Notice of Cancellation for Non-Payment


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Dear Sir/Madam,


This is to inform you that your order for the following goods has been cancelled due to your lack of payment:


You placed an order on ________. We are yet to receive the sum of ₦________ (________), which you owe for the products you ordered.

If you want your order to be restored, please contact me by phone: ________ or by email: ________. Please note that to reinstate your order, you must make full payment. Payment should be made by cash.

If you wish to discuss this further or you have enquiries about your order, please let me know.

55522 225 225 2255 8225822 525 822282525 252522522. 5 8222 2258555 22 5 25255882 8222288858 8252822 528528228582 8825 225.

Yours faithfully,


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Dear Sir/Madam,


This is to inform you that your order for the following goods has been cancelled due to your lack of payment:


You placed an order on ________. We are yet to receive the sum of ₦________ (________), which you owe for the products you ordered.

If you want your order to be restored, please contact me by phone: ________ or by email: ________. Please note that to reinstate your order, you must make full payment. Payment should be made by cash.

If you wish to discuss this further or you have enquiries about your order, please let me know.

55522 225 225 2255 8225822 525 822282525 252522522. 5 8222 2258555 22 5 25255882 8222288858 8252822 528528228582 8825 225.

Yours faithfully,
