Letter to Extend Probation Period


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Dear ________,


Following our discussion during our meeting on ________, I am writing to inform you that your ________ probation has been extended.

You were employed to the role of ________, and as a condition for your employment, you were required to complete a mandatory ________ probation, which will end on ________. During this period, we are required to assess your job performance, skills, and compliance with our policies.

However, after a thorough assessment of your work, I noted a few concerns and decided to extend your probation by an additional ________ due to your unsatisfactory job performance. Specifically, I observed the following:


Consequently, I am unable to confirm your employment until the satisfactory completion of your probation. However, if I decide that your performance meets our required standards at the end of the extended probation, I will grant you employment.

Therefore, to complete this probation successfully, I would recommend the following:


55522 225 225 2255 5555 8252 525 5258852822. 5 8885 225 8288 82 2255 252552 2252582558.

Yours faithfully,


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Dear ________,


Following our discussion during our meeting on ________, I am writing to inform you that your ________ probation has been extended.

You were employed to the role of ________, and as a condition for your employment, you were required to complete a mandatory ________ probation, which will end on ________. During this period, we are required to assess your job performance, skills, and compliance with our policies.

However, after a thorough assessment of your work, I noted a few concerns and decided to extend your probation by an additional ________ due to your unsatisfactory job performance. Specifically, I observed the following:


Consequently, I am unable to confirm your employment until the satisfactory completion of your probation. However, if I decide that your performance meets our required standards at the end of the extended probation, I will grant you employment.

Therefore, to complete this probation successfully, I would recommend the following:


55522 225 225 2255 5555 8252 525 5258852822. 5 8885 225 8288 82 2255 252552 2252582558.

Yours faithfully,
