Disciplinary Appeal Letter


Please, note that this document relates to an aggrieved employee who has received a disciplinary action (for example, low-performance ratings, suspension, dismissal, or other disciplinary action). Enter the full name of the employee appealing against the disciplinary decision the employer has imposed on the employee.

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The Human Resources Manager,

Re: Disciplinary Appeal Letter

I am writing to appeal the decision of the disciplinary committee regarding the following matter:


I have been informed that as a result of the alleged misconduct, I have been suspended with pay for the following period: ________.

I think the matter was not handled properly, instead, I would like you to consider the following:


The following represents a full account of what transpired and I feel I was not given a fair chance to tell my own side of the story:


I have enclosed the following document to support my claim:


55522 225 225 2255 522222822 22 2588 252225. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225.

82558 2582525882,


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The Human Resources Manager,

Re: Disciplinary Appeal Letter

I am writing to appeal the decision of the disciplinary committee regarding the following matter:


I have been informed that as a result of the alleged misconduct, I have been suspended with pay for the following period: ________.

I think the matter was not handled properly, instead, I would like you to consider the following:


The following represents a full account of what transpired and I feel I was not given a fair chance to tell my own side of the story:


I have enclosed the following document to support my claim:


55522 225 225 2255 522222822 22 2588 252225. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225.

82558 2582525882,
