Letter of Consent of Nominee


Choose whether the person who will sign and send the letter is the nominee or the alternate nominee of the one-person corporation. The nominee is the person who shall, in the event of the stockholder's death or incapacity, act as the director and manage the corporation's affairs. The alternate nominee is the person who shall act as the director and manage the corporations's affairs in the event of the stockholder's death or incapacity and the nominee's death, incapacity, or refusal to act as the director and manage the corporation's affairs.

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Re: Acceptance of Nominee of the One Person Corporation

Dear ________,

I am writing to formally accept your offer to be your designated nominee of your One Person Corporation, ________, or any such name as it may be amended to. My acceptance is in compliance with Section 124 of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines.

As the nominee, I shall sit as the director and manage the affairs of the One Person Corporation upon your death or incapacity. I shall continue to sit as the director until your legal heirs have been lawfully determined and upon their designation of who shall be the single stockholder of ________. 28228882, 82 2255 8285258822 88 222225552, 5 85588 882 58 252 58528225 525 252522 252 5225858 22 ________ 52288 225 5582 52258225 252 85258822 22 588522 8585 552828 5222 2255 282 8282-5222528252822.

In the event that I am called to manage the affairs of ________, I understand the scope and limitations of my authority as nominee as follows:


Thank you for the trust that you have reposed upon me.


TIN - ________

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Re: Acceptance of Nominee of the One Person Corporation

Dear ________,

I am writing to formally accept your offer to be your designated nominee of your One Person Corporation, ________, or any such name as it may be amended to. My acceptance is in compliance with Section 124 of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines.

As the nominee, I shall sit as the director and manage the affairs of the One Person Corporation upon your death or incapacity. I shall continue to sit as the director until your legal heirs have been lawfully determined and upon their designation of who shall be the single stockholder of ________. 28228882, 82 2255 8285258822 88 222225552, 5 85588 882 58 252 58528225 525 252522 252 5225858 22 ________ 52288 225 5582 52258225 252 85258822 22 588522 8585 552828 5222 2255 282 8282-5222528252822.

In the event that I am called to manage the affairs of ________, I understand the scope and limitations of my authority as nominee as follows:


Thank you for the trust that you have reposed upon me.


TIN - ________