Letter Requesting a Pay Rise Fill out the template

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Letter Requesting a Pay Rise

Last revision Last revision 13/12/2024
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size1 page
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Last revisionLast revision: 13/12/2024

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 1 page

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Requesting a pay raise is always daunting, even when it is deserved. This Letter Requesting a Pay Rise is designed to ease the discomfort of this task by providing a clear and professional format for petitioning a change in remuneration.

Employees should always put their request in writing, this brings a level of formality to the exchange and show the Employer that they are serious. It is also always advisable to keep a written record of any and all exchanges pertaining to potential contract variations, for which, technically a pay raise qualifies.

This letter opens with a note of gratitude for the Employee's experience and opportunities enjoyed within the particular organisation. Irrespective of the outcome of remuneration negotiations it is always best to stay on positive terms with superiors and not let disagreements cloud perceptions of the overall benefits of the relationship and employment.

It is important when requesting an increase in remuneration that the Employee specify the reasons why they believe they deserve it. These reasons should be subjective (based on their experience within the business itself) and objective (based on wider industry standards).

This letter includes a section which allows the user to list their various professional accomplishments achieved while working for the Employer. It is easy for minor and major successes to get lost in fray, and for an employee's accomplishments to go without proper recognition from management. This letter is a good opportunity for employees to recall the numerous ways in which they have contributed to the department's and organisation's success. Employees can include examples such as: how they have increased the businesses revenue, saved costs, helped the team, met or exceeded their targets. The idea is to show the Employer what an asset the Employee is to the organisation and that they do in fact deserve the raise requested.

An Employee can justify their request for a pay raise based on industry standards for remuneration for an individual performing comparable tasks, with comparable responsibilities. Simple research through recruitment agencies or reputable online salary calculators can reveal the level of remuneration that is typical for an individual in the Employee's field with their qualifications and years experience. This can act an objective salary benchmark to bring into negotiations. It is important to show the Employer that the Employee is only asking for their due and what they're worth in the industry (or indeed to the Employer's competitors). This Letter includes a section allowing the user to input this information.

A final point to consider when asking for a raise is whether the business is in good financial health. Indicators of this are if the business has recently expanded or taken on new staff. The Employee can check quarterly reports if they are unsure how the business is doing. Employees should be dissuaded from asking for a raise under any circumstances if they feel it is deserved, but generally speaking the Employer will have a harder time rejected an earnest and reasonable request if the firm is in a good place financially. The Letter includes an optional reference to the firm's financial health.

How to Use the Document

This Letter Requesting a Pay Rise can be used by any employee seeking an increase in their remuneration. It is advised that employees request a pay raise at a time when the organisation appears to be in good financial health. Often businesses will limit the time of year when they will consider adjustments in remuneration. The employee should consult the Employee Handbook or the Human Resources Department to see if their Employer has such a policy in place. It is advised that the user print a copy of this Letter and keep a hard copy in their personal records. A copy should also be sent to the Human Resources Department.

Applicable Law

There is not any specific law regulating the manner in which a request for remuneration should be sought. There are however professional standards of best practice which this letter incorporates. Furthermore, this Letter is written in contemplation of Irish Contract Law. Technically speaking requesting a pay rise amounts to requesting a variation in terms and conditions of the Contract of Employment, as such it is best to have a clear written record of exchanges as evidence of offers and counter offers.

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