Letter Requesting Annual Leave


"Letter Requesting General Leave" - this letter is created explicitly for requesting annual leave. For general leave requests like sick leave, short leave, etc. For general leave applications like sick leave, short leave, etc., the following template can be used: Letter Requesting Leave "Letter Requesting Annual Leave" - this letter will be used to send annual leave from the employer.

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Dated: ________

Re: Letter Requesting Annual Leave

Dear ________,

Following up the discussion we had on ________ during which you had given your verbal approval for annual leave, I am writing this letter to request you to sanction my annual leave for ________ days from ________ to ________. I plan to rejoin on ________. Although I have already taken the annual leave this year, my request is within the bounds of the annual leave policy and I am hoping you will sanction the same.

In case of any urgent matter, I can be contacted at the following number: ________ and can also be contacted at the following email address: ________.

282582 52 822 22 2228 82 225 2225 522 5558282258 82225252822 25 8855828852822. 55522 225 225 82288525822 22 5285282. I would be grateful if you could confirm the approval or rejection of my application over an email or message, or outlining your concerns, so that I may finalize my plans accordingly.

Yours Sincerely,



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Dated: ________

Re: Letter Requesting Annual Leave

Dear ________,

Following up the discussion we had on ________ during which you had given your verbal approval for annual leave, I am writing this letter to request you to sanction my annual leave for ________ days from ________ to ________. I plan to rejoin on ________. Although I have already taken the annual leave this year, my request is within the bounds of the annual leave policy and I am hoping you will sanction the same.

In case of any urgent matter, I can be contacted at the following number: ________ and can also be contacted at the following email address: ________.

282582 52 822 22 2228 82 225 2225 522 5558282258 82225252822 25 8855828852822. 55522 225 225 82288525822 22 5285282. I would be grateful if you could confirm the approval or rejection of my application over an email or message, or outlining your concerns, so that I may finalize my plans accordingly.

Yours Sincerely,

