Warning Letter of Workplace Harassment


A business can take various forms. At times, if there's no registered trade name, the name of a business is the name of the person or individual themselves. This would be the individual who operates the business. The business may also be incorporated or a partnership.

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Re: Warning Letter of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Dear ________,

This letter serves as a warning of sexual workplace harassment at ________. It has come to our attention that you have engaged in behaviour that is demeaning and harassing towards ________.

As you are aware, we have had more than one detailed discussion about harassment at work and your conduct in that regard. This includes:


Not only are these acts not in compliance with statutory law, they are also against workplace policy. ________ does not tolerate this sort of indecency.

This letter constitutes a formal written reprimand and if there is a continuing pattern of workplace harassment lodged in your employee file, the employer will take further action as needed.

As highlighted above, you have been previously notified about these actions and have previously acknowledged that the behaviour is not tolerated in the workplace. Given that the behaviour has not changed, it is apparent that the gravity of this situation is not fully understood.

22822 2258555, 282582 5225582 2522 522 52252228882258 525 82252225 825588255. 8225582822 2522 2588 825588255 88 22 2255 8222282 525 22 252 8222282 22 ________. 22 8888 82 8828282 2228225822 2588 882552822.

________ will keep a copy of this letter in your employee file.

Sincerely yours,



Employee signature:


I acknowledge the contents of this letter and that a lack of signature does not indicate non-receipt, waiver or disregard of this letter. I have been given the opportunity to review and sign same prior to it being added to my file.

Date of signature: ______________

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Re: Warning Letter of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Dear ________,

This letter serves as a warning of sexual workplace harassment at ________. It has come to our attention that you have engaged in behaviour that is demeaning and harassing towards ________.

As you are aware, we have had more than one detailed discussion about harassment at work and your conduct in that regard. This includes:


Not only are these acts not in compliance with statutory law, they are also against workplace policy. ________ does not tolerate this sort of indecency.

This letter constitutes a formal written reprimand and if there is a continuing pattern of workplace harassment lodged in your employee file, the employer will take further action as needed.

As highlighted above, you have been previously notified about these actions and have previously acknowledged that the behaviour is not tolerated in the workplace. Given that the behaviour has not changed, it is apparent that the gravity of this situation is not fully understood.

22822 2258555, 282582 5225582 2522 522 52252228882258 525 82252225 825588255. 8225582822 2522 2588 825588255 88 22 2255 8222282 525 22 252 8222282 22 ________. 22 8888 82 8828282 2228225822 2588 882552822.

________ will keep a copy of this letter in your employee file.

Sincerely yours,



Employee signature:


I acknowledge the contents of this letter and that a lack of signature does not indicate non-receipt, waiver or disregard of this letter. I have been given the opportunity to review and sign same prior to it being added to my file.

Date of signature: ______________