Affidavit of Designated Partners to Wind up an LLP


"Separate Affidavit for each Designated partner" - the Affidavit will be created with the details of each Designated Partner separately. "Joint Affidavit for all the Designated Partners" - a single Affidavit will be used for all the Designated Partners.

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(Under sub-clause (b) of clause (II) of sub-rule (1A) to rule 37 of LLP Rules)

________, the Designated Partner, with DPIN: ________ Partner of ________ (hereinafter referred to as "LLP"), incorporated on ________ with LLPIN: ________, under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 and having its registered office at ________, do solemnly affirm and state as under:

1. I, ________, Parent Name: ________, having DPIN: ________, the Designated Partner of the LLP as stated above since ________.

2. My permanent address is at ________.

3. My residential address is at ________.

4. The LLP has ceased its operations since ________.

5. The LLP has filed the income tax return till the following financial year: ________.

6. The LLP have an outstanding debt amounting to Rs ________(________) and the same will be paid off within a period of ________ days from the date of signing this Affidavit.

7. In case of any loss to any person or any valid claim and liability arising from any person after the striking off the name of the LLP from the Registrar of Companies, I, the Designated Partner of the LLP, undertake to indemnify any person for such losses, valid claim and liability and the indemnity bond to this effect is being submitted separately with the application form.

5 82822282 522852 2552 2588 52885552822 88 2552 22 252 8282 22 22 222882522 525 828822 525 2552 82 82282588 2225822 525 2552 22 2552 22 82 88 25882.


DPIN: ________



I, ________, verify that the contents of this Affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


DPIN: ________


Place: ________

Date: ________

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(Under sub-clause (b) of clause (II) of sub-rule (1A) to rule 37 of LLP Rules)

________, the Designated Partner, with DPIN: ________ Partner of ________ (hereinafter referred to as "LLP"), incorporated on ________ with LLPIN: ________, under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 and having its registered office at ________, do solemnly affirm and state as under:

1. I, ________, Parent Name: ________, having DPIN: ________, the Designated Partner of the LLP as stated above since ________.

2. My permanent address is at ________.

3. My residential address is at ________.

4. The LLP has ceased its operations since ________.

5. The LLP has filed the income tax return till the following financial year: ________.

6. The LLP have an outstanding debt amounting to Rs ________(________) and the same will be paid off within a period of ________ days from the date of signing this Affidavit.

7. In case of any loss to any person or any valid claim and liability arising from any person after the striking off the name of the LLP from the Registrar of Companies, I, the Designated Partner of the LLP, undertake to indemnify any person for such losses, valid claim and liability and the indemnity bond to this effect is being submitted separately with the application form.

5 82822282 522852 2552 2588 52885552822 88 2552 22 252 8282 22 22 222882522 525 828822 525 2552 82 82282588 2225822 525 2552 22 2552 22 82 88 25882.


DPIN: ________



I, ________, verify that the contents of this Affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


DPIN: ________


Place: ________

Date: ________