Child Maintenance Agreement


The option "England and Wales" should be selected if the family is based in England and Wales. The option "Northern Ireland" should be selected if the family is based in Northern Ireland. The option "Scotland" should be selected if the family is based in Scotland.

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1. The Parties

I. Party A

Party A is ________ (DOB: ________) of:


Party A is the Children's Mother.

II. Party B

Party B is ________ (DOB: ________) of:


Party B is the Children's Mother.

2. The Children

The Children who are the subject of this Agreement are:


3. Parental Responsibility of the Parties

I. Party A

________ holds Parental Responsibility for all of the Children.

II. Party B

________ holds Parental Responsibility for all of the Children.

4. Background

I. Habitual residence and domicile

Both of the Parties and the Children are habitually resident and domiciled in England and Wales.

II. Child Arrangements Order

There have been previous proceedings concerning the Parties and the arrangements for the Children and a Child Arrangements Order is currently in force as follows:

(a). Case number: ________.

(b). In the Family Court sitting at: ________.

(c). The proceedings concluded on: ________.

(d). The final order directs that the Children shall live with Party A.

(e). The final order directs that the Children shall have contact with Party B as follows:


III. Separation details

The Parties were married on ________ and separated on ________. The arrangements for separation have been as follows:


IV. Previous relationships

It is recorded that Party A has previously been married to a different partner.

It is recorded that Party B has previously been married to a different partner.

V. Non-subject children

It is recorded that Party A has ________ not the subject of this Agreement.

The financial contribution which Party A makes in relation to has been taken into consideration in the making of this agreement in the context of Party A's financial resources.

It is recorded that Party B has ________ not the subject of this agreement.

The financial contributions which Party B makes in relation to have been taken into consideration in the making of this agreement in the context of Party B's financial resources.

VI. Purpose of the Agreement

In view of the Parties separation, they wish to make a written agreement regarding child maintenance to ensure that financial provisions are properly considered in respect of the Children.

VII. Occupation and financial resources of the Parties

(a). Party A

The occupation of Party A is: ________.

(b). Party B

The occupation of Party B is: ________.

VIII. Child maintenance figures

The Parties have reached the below agreement regarding maintenance payments for the benefit of the Children following full and frank disclosure regarding their financial circumstances. In particular, the Parties have:


5. Agreement regarding the payment of maintenance

I. Periodical maintenance payments

The Parties have reached an agreement in respect of periodical payments for the benefit of the Children and record that this is a written agreement regarding the periodical payments in accordance with section 8(5) of the Child Support Act 1991. The Parties have agreed that the periodical payments shall by paid from Party B to Party A as follows:

(a). The payments shall be paid every week on each Monday.

(b). The weekly payments will be for the sum of £________ (________) per week per child.

(c). The first payment shall be made on: ________.

(d). The payments shall be made in the following way: ________.

(e). The Parties agree that the periodical payments for each Child shall continue until (subject to the rest of the provisions of this Agreement) that Child reaches the age of 18 years or until that Child finishes full-time education (including any tertiary education), whichever is the latest.

(f). The Parties agree that the periodical maintenance payments shall cover:


II. Educational child maintenance costs

The Parties have also reached an agreement regarding the payment of educational costs for the benefit of the Children which shall be considered separately to the periodical payments above.

(a). School fees

The Parties have agreed that Party A and Party B share equally the cost of all tuition fees invoiced by the Children's school. Each party shall make their payment to the relevant school directly using the payment details set out on the invoice.

The Parties agree that the Agreement regarding the payment of school fees shall remain until the Children finish full-time secondary education (subject to the rest of this Agreement).

(b). Other educational expenses

It is also recorded that the Parties have agreed the following in relation to educational costs for the benefit of the Children:


6. Other agreed child maintenance costs

It is also recorded that the Parties have agreed the following in relation to costs for the benefit of the Children which shall also be paid separately to the periodical payments listed above:


7. 82552 255258 525 522888528228 22 252 85885 25822225282 5258882 (825)

I. 822888528228 22 252 85885 25822225282 Service

8225 2552828 58222882522 525 52522 2552 2225822 82 2588 825222222 85588 2528222 282525 25522 2522 252822 52 52288852822 22 252 85885 25822225282 5258882 225 5 225258 5882882222 82 5282282 22 2258258858 25222228 858882 252 85885522 522582 22 252 52828522 5228 (8582 82 252 8582 2552 252 82552 5885228 255885882822 225 282882 222258 5222 252 252822 22 5 25822225282 25525). 5222 522 8585 225258 825 5882882222, 252 28882528228 52525 2588 825222222 225 2258258858 25222228 85588 82582 22 52282.

II. 25822225282 255258 225 2258258858 payments

552 2552828 58222882522 2552 2522 5582 5258525 2588 8582222 825222222 82 5282282 22 2258258858 25222228 225 252 8222282 22 252 85885522 82 5882555282 8825 8282822 2(2) 22 252 85885 5522252 882 2882 525 2552 2522 8225 252 52282 82 8228222 225 5 25822225282 25525 225 252 2522222 22 2258258858 25222228 528858825 58282 225 252 8222282 22 252 85885522 52525 252 25258222858 855828 882 2888 (25 52525 58525582 2 22 252 85885522 882 2828).

III. Orders for school fees

The Parties understand and agree that:

(a) any Child Maintenance assessment made by the Child Maintenance Service in relation to the Children shall not discharge the obligations set out above regarding the payment of the Children's school fees; and

(b) the Parties shall always be entitled to apply to the Court for a school fees order for the payment of the Children's school fees described above under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (or under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989).

8. Further provisions

I. Revisions to this Agreement

The Parties agree:

(a). to review and, where necessary, to update this Agreement every year on the anniversary of the Agreement; and

(b). to be open and honest regarding their true financial circumstances during the review process so that any revisions can be fair and appropriate.

II. Declarations

The Parties understand that the signing of this written Agreement does not constitute a binding contractual agreement, but both Parties acknowledge that:

(a). they have both been accurate and truthful in respect of their financial resources whilst discussing and making this Agreement; and

(b). as parents, they have a statutory duty to maintain the Children who are the subject of this agreement; and

(c). they are committed to the maintenance of the Children; and

(d). where there is a failure of either party to meet their statutory duty in relation to the maintenance of the Children, that duty may be enforced in the manner set out in section 'Court orders and applications to the Child Maintenance Service'.

III. Signatures

Signed by the Parties:


Signature: _________________________


Dated: ________


Signature: _________________________


Dated: ________

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1. The Parties

I. Party A

Party A is ________ (DOB: ________) of:


Party A is the Children's Mother.

II. Party B

Party B is ________ (DOB: ________) of:


Party B is the Children's Mother.

2. The Children

The Children who are the subject of this Agreement are:


3. Parental Responsibility of the Parties

I. Party A

________ holds Parental Responsibility for all of the Children.

II. Party B

________ holds Parental Responsibility for all of the Children.

4. Background

I. Habitual residence and domicile

Both of the Parties and the Children are habitually resident and domiciled in England and Wales.

II. Child Arrangements Order

There have been previous proceedings concerning the Parties and the arrangements for the Children and a Child Arrangements Order is currently in force as follows:

(a). Case number: ________.

(b). In the Family Court sitting at: ________.

(c). The proceedings concluded on: ________.

(d). The final order directs that the Children shall live with Party A.

(e). The final order directs that the Children shall have contact with Party B as follows:


III. Separation details

The Parties were married on ________ and separated on ________. The arrangements for separation have been as follows:


IV. Previous relationships

It is recorded that Party A has previously been married to a different partner.

It is recorded that Party B has previously been married to a different partner.

V. Non-subject children

It is recorded that Party A has ________ not the subject of this Agreement.

The financial contribution which Party A makes in relation to has been taken into consideration in the making of this agreement in the context of Party A's financial resources.

It is recorded that Party B has ________ not the subject of this agreement.

The financial contributions which Party B makes in relation to have been taken into consideration in the making of this agreement in the context of Party B's financial resources.

VI. Purpose of the Agreement

In view of the Parties separation, they wish to make a written agreement regarding child maintenance to ensure that financial provisions are properly considered in respect of the Children.

VII. Occupation and financial resources of the Parties

(a). Party A

The occupation of Party A is: ________.

(b). Party B

The occupation of Party B is: ________.

VIII. Child maintenance figures

The Parties have reached the below agreement regarding maintenance payments for the benefit of the Children following full and frank disclosure regarding their financial circumstances. In particular, the Parties have:


5. Agreement regarding the payment of maintenance

I. Periodical maintenance payments

The Parties have reached an agreement in respect of periodical payments for the benefit of the Children and record that this is a written agreement regarding the periodical payments in accordance with section 8(5) of the Child Support Act 1991. The Parties have agreed that the periodical payments shall by paid from Party B to Party A as follows:

(a). The payments shall be paid every week on each Monday.

(b). The weekly payments will be for the sum of £________ (________) per week per child.

(c). The first payment shall be made on: ________.

(d). The payments shall be made in the following way: ________.

(e). The Parties agree that the periodical payments for each Child shall continue until (subject to the rest of the provisions of this Agreement) that Child reaches the age of 18 years or until that Child finishes full-time education (including any tertiary education), whichever is the latest.

(f). The Parties agree that the periodical maintenance payments shall cover:


II. Educational child maintenance costs

The Parties have also reached an agreement regarding the payment of educational costs for the benefit of the Children which shall be considered separately to the periodical payments above.

(a). School fees

The Parties have agreed that Party A and Party B share equally the cost of all tuition fees invoiced by the Children's school. Each party shall make their payment to the relevant school directly using the payment details set out on the invoice.

The Parties agree that the Agreement regarding the payment of school fees shall remain until the Children finish full-time secondary education (subject to the rest of this Agreement).

(b). Other educational expenses

It is also recorded that the Parties have agreed the following in relation to educational costs for the benefit of the Children:


6. Other agreed child maintenance costs

It is also recorded that the Parties have agreed the following in relation to costs for the benefit of the Children which shall also be paid separately to the periodical payments listed above:


7. 82552 255258 525 522888528228 22 252 85885 25822225282 5258882 (825)

I. 822888528228 22 252 85885 25822225282 Service

8225 2552828 58222882522 525 52522 2552 2225822 82 2588 825222222 85588 2528222 282525 25522 2522 252822 52 52288852822 22 252 85885 25822225282 5258882 225 5 225258 5882882222 82 5282282 22 2258258858 25222228 858882 252 85885522 522582 22 252 52828522 5228 (8582 82 252 8582 2552 252 82552 5885228 255885882822 225 282882 222258 5222 252 252822 22 5 25822225282 25525). 5222 522 8585 225258 825 5882882222, 252 28882528228 52525 2588 825222222 225 2258258858 25222228 85588 82582 22 52282.

II. 25822225282 255258 225 2258258858 payments

552 2552828 58222882522 2552 2522 5582 5258525 2588 8582222 825222222 82 5282282 22 2258258858 25222228 225 252 8222282 22 252 85885522 82 5882555282 8825 8282822 2(2) 22 252 85885 5522252 882 2882 525 2552 2522 8225 252 52282 82 8228222 225 5 25822225282 25525 225 252 2522222 22 2258258858 25222228 528858825 58282 225 252 8222282 22 252 85885522 52525 252 25258222858 855828 882 2888 (25 52525 58525582 2 22 252 85885522 882 2828).

III. Orders for school fees

The Parties understand and agree that:

(a) any Child Maintenance assessment made by the Child Maintenance Service in relation to the Children shall not discharge the obligations set out above regarding the payment of the Children's school fees; and

(b) the Parties shall always be entitled to apply to the Court for a school fees order for the payment of the Children's school fees described above under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (or under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989).

8. Further provisions

I. Revisions to this Agreement

The Parties agree:

(a). to review and, where necessary, to update this Agreement every year on the anniversary of the Agreement; and

(b). to be open and honest regarding their true financial circumstances during the review process so that any revisions can be fair and appropriate.

II. Declarations

The Parties understand that the signing of this written Agreement does not constitute a binding contractual agreement, but both Parties acknowledge that:

(a). they have both been accurate and truthful in respect of their financial resources whilst discussing and making this Agreement; and

(b). as parents, they have a statutory duty to maintain the Children who are the subject of this agreement; and

(c). they are committed to the maintenance of the Children; and

(d). where there is a failure of either party to meet their statutory duty in relation to the maintenance of the Children, that duty may be enforced in the manner set out in section 'Court orders and applications to the Child Maintenance Service'.

III. Signatures

Signed by the Parties:


Signature: _________________________


Dated: ________


Signature: _________________________


Dated: ________