objective justification for this. Examples of indirect discrimination could include situations such as:

- an employer changing a dress code policy or uniform in a manner which may not align with a religious dress code which one or a group of staff members may observe.

- an employer creating a new policy which stipulates that all employees must be available to work evenings and weekends. This may amount to indirect discrimination for those who have caregiving responsibilities (and who may comprise in the majority of women).


Harassment involves a situation where one person engages in unwanted conduct relating to a protected characteristic of another person and which has the purpose or effect of:

- violating that other person's dignity; or

- creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that other person.

It is important to note that harassment may be of a sexual nature. Harassment in either of the above forms may also include a situation where the victim of such conduct is treated less favourably as a result of their rejection or submission to the harassment. Examples of harassment include situations where:

- a group of employees make repeated and derogatory comments about the age of another employee and this makes this employee feel intimated.

- one employee repeatedly calls another employee offensive and racist names, which causes that employee to feel degraded and humiliated.


Victimisation occurs when one person subjects another person to a detriment because they have raised a complaint about discrimination or have otherwise exercised their right not to be discriminated against. Specifically, this would include a situation where the victim is subjected to a detriment because they have:

- brought proceedings under the Equality Act 2010; or

- given evidence or information in relation to proceedings under the Equality Act 2010; or

- performed some other action in connection with the Equality Act 2010; or

- made an allegation under the Equality Act 2010.

In practical terms, victimisation may therefore include a situation where:

- a staff member (A) raises a sexual complaint about a senior manager. Another member of staff (B) provides a witness statement in support of A's case. B is then treated unfairly by the senior manager as a result.

- a staff member raises a complaint of discrimination against their supervisor. The supervisor then starts to treat them unfairly as a result.

Disability discrimination

Disability discrimination includes direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. Where there is unjustified treatment of another person unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of that other person's disability, it shall amount to discrimination. Disability discrimination also includes any failure to make reasonable adjustments to avoid disadvantages which may be faced by a person who is disabled.

Pregnancy 525 252252822 discrimination

252225282 525 252252822 58885828252822 82585 8288552 5 2252 22 585282 58885828252822 25 82585282 58885828252822. 5588 2222 22 58885828252822 8888 28855 8522 5 82252 88 858228225 22 522582555882 252522222 8285582:

- 852 88 25222522; 25

- 22 52 8882288 85222525 58 5 528582 22 252225282; 25

- 852 88 22 252252822 82582; 25

- 852 558 528528225 25 88 5285282822 252252822 82582.

Gender 525888222222 (58822828) 58885828252822

88885828252822 22 252 85888 22 5 225822'8 222525 525888222222 82585 2522 28582 58528282 25 8258528282. 52 88 5882 8858825 58 58885828252822 82 252 8582 22 5 225822 82822 2525225 8288 2582555882 58 5 528582 22 52 5882282 52852822 22 222525 525888222222 82:

- 252 5882282 858 8285582 22 88822288 25 822552; 25

- 252 5882282 858 225 8222 22525 525822 525 82 858 222 5258225882 225 252 58822222 22 82 2525225 8288 2582555882.

Application of this Policy

The employer

We have undertaken that we shall not discriminate against, harass or victimise staff members (or any other person) on the basis of the above factors in any circumstance. This shall include, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:

- any recruitment and selection process;

- when creating and reviewing terms and conditions of work;

- when creating, discussing or reviewing conditions of pay and benefits;

- the dismissal of any staff member;

- any redundancy process;

- any grievance process;

- any disciplinary process;

- when offering training opportunities;

- when considering or making any promotions or other career development opportunities;

- when considering and responding to requests for leave; or

- when considering requests for flexible working,

At relevant and regular intervals we shall review and, where necessary, reform our procedures and practices around employment in order to safeguard fairness and to keep them in line with any relevant changes in the law.

We shall at all times observe and scrutinise the composition of the workforce in relation to the protected characteristics to fulfil the purpose of this policy. This practice shall include assessing the effectiveness of this policy in action and reviewing and implementing changes to address any issues which may arise as a result.

Staff members

Staff members must ensure that they do not discriminate against, harass or victimise any other staff member or any other person during the course of their work with us.

Staff members must also ensure that they do not discriminate against, harass or victimise any other staff member or any other person when they are outside of work and they are wearing their uniform.

Dealing with concerns

In the first instance, any concern or allegation of a staff member which relates to equal opportunities, discrimination, harassment or victimisation should be reported to your direct supervisor or manager. If your complaint concerns your supervisor or manager, you should approach the next most senior person. If you would like to make a complaint but feel unsure about how to report this, it is also possible to obtain confidential advice via the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).

All complaints and concerns relating to equal opportunities, discrimination, harassment or victimisation will be treated with fairness and with the appropriate level of confidentiality. Where any staff member wishes to raise a concern or complaint, they are able to raise a grievance in accordance with our usual procedures. Please see our grievance policy for further information

Where an allegation or concern relating to discrimination, harassment or victimisation is raised in respect of a Staff Member, we shall follow our usual disciplinary procedures in order to investigate the conduct of the accused. Where any staff member has been found to have been responsible for discriminatory behaviour, harassment or victimisation, they shall be subjected to the appropriate disciplinary sanctions. Serious findings may amount to gross misconduct which may result in dismissal.

Further details can be found in our disciplinary policy.

This policy for Equal Opportunities at Work is robustly endorsed by us at all levels of management.