Notice for Board Meeting of Directors Fill out the template

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Notice for Board Meeting of Directors

Last revision Last revision 01-12-2024
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size1 to 2 pages
Fill out the template

Last revisionLast revision: 01-12-2024

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 1 to 2 pages

Fill out the template

The Notice for Board Meeting is a notice that needs to be circulated amongst the Directors of a Company prior to a Board Meeting. In terms of the Companies Act, 2013, every company is required to hold its first board meeting within 30 days from the date of incorporation and thereafter hold at least 4 board meetings in one year. Notice for board meetings must be provided to the Directors of a Company at least seven days before the date of the Board Meeting (as per section 173 of the Companies Act, 2013). However, if all the Directors of the Board agree, the notice period can be shorter as well.

How to use this document?

This document can be used to create a notice for the first board meeting of a company or any subsequent meeting.

Here, the person creating the notice will first enter pertinent information about the company and the meeting such as the name of the company, date, time, and place of meeting. Further, the person can also enter details about whom the notice is to be addressed. In the case of specific companies, a notice of board meetings may also be required to be given to stock exchanges (listed companies) or other parties as required by law or contract (for instance where a lender has specified as such in a loan agreement with the company) and not just to directors.

Then, the form-filler will enter details about the agenda for the meeting and the items to be discussed.

After it is filled out, this document should be printed on the letterhead of the company and signed by the director and/or company secretary. One copy should be kept with the company, and one should be sent to the recipient(s) within the time period as specified under the Companies Act.

Applicable law

Notices for board meetings in India are subject to the Companies Act, 2013, read with the Secretarial Standards on Meetings of Board of Directors issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

How to modify the template?

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

Fill out the template