Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy


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Effective date: ________


Every staff has the right to work in a healthy environment that provides equal employment opportunities and prohibits all forms of discrimination and victimization. Therefore, at ________, our main aim is to provide a free, safe, and convenient environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, victimization, harassment, and bullying.

All staff members are expected to treat their co-workers with respect and dignity and ensure a peaceful and friendly working environment. Employees are therefore required to refrain from the use of abusive or vulgar words, engaging in fights and unhealthy rivalry, and engaging in other unacceptable practices within the work environment.


This Policy applies to all staff of ________. All employees are advised to read it carefully and comply with the provisions contained herein. This Policy applies to unacceptable conduct in the workplace and also any work-related setting outside the workplace.


At ________, we provide every staff member an equal employment opportunity, and all staff is rewarded on a merit basis. The merit basis refers to an employee's qualification, talent, skills, expertise, or competence. In considering a person for recruitment, allocation of tasks, promotion, training, salary increase, or other employment benefits, managers and supervisors are required to consider a person based on merit as the Company does not tolerate any form of favoritism, nepotism, or discrimination at the workplace.


The Company is committed to providing a safe workplace free from any form of harassment and discrimination. The Company will not tolerate any form of discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, orientation, ethnicity, nationality, race, marital status, medical record, parental status, ancestry, the fact that a person is pregnant or breastfeeding, disability, political opinions or ideology, injury or disease, or trade union membership. More specifically, discrimination occurs when:

(I) the acceptance or rejection of a conduct is used as a basis for obtaining employment, promotion, or any employment benefit;

(II) the acceptance or rejection of a conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions affecting an employee of this Company;

(III) any instance of discrimination against anyone.

To prevent discrimination, the Company has provided the following measures to ensure that decisions are fair and lawful:



5.1. Harassment

The Company prohibits bullying, harassment, and victimization in the workplace.

Harassment is described as any unwanted or unsolicited act or conduct that is considered offensive or disturbing, which at creating an intimidating and hostile work environment. Harassment includes, but not limited to:

(I) making requests in exchange for benefits, promotion, or other employment benefits;

(II) making derogatory remarks about ones body, gender, age, or disability or other special characteristics;

(III) verbal or physical abuse, fighting, shouting, teasing, or other inappropriate or violent conduct.

5.2. Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is a form of harassment that involves the use of explicit or implicit unwanted sexual advances and flirtations. It can be based on a person's gender, sexual orientation, or expression. Examples of sexual harassment include:

(I) repeated and unsolicited sexual advances or propositions;

(II) using sexually-orientated comment against ones body;

(III) sending sexually-suggestive messages, social media posts, videos, or emails;

(IV) unwelcome leering, touching, or unsolicited body contact;

(V) unwelcome display of obscene or sexually suggestive videos and images;

(VI) non-verbal conducts such as sexual gestures and suggestive visuals;

(VII) using sexual or disparaging gestures or comments;

(VIII) using derogatory, offensive, or vulgar remarks or unwelcome sexual advances;

(IX) unwanted and repeated pressure for sexual activity.

Sexual harassment also involves making requests, promises or granting employment benefits in exchange for sexual relations, where:

(I) the acceptance of such conduct is a condition of employment, promotion, or employment benefits;

(II) the acceptance or refusal of such conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions affecting the employee involved;

(III) such conducts have the capacity of creating a hostile and intimidating environment for the affected employee.

The Company prohibits all forms of harassment including sexual harassment in the workplace and in any work-related environment.

5.3. Bullying

The Company has zero tolerance for any form of bullying in the workplace. Bullying may take various forms, which include:

(I) Cyber-bullying involves any harm or injury exacted on a person through the use of computers, mobile phone, and other electronic devices, which is either done privately or in public. It includes sending insulting, distressing or abusive messages, emails, or videos about a co-worker; spreading unverified information about a co-worker; or intimidating a co-worker on the internet.

(II) Physical bullying involves hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, converting or destroying one's property, physical damage or injury, any other violent or inordinate done act against a co-worker which causes short or long term damage.

(III) Verbal bullying involves making hurtful, disparaging, or damaging statements or remarks about a co-worker and making distressing racial, gender-related, or discriminatory remarks with the intent of intimidating a co-worker.

(IV) Social bullying involves spreading rumours and lies; unwarranted teasing or making embarrassing jokes about a co-worker's interests, lifestyle, or habits; embarrassing a co-worker privately or in public; and other acts or conducts that are done to humiliate any employee.

In relation to harassment and bullying, a single incidence shall constitute harassment and bullying, and ignorance of this Policy will not be an excuse.


Victimization occurs when one causes willful pain to another. It is also a form of discrimination that may arise when an employee is given a cruel treatment because of their office or role in the Company, for reporting perceived discrimination of harassment, or for other reasons.

The Company does not tolerate any form of victimization, and any person involved in such activities will be disciplined accordingly.


(I) The Company is committed to providing a free and safe working environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.

(II) The Company will organize and sponsor trainings and programmes on harassment, discrimination, and victimization.

(III) The Company provides an efficient grievance procedure that addresses complaints relating to discrimination, harassment, victimization, and other unacceptable practices.

(IV) The Company undertakes to handle all complaints confidentially.

PART 8: 8825 82 522288555

522822228 552 52858525 22 52 252 228828822:

(5) 522822228 852585 822282 8825 252 2528888228 22 2588 228882 525 252 8222522'8 22888828 22 8252 22 8225582.

(55) 522822228 852585 5282282 25285 8288252528, 25252258, 85225888258, 8882228 525 858222258, 88882258 22 2588 8222522 525 852585 25252 2522 258582.

(555) 522822228 852585 522252 522 225828825 58885828252822, 8882828252822, 5555882222, 25 52258852822 22 2822 525 22 252 52252258522 225852 225 8282828252822.

(55) 522822228 252 82 52858525 22 588882 82 252 8282828252822 22 85828 22 58885828252822, 5555882222, 525 22525 2888225582.

(5) 522822228 852585 25822582 252 822285222858822 22 2522258 828288822 8222858228 52852822 22 5555882222, 58885828252822, 525 8882828252822.

(55) 522822228 852585 2882582 252 2222558 825255558 525 8252 22 8225582 22 2588 8222522.


Managers, supervisors, and heads of departments of this Company have the obligation to as follows:

(I) Managers should comply with the Company's code of conduct policy and other policies of the Company.

(II) Managers and supervisors should treat their subordinates fairly and with dignity and respect.

(III) Managers in charge of recruitment, promotion, or reward of employees should act fairly, and grant rewards on the basis of merit only. They should avoid all forms of discrimination and victimization.

(IV) Managers should not abuse their position of authority in the Company, and should not request any sexual favours in exchange for employment benefits.


If any employee violates this Policy, the following disciplinary actions may apply:

(I) Warning: A staff member who has contravened this Policy may be given a verbal warning or a formal written warning. The warning will outline the date, time, and nature of the offence or misconduct, how the situation will be rectified, and a stern note of warning.

(II) Apology: In addition to any other disciplinary action, an employee that has contravened this Policy may be required to tender an apology to the person that has been offended. The apology may be done verbally or in writing.

(III) Compulsory counselling: An employee who is found guilty of breaching this Policy may be required to attend a counselling programme, which may be organized or sponsored by the Company.

(IV) Suspension: The suspension may be definite (for a certain period), or may be indefinite (for an unknown or uncertain period). Employees who are suspended may also forfeit their salaries or other employment benefits.

(V) Termination of employment: This is the final disciplinary action that may be taken against an employee for repeated infractions and for severe offences or gross misconduct.


If you have experienced any conduct that violates this Policy, you should report such cases to ________ as soon as possible. ________ is responsible for receiving complaints on behalf of the Company and investigating issues involving harassment, discrimination, or unfair treatment.

Such complaints may be made orally or in writing. If the complaint is made orally, the affected employee may be required to make a written statement of the incident. The written complaint should give a full account of the occurrence to include the precise date and location of the event, the person(s) involved, and other relevant information that would help the investigation of the matter. In particular, the complaints may be brought as follows:



The Company encourages reporting of any perceived harassment, discrimination, and victimization through the appropriate channel. The Company prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports any violation or assists in investigating any case of harassment or discrimination.


The Company may, at anytime and at its sole discretion, change the terms of this Policy. The terms of this Policy can be revised, modified, or altered in any manner the Company sees fit. All the employees of the Company will be duly notified in writing if any change is made to this Policy. Every employee has the duty to read and understand the provisions of any modified version of this Policy and adhere to its terms.

If there are questions or issues arising from any modified version, such issues should be duly communicated to appropriate medium.


You agree that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all the provisions of this Policy.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................

Preview your document


Effective date: ________


Every staff has the right to work in a healthy environment that provides equal employment opportunities and prohibits all forms of discrimination and victimization. Therefore, at ________, our main aim is to provide a free, safe, and convenient environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, victimization, harassment, and bullying.

All staff members are expected to treat their co-workers with respect and dignity and ensure a peaceful and friendly working environment. Employees are therefore required to refrain from the use of abusive or vulgar words, engaging in fights and unhealthy rivalry, and engaging in other unacceptable practices within the work environment.


This Policy applies to all staff of ________. All employees are advised to read it carefully and comply with the provisions contained herein. This Policy applies to unacceptable conduct in the workplace and also any work-related setting outside the workplace.


At ________, we provide every staff member an equal employment opportunity, and all staff is rewarded on a merit basis. The merit basis refers to an employee's qualification, talent, skills, expertise, or competence. In considering a person for recruitment, allocation of tasks, promotion, training, salary increase, or other employment benefits, managers and supervisors are required to consider a person based on merit as the Company does not tolerate any form of favoritism, nepotism, or discrimination at the workplace.


The Company is committed to providing a safe workplace free from any form of harassment and discrimination. The Company will not tolerate any form of discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, orientation, ethnicity, nationality, race, marital status, medical record, parental status, ancestry, the fact that a person is pregnant or breastfeeding, disability, political opinions or ideology, injury or disease, or trade union membership. More specifically, discrimination occurs when:

(I) the acceptance or rejection of a conduct is used as a basis for obtaining employment, promotion, or any employment benefit;

(II) the acceptance or rejection of a conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions affecting an employee of this Company;

(III) any instance of discrimination against anyone.

To prevent discrimination, the Company has provided the following measures to ensure that decisions are fair and lawful:



5.1. Harassment

The Company prohibits bullying, harassment, and victimization in the workplace.

Harassment is described as any unwanted or unsolicited act or conduct that is considered offensive or disturbing, which at creating an intimidating and hostile work environment. Harassment includes, but not limited to:

(I) making requests in exchange for benefits, promotion, or other employment benefits;

(II) making derogatory remarks about ones body, gender, age, or disability or other special characteristics;

(III) verbal or physical abuse, fighting, shouting, teasing, or other inappropriate or violent conduct.

5.2. Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is a form of harassment that involves the use of explicit or implicit unwanted sexual advances and flirtations. It can be based on a person's gender, sexual orientation, or expression. Examples of sexual harassment include:

(I) repeated and unsolicited sexual advances or propositions;

(II) using sexually-orientated comment against ones body;

(III) sending sexually-suggestive messages, social media posts, videos, or emails;

(IV) unwelcome leering, touching, or unsolicited body contact;

(V) unwelcome display of obscene or sexually suggestive videos and images;

(VI) non-verbal conducts such as sexual gestures and suggestive visuals;

(VII) using sexual or disparaging gestures or comments;

(VIII) using derogatory, offensive, or vulgar remarks or unwelcome sexual advances;

(IX) unwanted and repeated pressure for sexual activity.

Sexual harassment also involves making requests, promises or granting employment benefits in exchange for sexual relations, where:

(I) the acceptance of such conduct is a condition of employment, promotion, or employment benefits;

(II) the acceptance or refusal of such conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions affecting the employee involved;

(III) such conducts have the capacity of creating a hostile and intimidating environment for the affected employee.

The Company prohibits all forms of harassment including sexual harassment in the workplace and in any work-related environment.

5.3. Bullying

The Company has zero tolerance for any form of bullying in the workplace. Bullying may take various forms, which include:

(I) Cyber-bullying involves any harm or injury exacted on a person through the use of computers, mobile phone, and other electronic devices, which is either done privately or in public. It includes sending insulting, distressing or abusive messages, emails, or videos about a co-worker; spreading unverified information about a co-worker; or intimidating a co-worker on the internet.

(II) Physical bullying involves hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, converting or destroying one's property, physical damage or injury, any other violent or inordinate done act against a co-worker which causes short or long term damage.

(III) Verbal bullying involves making hurtful, disparaging, or damaging statements or remarks about a co-worker and making distressing racial, gender-related, or discriminatory remarks with the intent of intimidating a co-worker.

(IV) Social bullying involves spreading rumours and lies; unwarranted teasing or making embarrassing jokes about a co-worker's interests, lifestyle, or habits; embarrassing a co-worker privately or in public; and other acts or conducts that are done to humiliate any employee.

In relation to harassment and bullying, a single incidence shall constitute harassment and bullying, and ignorance of this Policy will not be an excuse.


Victimization occurs when one causes willful pain to another. It is also a form of discrimination that may arise when an employee is given a cruel treatment because of their office or role in the Company, for reporting perceived discrimination of harassment, or for other reasons.

The Company does not tolerate any form of victimization, and any person involved in such activities will be disciplined accordingly.


(I) The Company is committed to providing a free and safe working environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.

(II) The Company will organize and sponsor trainings and programmes on harassment, discrimination, and victimization.

(III) The Company provides an efficient grievance procedure that addresses complaints relating to discrimination, harassment, victimization, and other unacceptable practices.

(IV) The Company undertakes to handle all complaints confidentially.

PART 8: 8825 82 522288555

522822228 552 52858525 22 52 252 228828822:

(5) 522822228 852585 822282 8825 252 2528888228 22 2588 228882 525 252 8222522'8 22888828 22 8252 22 8225582.

(55) 522822228 852585 5282282 25285 8288252528, 25252258, 85225888258, 8882228 525 858222258, 88882258 22 2588 8222522 525 852585 25252 2522 258582.

(555) 522822228 852585 522252 522 225828825 58885828252822, 8882828252822, 5555882222, 25 52258852822 22 2822 525 22 252 52252258522 225852 225 8282828252822.

(55) 522822228 252 82 52858525 22 588882 82 252 8282828252822 22 85828 22 58885828252822, 5555882222, 525 22525 2888225582.

(5) 522822228 852585 25822582 252 822285222858822 22 2522258 828288822 8222858228 52852822 22 5555882222, 58885828252822, 525 8882828252822.

(55) 522822228 852585 2882582 252 2222558 825255558 525 8252 22 8225582 22 2588 8222522.


Managers, supervisors, and heads of departments of this Company have the obligation to as follows:

(I) Managers should comply with the Company's code of conduct policy and other policies of the Company.

(II) Managers and supervisors should treat their subordinates fairly and with dignity and respect.

(III) Managers in charge of recruitment, promotion, or reward of employees should act fairly, and grant rewards on the basis of merit only. They should avoid all forms of discrimination and victimization.

(IV) Managers should not abuse their position of authority in the Company, and should not request any sexual favours in exchange for employment benefits.


If any employee violates this Policy, the following disciplinary actions may apply:

(I) Warning: A staff member who has contravened this Policy may be given a verbal warning or a formal written warning. The warning will outline the date, time, and nature of the offence or misconduct, how the situation will be rectified, and a stern note of warning.

(II) Apology: In addition to any other disciplinary action, an employee that has contravened this Policy may be required to tender an apology to the person that has been offended. The apology may be done verbally or in writing.

(III) Compulsory counselling: An employee who is found guilty of breaching this Policy may be required to attend a counselling programme, which may be organized or sponsored by the Company.

(IV) Suspension: The suspension may be definite (for a certain period), or may be indefinite (for an unknown or uncertain period). Employees who are suspended may also forfeit their salaries or other employment benefits.

(V) Termination of employment: This is the final disciplinary action that may be taken against an employee for repeated infractions and for severe offences or gross misconduct.


If you have experienced any conduct that violates this Policy, you should report such cases to ________ as soon as possible. ________ is responsible for receiving complaints on behalf of the Company and investigating issues involving harassment, discrimination, or unfair treatment.

Such complaints may be made orally or in writing. If the complaint is made orally, the affected employee may be required to make a written statement of the incident. The written complaint should give a full account of the occurrence to include the precise date and location of the event, the person(s) involved, and other relevant information that would help the investigation of the matter. In particular, the complaints may be brought as follows:



The Company encourages reporting of any perceived harassment, discrimination, and victimization through the appropriate channel. The Company prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports any violation or assists in investigating any case of harassment or discrimination.


The Company may, at anytime and at its sole discretion, change the terms of this Policy. The terms of this Policy can be revised, modified, or altered in any manner the Company sees fit. All the employees of the Company will be duly notified in writing if any change is made to this Policy. Every employee has the duty to read and understand the provisions of any modified version of this Policy and adhere to its terms.

If there are questions or issues arising from any modified version, such issues should be duly communicated to appropriate medium.


You agree that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by all the provisions of this Policy.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................