Demand Letter for Ejectment


Enter the full name of the person who will sign the letter. If the owner is not an organization, the person who should sign should be the owner of the property.

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Re: Demand to Pay Rent and to Vacate the Property

Dear ________,

I write to you regarding the above-referenced matter for the property located at:


Under our lease agreement, your monthly rent of ________ (₱________) was supposed to be paid every 1st of the month. However, your last rental payment was made on ________. As of this date, you have missed ________ monthly rental payments amounting to ________ (₱________). Due to your failure to pay rent, you have also accrued a penalty of ________ (₱________). In total, you owe ________ (₱________).

Due to the foregoing, I hereby make a final demand upon you to pay ________ (₱________) and to vacate the property within Fifteen (15) Days from receipt of this letter otherwise I would be constrained to institute the appropriate civil complaint against you. I will also hold you liable for interest, damages, attorney's fees, and expenses that I will incur arising from your unlawful detainer of my property.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at ________.

5 252282 225 22 2882 2588 252225 2255 252225222858 522222822.

Best Regards,


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Re: Demand to Pay Rent and to Vacate the Property

Dear ________,

I write to you regarding the above-referenced matter for the property located at:


Under our lease agreement, your monthly rent of ________ (₱________) was supposed to be paid every 1st of the month. However, your last rental payment was made on ________. As of this date, you have missed ________ monthly rental payments amounting to ________ (₱________). Due to your failure to pay rent, you have also accrued a penalty of ________ (₱________). In total, you owe ________ (₱________).

Due to the foregoing, I hereby make a final demand upon you to pay ________ (₱________) and to vacate the property within Fifteen (15) Days from receipt of this letter otherwise I would be constrained to institute the appropriate civil complaint against you. I will also hold you liable for interest, damages, attorney's fees, and expenses that I will incur arising from your unlawful detainer of my property.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at ________.

5 252282 225 22 2882 2588 252225 2255 252225222858 522222822.

Best Regards,
