Cancellation Letter


Choose the type of contract that will be canceled.

A membership contract is a contract wherein the sender is a member of a business or organization such as a gym or a spa.

A subscription contract is a contract wherein the sender is a subscriber to a business or organization, such as a magazine or cable TV.

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Re: Cancellation of Membership

To Whom It May Concern:

I am sending this written notice to request for the cancellation of my membership with ________. The relevant details of my membership are as follows:

Account Name: ________
Account Number: ________

The cancellation of my membership will be effective on ________.

I have enclosed the cancellation fee in the amount of ________ (________) with this letter.

Please refund the balance on my membership in the amount of ________ (________). Please make payment as follows:


If you have any questions or need to contact me regarding my cancellation, I can be reached at the contact information above.

55522 225 225 2255 252222 522222822 22 2588 822225. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225 8525282.



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Re: Cancellation of Membership

To Whom It May Concern:

I am sending this written notice to request for the cancellation of my membership with ________. The relevant details of my membership are as follows:

Account Name: ________
Account Number: ________

The cancellation of my membership will be effective on ________.

I have enclosed the cancellation fee in the amount of ________ (________) with this letter.

Please refund the balance on my membership in the amount of ________ (________). Please make payment as follows:


If you have any questions or need to contact me regarding my cancellation, I can be reached at the contact information above.

55522 225 225 2255 252222 522222822 22 2588 822225. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225 8525282.

