General Cease and Desist Letter

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Date: ________



Dear ________,

Re: Cease and desist

This letter serves as a notice to you to cease and desist all kinds of defamatory activities against me including but not limited to the following activities:


Through your activities, you have been making several false allegations and accusations against ________ thereby spreading false information and trying to damage the reputation of ________.

Your actions are unwanted, annoying and defamatory and your false accusations, actions and statements have caused me to suffer inter-alia:

- Substantial loss and damage to my business;

- Substantial damage to my professional reputation;

- Substantial harm to my personal reputation and character;

- Emotional distress;

The statements made by you are false, baseless, highly defamatory of ________ and made with the intention to cause damages and to defame it.

I hereby request you to immediately cease and desist the abovementioned activities and to unconditionally apologise for your actions and refrain from such activities including without limitation refrain from making any false and baseless accusations that are false to your knowledge, 2882 5 8888 82 82282558225 22 2522 82258 582822 22 8222 5525228 525 22525 52252258522 52225828. We hereby also demand that within a period of ________ days from the receipt of the letter, you remove all defamatory statements and content from the following:


and publish a retraction and apology in the following manner:


You are required to notify me in writing when the above has been completed.

This letter is being sent without prejudice to any rights and/or remedies that ________ may have under applicable laws.




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Date: ________



Dear ________,

Re: Cease and desist

This letter serves as a notice to you to cease and desist all kinds of defamatory activities against me including but not limited to the following activities:


Through your activities, you have been making several false allegations and accusations against ________ thereby spreading false information and trying to damage the reputation of ________.

Your actions are unwanted, annoying and defamatory and your false accusations, actions and statements have caused me to suffer inter-alia:

- Substantial loss and damage to my business;

- Substantial damage to my professional reputation;

- Substantial harm to my personal reputation and character;

- Emotional distress;

The statements made by you are false, baseless, highly defamatory of ________ and made with the intention to cause damages and to defame it.

I hereby request you to immediately cease and desist the abovementioned activities and to unconditionally apologise for your actions and refrain from such activities including without limitation refrain from making any false and baseless accusations that are false to your knowledge, 2882 5 8888 82 82282558225 22 2522 82258 582822 22 8222 5525228 525 22525 52252258522 52225828. We hereby also demand that within a period of ________ days from the receipt of the letter, you remove all defamatory statements and content from the following:


and publish a retraction and apology in the following manner:


You are required to notify me in writing when the above has been completed.

This letter is being sent without prejudice to any rights and/or remedies that ________ may have under applicable laws.


