Resignation Letter of a Company Director


Indicate if the director is an individual or a company. Note that under the law, either a person or a company can be a director of a company. There are four major types of companies in Nigeria, such as: Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD), Public Company Limited by Shares(PLC), Company Limited by Guarantee (LTD/GTE) and Unlimited Liability Company(UNLTD).

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The Company Secretary

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Resignation as Director of ________

I hereby tender my resignation from the position of a director in ________ with immediate effect.

5 25522 252 82555 22 885282258 225 giving me the opportunity and the assistance to discharge my duties as director during my term.

Yours faithfully,



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The Company Secretary

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Resignation as Director of ________

I hereby tender my resignation from the position of a director in ________ with immediate effect.

5 25522 252 82555 22 885282258 225 giving me the opportunity and the assistance to discharge my duties as director during my term.

Yours faithfully,

