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Last revision: 09/12/2024
Available formats: Word and PDF
Size: 1 page
The Image Removal Request Letter is a document that is used to demand the removal of a copyrighted photograph or image from a party's website or app. The person sending this letter may be the copyright owner of an image that has been published only without their consent or might be seeking the removal of an image for other reasons, for example, if the image is offensive.
This document is similar to the Content Removal Letter, which relates to the removal of a copyrighted material, such as a poem, book, article, or other literary or artistic material that is posted on the internet without the owner's consent or without acknowledging the original owner of the content.
How to use this document
This a short and simple document, which requires the following information: the name and contact details of both the sender and the recipient and details of where the image is hosted.
After completing this document, the sender should sign it and deliver it to the individual or organization that has posted the image. If the sender is an organization, an authorized representative of the sender organization should sign the document on its behalf. Alternatively, this notice can be sent as an email.
The sender is also required to keep a copy of this letter for record purposes.
Applicable law
There are no specific laws that regulate this document. However, it serves as proof that the recipient has engaged in an activity that violates a party's intellectual property rights.
How to modify the template
You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.
At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.
Image Removal Request Letter - FREE - sample template
Country: Nigeria