Letter to Request Return of Security Deposit Paid for Lease of Premises


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Date: ________


Dear ________,

Sub: Request for Refund of deposit in respect of the property situated at ________ leased by ________ pursuant to lease deed dated ________.

1 We refer to the lease deed dated ________ ("Lease Deed") entered into between ________ and ________ in terms of which the property situated at: ________ (the "Premises") was leased by us from you.

2 In accordance with the terms of the Lease Deed, a security deposit of Rs. ________ (________) was paid to you as refundable interest free deposit.

3 The lease of the Premises leased by the ________ from ________ pursuant to the Lease Deed has expired, and the Premises has been vacated on ________ and all keys have been returned.

4 All the tenant obligations in relation to this property have been fulfilled. In particular, no damage has been caused to the property and there is no outstanding rent. Accordingly, all conditions for refund of the security deposit have been met.

5 It is, therefore, requested that the entire deposit of Rs. ________ (________) be returned to ________ within a period of 10 days from the receipt of this letter.

6 Without prejudice to any rights that ________ may have under the Lease Deed 25 5228885882 8588, 82 52852822 22 252 2522222 22 252 5222882, 82 225 2588 22 5525 2825 252 5222882 882582 5 225825 22 28 5528, it will be assumed that you intend to claim some or all of the deposit. Any such claim by you will be disputed and interest will be payable on the amount that is not refunded at the rate of ________ % till the date that the security deposit is received by us.



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Date: ________


Dear ________,

Sub: Request for Refund of deposit in respect of the property situated at ________ leased by ________ pursuant to lease deed dated ________.

1 We refer to the lease deed dated ________ ("Lease Deed") entered into between ________ and ________ in terms of which the property situated at: ________ (the "Premises") was leased by us from you.

2 In accordance with the terms of the Lease Deed, a security deposit of Rs. ________ (________) was paid to you as refundable interest free deposit.

3 The lease of the Premises leased by the ________ from ________ pursuant to the Lease Deed has expired, and the Premises has been vacated on ________ and all keys have been returned.

4 All the tenant obligations in relation to this property have been fulfilled. In particular, no damage has been caused to the property and there is no outstanding rent. Accordingly, all conditions for refund of the security deposit have been met.

5 It is, therefore, requested that the entire deposit of Rs. ________ (________) be returned to ________ within a period of 10 days from the receipt of this letter.

6 Without prejudice to any rights that ________ may have under the Lease Deed 25 5228885882 8588, 82 52852822 22 252 2522222 22 252 5222882, 82 225 2588 22 5525 2825 252 5222882 882582 5 225825 22 28 5528, it will be assumed that you intend to claim some or all of the deposit. Any such claim by you will be disputed and interest will be payable on the amount that is not refunded at the rate of ________ % till the date that the security deposit is received by us.

