Influencer Agreement


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This Influencer Agreement is made entered into as of ________ (the "Effective Date") by and between ________, an individual of the following address:


(hereinafter referred to as the "Advertiser" and which expression shall where the context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns)


________, an individual of the following address:


(hereinafter referred to as the "Influencer" and which expression shall where the context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns). The parties may be individually referred to as the "Party" and collectively referred to as the "Parties".


A. The Advertiser intends to advertise the Products particularly described in this Agreement, and the Advertiser acknowledges that social media is an efficient tool for advertising its Products, and desires that the Influencer promotes their Products using their social media or other digital platforms.

B. The Influencer desires to enter into this Agreement with the Advertiser to promote and sell the Advertiser's Products.

Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants of the Parties and other valuable consideration, (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged), the Parties hereby agree as follows:


Brand Guidelines

Brand's Intellectual Property means all the intellectual property belonging to the Advertiser and its brand, including, but not limited to the copyright to the brand's article, book, any other written work, the brand's trademark, trade name, service mark, brand name, sign, symbol, or sign legally established by use as representing the brand's business or product.

Contents includes all written posts, images, videos, and other posts formulated by the Advertiser or the Influencer for promoting the Advertiser's Products.

Intellectual Property Rights means all the collective rights the Influencer exercises over a images, logos, videos, designs, patterns, copyrights, inventions, or any Content created by the Influencer in the course of their engagement with the Advertiser.

Transaction means this Influencer Agreement between the Advertiser and the Influencer.

Material Connection means the contractual relationship between the Influencer and the Advertiser or the Advertiser's brand, such that as the Influencer acts as the Advertiser's independent contractor.

Brand Affiliates means the Advertiser's partners, subsidiary or parent company, or other group of companies or businesses that are connected or attached to the Advertiser's brand or business.


The Influencer agrees to promote and sell the following Products in exchange for compensation described in this Agreement:


The Influencer agrees to promote the Advertiser's Products according to the rules of the Advertiser's brand.


The Influencer has been engaged to provide the services described in this Agreement as an independent contractor. Therefore, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create an employment relationship, partnership, joint venture, or other partnership with the Advertiser. As an independent contractor:

(I) the Influencer shall be control the manner in which the Influencer performs the work;

(II) the influencer shall be responsible for the remittance of their taxes, including personal income tax and VAT;

(III) the Influencer shall not be entitled to any employment benefit.


The Parties agreement that for the duration of this Agreement, the Influencer shall not work for any advertiser or promote any brand other than the Advertiser's Products. If the Influencer violate this clause, the Influencer shall be liable to pay the sum of ₦________ (________) to the Advertiser as penalty for the breach of contract.

The Advertiser shall also not work with any other Influencer for the purpose of promoting or selling their Products.


As compensation for the promotion and sale of the Advertiser's Products, the Influencer shall receive a flat fee of ₦________ (________).


The Influencer will provide an invoice for payment. The invoice shall include the Influencer's tax identification number (TIN), description of services, fees, and payment details. The Influencer will be paid as follows:



In addition to the compensation described above, the Influencer shall receive the following free items:



The Parties agree that the Influencer may be required to make trips to promote the Advertiser's Products. The details of the trips are as follows:


The Influencer shall receive such trip at no cost as the Advertiser shall be responsible for the Influencer's travel costs, including accommodation, meals, travel tickets, and other reasonable travel expenses.


The Influencer to promote and sell the Advertiser's Products on the following platform(s):


The Influencer will deliver the following for the Advertiser:


The Influencer's posts will relate to the following campaign (the "Campaign"):


The Influencer agrees to obtain the approval of the Advertiser before posting Contents relating to the Campaign on their social media platforms.

The Influencer agrees to follow the Advertiser's specifications and the brand instructions and adhere to all the rules and regulations of the relevant social media platforms.


Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Advertiser grants the Influencer the licence to use the Brand name, logo, and other materials provided to the Influencer (the "Brand's Intellectual Property") to promote and sell the Advertiser's Products (the "Licence").

The Influencer agrees to use the Brand's Intellectual Property solely to facilitate the sale and purchase of the Advertiser's Products (the "Purpose"). Therefore, the Influencer shall not use the Brand's Intellectual Property for any other purpose other than the Purpose described above.

The Influencer hereby acknowledges and agrees that the right granted above, is a Licence, and the Influencer shall not assign, sell, or sub-licence the Licence granted to the Influencer.

The Influencer shall not at any time, during or after the termination of this Agreement, do anything or permit any act of challenging, contesting, or invalidating the rights of the Advertiser to their Brand's Intellectual Property.


Whenever the Influencer makes any post or uploads Contents relating to the Advertiser's Products, the Influencer shall equally disclose any Material Connection with the Advertiser or the Advertiser's brand. Such disclosures include making a statement that shows that the Influencer is in paid partnership with the Advertisers brand or any statement that states or suggests that the Influencer is being paid for the promotion. This can be done by including creating a hashtag with the following phrases or : "In paid Partnership with..." "Sponsored Post" "Sponsored Ad".

This applies to the Influencer regardless of the platform the Influencer uses for the promotion.


This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall terminate when the social media Campaign is completed (the "Expiration Date").

Notwithstanding the above, this Agreement shall be terminated:

(I) if the Parties agree to terminate the Agreement;

(II) if the either of the Parties fail to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, the other Party shall have the right to rescind the Agreement;

(III) if the Influencer's ceases goodwill declines;

(IV) for any other reason, which may, in the opinion of the Advertiser, affect the Influencer's ability to execute their tasks.

Notwithstanding the above, the Advertiser may terminate this Agreement with or without course.

If the Influencer fails to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement or violates any fundamental term of this Agreement or any existing law relating to this Agreement, the Advertiser shall have the right to rescind this Agreement.

If either Party decides to terminate this Agreement for any of the reasons described above, before the Expiration Date, that Party shall do so by issuing a ________ notice to the other Party stating the reason for the termination.

The Parties shall not be discharged from any outstanding obligations and duties including the payment of all outstanding fees and taxes that have become due on the date of termination and all other obligations required by this Agreement. Subject to other provisions of this Agreement, the Influencer shall upon termination of this Agreement, be entitled to all fees that have been earned but not paid, except the Influencer breaches a fundamental of this Agreement, in which case, the Influencer may forfeit their remuneration.

Upon Expiration or termination, the Influencer submits all materials, documents, or other works of intellectual property, or any tangible property belonging to the Advertiser.


The Influencer hereby assigns and releases all Intellectual Property Rights in all designs, formulas, inventions, patterns, copyrights, and all original works of intellectual property created under this Agreement to the Advertiser.

By virtue of this Assignment, the Influencer agrees that the Advertiser, it's authorized agents, and partners (the "Brand Affiliates") shall exclusively own all Contents, written works, videos, text, photographs, and all other intellectual property rights, including trademarks, trade secrets, goodwill, patents, copyrights, or other materials created, developed or created by the Influencer during the period of engagement for the promotion and sale of the Advertiser's Products, and the Advertiser shall be granted unrestricted access to use such intellectual property.

The Influencer also grants the Advertiser and the Brand Affiliates the royalty-free, exclusive, and unlimited licence to use and feature the Influencer's Contents and other works of intellectual property created for the Campaign on any digital, broadcast, and print media, including, but not limited to all television stations, radio, newspaper, magazine, website, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms, website.

14. 888258585582558 88252855885

552 2552828 58222882522 2552 82 885252 22 2588 55528582822, 8225 2552828 252 5582 588288 22 222-258888 822285222858 82225252822 525 252 5882 2288288 8252582 82225252822 522555822 252 85882288 222552822 22 252 22525 25522 (252 "55552 528522 52225252822"). 822828522282, 2585 25522 525228 22 25822582 252 828522 252552 22 8585 82225252822. 552 2552828 5882 58222882522 2552 522225822 22 252 885852825282, 2522 252 828222 252 5888828822 25522 25 528288822 25522. 52 8585 22528, 2588 822285222858 2528888228 85588 82 8825822 22 252 25522 528288822 252 822285222858 82225252822 (252 "828288822 25522") 525 22225825882 82 252 25522 5888828822 252 822285222858 82225252822 (252 "8888828822 25522").

822285222858 82225252822 82885528 588 82225252822 25 252258588 22 85522825 252552 52852822 22 252 2552282 588882825 82 252 2552828 82 8555822 22 522 8582222 25225858 25 82 522 2558 25 8582222 825222222 8552822825 85885 82885528 852 222 8828225 22 528522228, 2285288528, 255828828, 22288, 82288288528228, 8282228228, 2522228, 255522552, 8222 85528, 55588228, 2522552228 852 85588 222 8288552 252 228828822 82225252822 25 5525:

(5) 85885 852 82 28258888525 82 8582222 5282558 22 82 5852552 22282 22 252 828288822 25522 25 252 258888 52 252 2822 22 252 5888828552;

(55) 85885 222258 252 258888 522582 2552525 22 25582 22 252 828288822 25522;

(555) 88 28822 82 252 8888828822 25522 22 25855 2552828 8825252 522 528258828228;

(55) 88 28822 22 252 828288822 25522 82 522 25855 25522 852 88 82 2288288822 22 8585 82225252822 525 558 252 82258 58252 22 58888282 82; 25

(5) 2552 88 52858525 82 858 22 82 588882825.

55552 828522 82225252822 82885528 588 22525858, 2522252, 5288228, 2528288, 2225258 25 22525 82225252822 2552 88 222 22282 25 258882 5882525825882 22 252 2222558 258888.

552 2552828 525282 52522 58 2288288:

(5) 22 2522 252225 525 5258225882 22585528 22 228552 252 822285222858822 22 252 822285222858 82225252822 52525 2588 825222222;

(55) 222 22 2522 258888, 2588885 25 225258882 58888282 82 85282 25 2552, 522 82225252822 52852822 22 252 25582882, 85882288 52588228 25 22525 2522258 52852822 22 2588 55528582822 8825252 282582822 252 2525288 8228222 22 252 22525 25522;

(555) 222 22 582 252 822285222858 82225252822 225 522 2552282 22525 2552 252 2552282 225 85885 2588 825222222 858 8525225.

5585 25522 525228 222 22 58888282 252 25552 828522 82225252822 25 822285222858 82225252822 555822 525 52225 252 22528252822 22 2588 825222222 225 58 8222 58 82 5225828 5 25552 828522.


Neither party shall, before the Expiration or Termination Date, be liable for any failure to fulfill any term of this Agreement if the fulfillment has been delayed, hindered, interfered with, or prevented by force majeure, which in this Agreement, shall mean any circumstances:

(I) which is beyond a Party's control;

(II) which such Party could not have reasonably avoided or overcome; and

(III) which is not attributable to the other Party.

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, force majeure shall include the following events and circumstances:

(I) war, hostilities, or invasion;

(II) rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power;

(III) riot, civil disorder, or other acts that may reasonably affect the ability of the Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.


The Influencer agrees to indemnify and hold the Advertiser and the Brand's Affiliates harmless against any suit, action, damages, liabilities, expense of any kind whatsoever, loss, damage, judgement, settlements and any kind of loss that may incur as a result of the Influencer's conduct and breach of any term contained in this Agreement, which may include:

(I) the Influencer's use of the Brand's Intellectual Property;

(II) a violation of any law, rule, or regulation regulating digital marketing that is committed by the Influencer or Influencers agent;

(III) any harm or injury suffered by any third party due to the Influencer's fault;

(IV) any cost incurred by the Advertiser or the Brand's Affiliates in enforcing its rights under this Agreement, including all reasonable attorney fees.


The Parties can modify any part of this Agreement with the express consent of the other Party. If the Parties agree to vary the entire Agreement, and a new Agreement is created to regulate the relationship of the Parties, this Agreement shall be terminated. If any part of the modified version of this Agreement becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts shall be valid.


The Parties agree to use their best endeavours to negotiate and settle any dispute or difference of opinion between them, arising from or connected with this Agreement amicably.

Any dispute, which cannot be mutually resolved by the parties, shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the following arbitration rules: Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 2004 or any statutory re-enactment or modification thereof.

The tribunal shall consist of ________ arbitrators who shall be elected in the following manner:


The arbitration proceedings shall be held in: ________ and conducted in English language.

Each Party shall bear their own cost and expenses in relation to the arbitration proceedings except where an award has been made by the arbitrators for cost to be borne by a particular Party.

The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on all the Parties and shall be enforced by any competent court.


This Agreement shall be binding on successors of the Parties. The rights granted under this Agreement shall not be transferred, sold, assigned, sub-leased to any party without the consent of the other Party.


Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived in writing at any time by the Party entitled to such benefit. No delay, omission, or failure to exercise or enforce any right shall be construed as a waiver or subsequently compel the strict compliance of the provision of this Agreement.


This Agreement may be amended or varied by either of the Parties and such variation must be agreed and signed by both Parties to this Agreement.


If any part of this Agreement is held enforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue to be in force and have effect.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and shall supersede any prior written or oral agreement made between the Parties.


The rights of the Parties in this Agreement are cumulative and shall not be construed as exclusive except as otherwise stated by the law.


The Parties shall execute and deliver all such documents and take all such actions and all steps to procure the performance of all such acts as may be necessary or incidental to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.


This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, all of which constitutes a single agreement between the Parties.

the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement this day and year first written above.

by the within named Influencer


in the presence of:





SIGNED by the within named Advertiser


in the presence of:







The Influencer shall perform the following tasks and duties for the Advertiser:


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This Influencer Agreement is made entered into as of ________ (the "Effective Date") by and between ________, an individual of the following address:


(hereinafter referred to as the "Advertiser" and which expression shall where the context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns)


________, an individual of the following address:


(hereinafter referred to as the "Influencer" and which expression shall where the context so admits include its successors-in-title and assigns). The parties may be individually referred to as the "Party" and collectively referred to as the "Parties".


A. The Advertiser intends to advertise the Products particularly described in this Agreement, and the Advertiser acknowledges that social media is an efficient tool for advertising its Products, and desires that the Influencer promotes their Products using their social media or other digital platforms.

B. The Influencer desires to enter into this Agreement with the Advertiser to promote and sell the Advertiser's Products.

Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants of the Parties and other valuable consideration, (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged), the Parties hereby agree as follows:


Brand Guidelines

Brand's Intellectual Property means all the intellectual property belonging to the Advertiser and its brand, including, but not limited to the copyright to the brand's article, book, any other written work, the brand's trademark, trade name, service mark, brand name, sign, symbol, or sign legally established by use as representing the brand's business or product.

Contents includes all written posts, images, videos, and other posts formulated by the Advertiser or the Influencer for promoting the Advertiser's Products.

Intellectual Property Rights means all the collective rights the Influencer exercises over a images, logos, videos, designs, patterns, copyrights, inventions, or any Content created by the Influencer in the course of their engagement with the Advertiser.

Transaction means this Influencer Agreement between the Advertiser and the Influencer.

Material Connection means the contractual relationship between the Influencer and the Advertiser or the Advertiser's brand, such that as the Influencer acts as the Advertiser's independent contractor.

Brand Affiliates means the Advertiser's partners, subsidiary or parent company, or other group of companies or businesses that are connected or attached to the Advertiser's brand or business.


The Influencer agrees to promote and sell the following Products in exchange for compensation described in this Agreement:


The Influencer agrees to promote the Advertiser's Products according to the rules of the Advertiser's brand.


The Influencer has been engaged to provide the services described in this Agreement as an independent contractor. Therefore, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create an employment relationship, partnership, joint venture, or other partnership with the Advertiser. As an independent contractor:

(I) the Influencer shall be control the manner in which the Influencer performs the work;

(II) the influencer shall be responsible for the remittance of their taxes, including personal income tax and VAT;

(III) the Influencer shall not be entitled to any employment benefit.


The Parties agreement that for the duration of this Agreement, the Influencer shall not work for any advertiser or promote any brand other than the Advertiser's Products. If the Influencer violate this clause, the Influencer shall be liable to pay the sum of ₦________ (________) to the Advertiser as penalty for the breach of contract.

The Advertiser shall also not work with any other Influencer for the purpose of promoting or selling their Products.


As compensation for the promotion and sale of the Advertiser's Products, the Influencer shall receive a flat fee of ₦________ (________).


The Influencer will provide an invoice for payment. The invoice shall include the Influencer's tax identification number (TIN), description of services, fees, and payment details. The Influencer will be paid as follows:



In addition to the compensation described above, the Influencer shall receive the following free items:



The Parties agree that the Influencer may be required to make trips to promote the Advertiser's Products. The details of the trips are as follows:


The Influencer shall receive such trip at no cost as the Advertiser shall be responsible for the Influencer's travel costs, including accommodation, meals, travel tickets, and other reasonable travel expenses.


The Influencer to promote and sell the Advertiser's Products on the following platform(s):


The Influencer will deliver the following for the Advertiser:


The Influencer's posts will relate to the following campaign (the "Campaign"):


The Influencer agrees to obtain the approval of the Advertiser before posting Contents relating to the Campaign on their social media platforms.

The Influencer agrees to follow the Advertiser's specifications and the brand instructions and adhere to all the rules and regulations of the relevant social media platforms.


Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Advertiser grants the Influencer the licence to use the Brand name, logo, and other materials provided to the Influencer (the "Brand's Intellectual Property") to promote and sell the Advertiser's Products (the "Licence").

The Influencer agrees to use the Brand's Intellectual Property solely to facilitate the sale and purchase of the Advertiser's Products (the "Purpose"). Therefore, the Influencer shall not use the Brand's Intellectual Property for any other purpose other than the Purpose described above.

The Influencer hereby acknowledges and agrees that the right granted above, is a Licence, and the Influencer shall not assign, sell, or sub-licence the Licence granted to the Influencer.

The Influencer shall not at any time, during or after the termination of this Agreement, do anything or permit any act of challenging, contesting, or invalidating the rights of the Advertiser to their Brand's Intellectual Property.


Whenever the Influencer makes any post or uploads Contents relating to the Advertiser's Products, the Influencer shall equally disclose any Material Connection with the Advertiser or the Advertiser's brand. Such disclosures include making a statement that shows that the Influencer is in paid partnership with the Advertisers brand or any statement that states or suggests that the Influencer is being paid for the promotion. This can be done by including creating a hashtag with the following phrases or : "In paid Partnership with..." "Sponsored Post" "Sponsored Ad".

This applies to the Influencer regardless of the platform the Influencer uses for the promotion.


This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall terminate when the social media Campaign is completed (the "Expiration Date").

Notwithstanding the above, this Agreement shall be terminated:

(I) if the Parties agree to terminate the Agreement;

(II) if the either of the Parties fail to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, the other Party shall have the right to rescind the Agreement;

(III) if the Influencer's ceases goodwill declines;

(IV) for any other reason, which may, in the opinion of the Advertiser, affect the Influencer's ability to execute their tasks.

Notwithstanding the above, the Advertiser may terminate this Agreement with or without course.

If the Influencer fails to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement or violates any fundamental term of this Agreement or any existing law relating to this Agreement, the Advertiser shall have the right to rescind this Agreement.

If either Party decides to terminate this Agreement for any of the reasons described above, before the Expiration Date, that Party shall do so by issuing a ________ notice to the other Party stating the reason for the termination.

The Parties shall not be discharged from any outstanding obligations and duties including the payment of all outstanding fees and taxes that have become due on the date of termination and all other obligations required by this Agreement. Subject to other provisions of this Agreement, the Influencer shall upon termination of this Agreement, be entitled to all fees that have been earned but not paid, except the Influencer breaches a fundamental of this Agreement, in which case, the Influencer may forfeit their remuneration.

Upon Expiration or termination, the Influencer submits all materials, documents, or other works of intellectual property, or any tangible property belonging to the Advertiser.


The Influencer hereby assigns and releases all Intellectual Property Rights in all designs, formulas, inventions, patterns, copyrights, and all original works of intellectual property created under this Agreement to the Advertiser.

By virtue of this Assignment, the Influencer agrees that the Advertiser, it's authorized agents, and partners (the "Brand Affiliates") shall exclusively own all Contents, written works, videos, text, photographs, and all other intellectual property rights, including trademarks, trade secrets, goodwill, patents, copyrights, or other materials created, developed or created by the Influencer during the period of engagement for the promotion and sale of the Advertiser's Products, and the Advertiser shall be granted unrestricted access to use such intellectual property.

The Influencer also grants the Advertiser and the Brand Affiliates the royalty-free, exclusive, and unlimited licence to use and feature the Influencer's Contents and other works of intellectual property created for the Campaign on any digital, broadcast, and print media, including, but not limited to all television stations, radio, newspaper, magazine, website, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms, website.

14. 888258585582558 88252855885

552 2552828 58222882522 2552 82 885252 22 2588 55528582822, 8225 2552828 252 5582 588288 22 222-258888 822285222858 82225252822 525 252 5882 2288288 8252582 82225252822 522555822 252 85882288 222552822 22 252 22525 25522 (252 "55552 528522 52225252822"). 822828522282, 2585 25522 525228 22 25822582 252 828522 252552 22 8585 82225252822. 552 2552828 5882 58222882522 2552 522225822 22 252 885852825282, 2522 252 828222 252 5888828822 25522 25 528288822 25522. 52 8585 22528, 2588 822285222858 2528888228 85588 82 8825822 22 252 25522 528288822 252 822285222858 82225252822 (252 "828288822 25522") 525 22225825882 82 252 25522 5888828822 252 822285222858 82225252822 (252 "8888828822 25522").

822285222858 82225252822 82885528 588 82225252822 25 252258588 22 85522825 252552 52852822 22 252 2552282 588882825 82 252 2552828 82 8555822 22 522 8582222 25225858 25 82 522 2558 25 8582222 825222222 8552822825 85885 82885528 852 222 8828225 22 528522228, 2285288528, 255828828, 22288, 82288288528228, 8282228228, 2522228, 255522552, 8222 85528, 55588228, 2522552228 852 85588 222 8288552 252 228828822 82225252822 25 5525:

(5) 85885 852 82 28258888525 82 8582222 5282558 22 82 5852552 22282 22 252 828288822 25522 25 252 258888 52 252 2822 22 252 5888828552;

(55) 85885 222258 252 258888 522582 2552525 22 25582 22 252 828288822 25522;

(555) 88 28822 82 252 8888828822 25522 22 25855 2552828 8825252 522 528258828228;

(55) 88 28822 22 252 828288822 25522 82 522 25855 25522 852 88 82 2288288822 22 8585 82225252822 525 558 252 82258 58252 22 58888282 82; 25

(5) 2552 88 52858525 82 858 22 82 588882825.

55552 828522 82225252822 82885528 588 22525858, 2522252, 5288228, 2528288, 2225258 25 22525 82225252822 2552 88 222 22282 25 258882 5882525825882 22 252 2222558 258888.

552 2552828 525282 52522 58 2288288:

(5) 22 2522 252225 525 5258225882 22585528 22 228552 252 822285222858822 22 252 822285222858 82225252822 52525 2588 825222222;

(55) 222 22 2522 258888, 2588885 25 225258882 58888282 82 85282 25 2552, 522 82225252822 52852822 22 252 25582882, 85882288 52588228 25 22525 2522258 52852822 22 2588 55528582822 8825252 282582822 252 2525288 8228222 22 252 22525 25522;

(555) 222 22 582 252 822285222858 82225252822 225 522 2552282 22525 2552 252 2552282 225 85885 2588 825222222 858 8525225.

5585 25522 525228 222 22 58888282 252 25552 828522 82225252822 25 822285222858 82225252822 555822 525 52225 252 22528252822 22 2588 825222222 225 58 8222 58 82 5225828 5 25552 828522.


Neither party shall, before the Expiration or Termination Date, be liable for any failure to fulfill any term of this Agreement if the fulfillment has been delayed, hindered, interfered with, or prevented by force majeure, which in this Agreement, shall mean any circumstances:

(I) which is beyond a Party's control;

(II) which such Party could not have reasonably avoided or overcome; and

(III) which is not attributable to the other Party.

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, force majeure shall include the following events and circumstances:

(I) war, hostilities, or invasion;

(II) rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power;

(III) riot, civil disorder, or other acts that may reasonably affect the ability of the Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.


The Influencer agrees to indemnify and hold the Advertiser and the Brand's Affiliates harmless against any suit, action, damages, liabilities, expense of any kind whatsoever, loss, damage, judgement, settlements and any kind of loss that may incur as a result of the Influencer's conduct and breach of any term contained in this Agreement, which may include:

(I) the Influencer's use of the Brand's Intellectual Property;

(II) a violation of any law, rule, or regulation regulating digital marketing that is committed by the Influencer or Influencers agent;

(III) any harm or injury suffered by any third party due to the Influencer's fault;

(IV) any cost incurred by the Advertiser or the Brand's Affiliates in enforcing its rights under this Agreement, including all reasonable attorney fees.


The Parties can modify any part of this Agreement with the express consent of the other Party. If the Parties agree to vary the entire Agreement, and a new Agreement is created to regulate the relationship of the Parties, this Agreement shall be terminated. If any part of the modified version of this Agreement becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts shall be valid.


The Parties agree to use their best endeavours to negotiate and settle any dispute or difference of opinion between them, arising from or connected with this Agreement amicably.

Any dispute, which cannot be mutually resolved by the parties, shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the following arbitration rules: Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 2004 or any statutory re-enactment or modification thereof.

The tribunal shall consist of ________ arbitrators who shall be elected in the following manner:


The arbitration proceedings shall be held in: ________ and conducted in English language.

Each Party shall bear their own cost and expenses in relation to the arbitration proceedings except where an award has been made by the arbitrators for cost to be borne by a particular Party.

The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on all the Parties and shall be enforced by any competent court.


This Agreement shall be binding on successors of the Parties. The rights granted under this Agreement shall not be transferred, sold, assigned, sub-leased to any party without the consent of the other Party.


Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived in writing at any time by the Party entitled to such benefit. No delay, omission, or failure to exercise or enforce any right shall be construed as a waiver or subsequently compel the strict compliance of the provision of this Agreement.


This Agreement may be amended or varied by either of the Parties and such variation must be agreed and signed by both Parties to this Agreement.


If any part of this Agreement is held enforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue to be in force and have effect.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and shall supersede any prior written or oral agreement made between the Parties.


The rights of the Parties in this Agreement are cumulative and shall not be construed as exclusive except as otherwise stated by the law.


The Parties shall execute and deliver all such documents and take all such actions and all steps to procure the performance of all such acts as may be necessary or incidental to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.


This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, all of which constitutes a single agreement between the Parties.

the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement this day and year first written above.

by the within named Influencer


in the presence of:





SIGNED by the within named Advertiser


in the presence of:







The Influencer shall perform the following tasks and duties for the Advertiser:
