Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy


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Effective date: ________

The Company is committed to promoting a safe, pleasant, and conducive working environment for all its employees. Alcohol and drug use impairs one's decision-making abilities and judgement, which can ruin the life of the individual using it. It poses a threat to the safety and security of Company, its employees, and clients and customers and to the security of the Company's equipment and work tools.

The Company expects employees to maintain a high level of productivity and professionalism while representing the Company. Therefore, any form of drug use and alcoholism is prohibited.

This Drug and Alcohol Policy is a set of rules that outlines the Company's rules on alcohol and drug use, sanctions for misconduct, and stipulates disciplinary actions for non-compliant employees.


"Alcohol" means any toxic and harmful substance with addictive properties.

"Business Hours" means work hours, usually from 9:00AM to 5:00PM.

"Substances" means illegal, addictive, or harmful drugs or other substances that can cause impairment and affect an employee's ability to work effectively.

"Illegal Drugs" means substances, such as cocaine, heroine, cannabis (marijuana), and other harmful or hard drugs that are obtained illegally to stimulate the body system.

"Work Premises" means the Company's business premises.


This Policy applies to all staff of ________. All employees are advised to read it carefully and comply with the provisions contained herein.


The Company prohibits the use, sale, possession, or otherwise dealing with Illegal Substances within the meaning described in this Policy. Employees are prohibited from consuming or being under the influence of drugs during Business Hours.

A detectible presence of Illegal Drugs in any employee during working hours shall be a ground for outright dismissal. The Company will also endeavour to report an employee who is found in possession of hard or illegal drugs.

Any employee using prescription drugs that may affect one's ability to perform their duties safely must report this to the human resources department. The Company prohibits the use of any form of drug that affects an employee's ability to execute their duties effectively.


Alcoholic beverage is any liquid toxic or alcoholic substance, such as beer, wine, spirit, liquor, or other drink that contains alcohol. Employees are prohibited from being in possession of or taking alcohol during working hours and being under the influence of alcohol within the Work Premises.


5.1. Testing before recruitment

As a condition for employment, a job applicant may be subjected to drug and alcohol testing before receiving an offer of employment. The Company will organize the test, and details will be communicated to the applicant. Refusal to submit to the required tests may disqualify the applicant from proceeding with the recruitment process.

5.2. Regular Testing

Employees are required to submit to regular testing for illegal drugs or alcohol once a week. Refusal to submit to the tests required by the management of the Company shall constitute a ground for outright dismissal.

5.3. Random Testing

The Company, may, at any time it sees fit, test any employee who is suspected to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other harmful substances. The Company will carry out all necessary testing and place the affected employee on constant observation. Refusal to submit to the tests required by the management of the Company shall constitute a ground for outright dismissal.

5.4. Post-Accident Testing

An employee operating Company vehicle may be subjected to testing if they contribute to a vehicle accident that results in the injury of the affected employee, a co-worker, or other third party; or an accident resulting in the damage of the Company vehicle. Refusal to submit to the tests required by the management of the Company shall constitute a ground for outright dismissal.

5.5. Testing Procedure

Employees subjected to testing will be tested by medical practitioners approved by the Company. The affected employee must submit to tests at the date and time determined by the Company. The employee will also be required to submit samples, such as urine, stool, or other required specimens for the testing.

PART 6: 585258588 82 2885 28525555

552 8222522 52825828 252 58252 22 8225582 5252822 8282282822 22 252 2252 25228828 225 5555 55528 5222 858288822. 888 222822228, 88882258, 525 82225582258 552 52858525 22 858282 22 8585 8282282822. 822 22282222 852 88 22525 22 82 82 2288288822 22 5555 55528 25 82225585258 85588 2582 52252258522 588882882552 22585528.


Information regarding an employee's positive result, drug or alcohol addiction, and medical prescriptions shall be treated as sensitive information, which shall remain confidential to the extent allowed by the law. Such information shall not be disclosed except:

(I) the information enters the public domain through no fault of the Company;

(II) it is required by law to be disclosed; or

(III) the disclosure of the information is relevant to a charge, claim, grievance, legal proceeding, or complaint filed against the employee.

Notwithstanding the above, the Company may disclose this information to the employee's supervisor, managers, human resources manager, or other party required to possess such information on a need-to-know basis.


A job applicant who fails to submit themselves to testing may not be considered for the job position for which they are applying.

Employees who refuse to submit themselves to testing may be outrightly dismissed from work. If any employee tests positive to hard drugs or alcohol or violates this Policy, depending on the circumstances of each case, any one or more of the following disciplinary actions may apply:

(I) Warning: A staff member who has contravened this Policy may be given a verbal warning or a formal written warning. The warning will outline the date, time, and nature of the offence or misconduct, how the situation will be rectified, and a stern note of warning.

(II) Compulsory counselling: An employee who violates this Policy may be required to attend a counselling programme, which may be organized or sponsored by the Company.

(III) Suspension: The suspension may be definite (for a certain period), or may be indefinite (for an unknown or uncertain period). Employees who are suspended may also forfeit their salaries or other employment benefits.

(IV) Termination of employment: This is the final disciplinary action that may be taken against an employee for a serious misconduct or repeated infractions.

In addition to the disciplinary measure, any employee found to be in possession of hard drugs may be reported to the Nigerian Police Force for proper investigation and prosecution.


If any employee of the Company wishes to make a formal complaint about any issue arising from this Policy or challenge the compliance of this Policy, such issues should be reported in the following manner:



The Company may, at anytime and its sole discretion, change the terms of this Policy. The terms of this Policy can be revised, modifies, or revoked in any manner the Company sees fit. All the employees of the Company wil be duly notified in writing if any change is made to this Policy. Every employee has the duty to read and understand the provisions of any modified version of this Policy and adhere to all its terms.

If there are questions or issues arising from any modified version, such issues should be duly communicated to supervisors and heads of department or the requisite human resources department in the Company.


I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy, which contains the policies, practices, and procedures of ________, and I agree to read, understand, and be bound by all the provisions of this Policy.

I understand that this Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

I also understand that failure to comply with the provisions of this Policy may result in outright dismissal.

I acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures, and other provisions contained in this Policy.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................

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Effective date: ________

The Company is committed to promoting a safe, pleasant, and conducive working environment for all its employees. Alcohol and drug use impairs one's decision-making abilities and judgement, which can ruin the life of the individual using it. It poses a threat to the safety and security of Company, its employees, and clients and customers and to the security of the Company's equipment and work tools.

The Company expects employees to maintain a high level of productivity and professionalism while representing the Company. Therefore, any form of drug use and alcoholism is prohibited.

This Drug and Alcohol Policy is a set of rules that outlines the Company's rules on alcohol and drug use, sanctions for misconduct, and stipulates disciplinary actions for non-compliant employees.


"Alcohol" means any toxic and harmful substance with addictive properties.

"Business Hours" means work hours, usually from 9:00AM to 5:00PM.

"Substances" means illegal, addictive, or harmful drugs or other substances that can cause impairment and affect an employee's ability to work effectively.

"Illegal Drugs" means substances, such as cocaine, heroine, cannabis (marijuana), and other harmful or hard drugs that are obtained illegally to stimulate the body system.

"Work Premises" means the Company's business premises.


This Policy applies to all staff of ________. All employees are advised to read it carefully and comply with the provisions contained herein.


The Company prohibits the use, sale, possession, or otherwise dealing with Illegal Substances within the meaning described in this Policy. Employees are prohibited from consuming or being under the influence of drugs during Business Hours.

A detectible presence of Illegal Drugs in any employee during working hours shall be a ground for outright dismissal. The Company will also endeavour to report an employee who is found in possession of hard or illegal drugs.

Any employee using prescription drugs that may affect one's ability to perform their duties safely must report this to the human resources department. The Company prohibits the use of any form of drug that affects an employee's ability to execute their duties effectively.


Alcoholic beverage is any liquid toxic or alcoholic substance, such as beer, wine, spirit, liquor, or other drink that contains alcohol. Employees are prohibited from being in possession of or taking alcohol during working hours and being under the influence of alcohol within the Work Premises.


5.1. Testing before recruitment

As a condition for employment, a job applicant may be subjected to drug and alcohol testing before receiving an offer of employment. The Company will organize the test, and details will be communicated to the applicant. Refusal to submit to the required tests may disqualify the applicant from proceeding with the recruitment process.

5.2. Regular Testing

Employees are required to submit to regular testing for illegal drugs or alcohol once a week. Refusal to submit to the tests required by the management of the Company shall constitute a ground for outright dismissal.

5.3. Random Testing

The Company, may, at any time it sees fit, test any employee who is suspected to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other harmful substances. The Company will carry out all necessary testing and place the affected employee on constant observation. Refusal to submit to the tests required by the management of the Company shall constitute a ground for outright dismissal.

5.4. Post-Accident Testing

An employee operating Company vehicle may be subjected to testing if they contribute to a vehicle accident that results in the injury of the affected employee, a co-worker, or other third party; or an accident resulting in the damage of the Company vehicle. Refusal to submit to the tests required by the management of the Company shall constitute a ground for outright dismissal.

5.5. Testing Procedure

Employees subjected to testing will be tested by medical practitioners approved by the Company. The affected employee must submit to tests at the date and time determined by the Company. The employee will also be required to submit samples, such as urine, stool, or other required specimens for the testing.

PART 6: 585258588 82 2885 28525555

552 8222522 52825828 252 58252 22 8225582 5252822 8282282822 22 252 2252 25228828 225 5555 55528 5222 858288822. 888 222822228, 88882258, 525 82225582258 552 52858525 22 858282 22 8585 8282282822. 822 22282222 852 88 22525 22 82 82 2288288822 22 5555 55528 25 82225585258 85588 2582 52252258522 588882882552 22585528.


Information regarding an employee's positive result, drug or alcohol addiction, and medical prescriptions shall be treated as sensitive information, which shall remain confidential to the extent allowed by the law. Such information shall not be disclosed except:

(I) the information enters the public domain through no fault of the Company;

(II) it is required by law to be disclosed; or

(III) the disclosure of the information is relevant to a charge, claim, grievance, legal proceeding, or complaint filed against the employee.

Notwithstanding the above, the Company may disclose this information to the employee's supervisor, managers, human resources manager, or other party required to possess such information on a need-to-know basis.


A job applicant who fails to submit themselves to testing may not be considered for the job position for which they are applying.

Employees who refuse to submit themselves to testing may be outrightly dismissed from work. If any employee tests positive to hard drugs or alcohol or violates this Policy, depending on the circumstances of each case, any one or more of the following disciplinary actions may apply:

(I) Warning: A staff member who has contravened this Policy may be given a verbal warning or a formal written warning. The warning will outline the date, time, and nature of the offence or misconduct, how the situation will be rectified, and a stern note of warning.

(II) Compulsory counselling: An employee who violates this Policy may be required to attend a counselling programme, which may be organized or sponsored by the Company.

(III) Suspension: The suspension may be definite (for a certain period), or may be indefinite (for an unknown or uncertain period). Employees who are suspended may also forfeit their salaries or other employment benefits.

(IV) Termination of employment: This is the final disciplinary action that may be taken against an employee for a serious misconduct or repeated infractions.

In addition to the disciplinary measure, any employee found to be in possession of hard drugs may be reported to the Nigerian Police Force for proper investigation and prosecution.


If any employee of the Company wishes to make a formal complaint about any issue arising from this Policy or challenge the compliance of this Policy, such issues should be reported in the following manner:



The Company may, at anytime and its sole discretion, change the terms of this Policy. The terms of this Policy can be revised, modifies, or revoked in any manner the Company sees fit. All the employees of the Company wil be duly notified in writing if any change is made to this Policy. Every employee has the duty to read and understand the provisions of any modified version of this Policy and adhere to all its terms.

If there are questions or issues arising from any modified version, such issues should be duly communicated to supervisors and heads of department or the requisite human resources department in the Company.


I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy, which contains the policies, practices, and procedures of ________, and I agree to read, understand, and be bound by all the provisions of this Policy.

I understand that this Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

I also understand that failure to comply with the provisions of this Policy may result in outright dismissal.

I acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures, and other provisions contained in this Policy.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................