Vacation Policy


This is the business of the employer who wants to enforce the policy. A business can take various forms. At times, if there's no registered trade name, the name of a business is the name of the person or individual themselves. This would be the individual who operates the business. The business may also be incorporated or a partnership.

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1.1. This Policy is revised as of: ________.

1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to establish rules on employee rights to take vacation and to outline the employer's discretion in deciding when employees can take vacation time. This Policy also addresses the separate entitlements of vacation pay and vacation time.

1.3. All other contracts, documents, rules, policies and workplace regulations will continue to apply concurrently with this Policy. The employer shall rectify any inconsistencies.


2.1. This Policy applies to all employees who work for ________, whether seasonal, contract, full time or part time, permanent or temporary.

2.2. At the time of vacation, the employer shall calculate the entitlement of the respective employee based on their length of time with the employer and hours worked.


3.1. Employees who have been employed and working for ________ for 12 months shall be eligible for vacation time.

3.2. After the 12 months of employment, employees must take their vacation within ten (10) months after such vacation is earned.

3.3. The date of vacation will depend on the arrangement made with ________. Although ________ will coordinate vacation times with employees, the employer ultimately has the discretion to determine when an employee shall take their vacation. Employees may submit special requests for certain vacation dates at least fourteen (14) days in advance.

3.4. Subject to the employer allowing an increased length of vacation, after the eligibility period of 12 months, the vacation time for employees shall be the statutory minimum of two weeks after every completed year of employment for employees whose employment period is less than five years. For employees with more than five years, three weeks.

3.5. The employer also allows additional vacation as follows:



4.1. Employees who receive the above-noted vacation time shall be entitled to minimum vacation pay of four (4%) percent of gross wages earned during the 12-month period for employees whose employment period is less than five years. For employees with more than five years, six (6%) percent.

4.2. Entitlement to vacation pay shall begin the moment the employee starts work. As detailed below, such entitlement affects the employees' pay on cessation of employment.

4.3. The employer also allows additional vacation pay as follows:


4.4. After an employee ceases to work for ________, whether they were terminated or have resigned, they shall be entitled to unpaid vacation pay at the above-noted rate.

5) 855585588 82 5222882585

________. 58828888822 225 85852822 252 822222828 58 8222 58 52 22282222 88 58525 525 28828888822 225 85852822 2822 822222828 228828822 252 28582 552 22 2228222222. 52 252 28222 22 22528252822 22 2228222222, 222822228 85588 82 2585 225 522 525825 85852822 2822 2552 252 25 252 222 5582 5885525. 55852822 252 88 52 22282822222 8522525 252 22282222 558 8222 8825 252 22282225 225 2882 5528 25 2882 22558.


6.1. During employees' leaves of absence, vacation time continues accumulating, notwithstanding such leave. However, vacation pay ultimately depends on the employment contract with the individual employee.


7.1. Should you have any questions or concerns arising from this Policy, or need to report an incident, kindly contact ________ using the following information:



T: ________



I have received and reviewed the Vacation Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.

Employee Signature

Employee Name (Print)


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1.1. This Policy is revised as of: ________.

1.2. The purpose of this Policy is to establish rules on employee rights to take vacation and to outline the employer's discretion in deciding when employees can take vacation time. This Policy also addresses the separate entitlements of vacation pay and vacation time.

1.3. All other contracts, documents, rules, policies and workplace regulations will continue to apply concurrently with this Policy. The employer shall rectify any inconsistencies.


2.1. This Policy applies to all employees who work for ________, whether seasonal, contract, full time or part time, permanent or temporary.

2.2. At the time of vacation, the employer shall calculate the entitlement of the respective employee based on their length of time with the employer and hours worked.


3.1. Employees who have been employed and working for ________ for 12 months shall be eligible for vacation time.

3.2. After the 12 months of employment, employees must take their vacation within ten (10) months after such vacation is earned.

3.3. The date of vacation will depend on the arrangement made with ________. Although ________ will coordinate vacation times with employees, the employer ultimately has the discretion to determine when an employee shall take their vacation. Employees may submit special requests for certain vacation dates at least fourteen (14) days in advance.

3.4. Subject to the employer allowing an increased length of vacation, after the eligibility period of 12 months, the vacation time for employees shall be the statutory minimum of two weeks after every completed year of employment for employees whose employment period is less than five years. For employees with more than five years, three weeks.

3.5. The employer also allows additional vacation as follows:



4.1. Employees who receive the above-noted vacation time shall be entitled to minimum vacation pay of four (4%) percent of gross wages earned during the 12-month period for employees whose employment period is less than five years. For employees with more than five years, six (6%) percent.

4.2. Entitlement to vacation pay shall begin the moment the employee starts work. As detailed below, such entitlement affects the employees' pay on cessation of employment.

4.3. The employer also allows additional vacation pay as follows:


4.4. After an employee ceases to work for ________, whether they were terminated or have resigned, they shall be entitled to unpaid vacation pay at the above-noted rate.

5) 855585588 82 5222882585

________. 58828888822 225 85852822 252 822222828 58 8222 58 52 22282222 88 58525 525 28828888822 225 85852822 2822 822222828 228828822 252 28582 552 22 2228222222. 52 252 28222 22 22528252822 22 2228222222, 222822228 85588 82 2585 225 522 525825 85852822 2822 2552 252 25 252 222 5582 5885525. 55852822 252 88 52 22282822222 8522525 252 22282222 558 8222 8825 252 22282225 225 2882 5528 25 2882 22558.


6.1. During employees' leaves of absence, vacation time continues accumulating, notwithstanding such leave. However, vacation pay ultimately depends on the employment contract with the individual employee.


7.1. Should you have any questions or concerns arising from this Policy, or need to report an incident, kindly contact ________ using the following information:



T: ________



I have received and reviewed the Vacation Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.

Employee Signature

Employee Name (Print)
