This Social Media Policy is revised as of: ________
The purpose of this Policy is to allow ________ ("employer") to set rules on use of social media applications in the workplace. This includes limiting personal use of social media unless such use falls within the scope of duties of employees and is permitted by ________.
The employer ensures compliance with all applicable Federal and Provincial or Territorial laws. Any part of this Policy that is inconsistent with the law shall be deemed severed.
All other contracts, documents, rules, policies and workplace regulations will continue to apply concurrently with this Policy. The employer shall rectify any inconsistencies between employee contracts and this Policy.
This Policy applies to all employees, prospective employees, staff, personnel, and workers who are connected with ________. This Policy applies to all staff members, whether full-time or part-time, temporary or permanent, and any other member that ________ deems appropriate in the circumstances who utilize social media (hereinafter "employees").
The use of social media may be a necessary function of an employee's duties. This includes employees who work in marketing and sales, business development or employees who are otherwise engaged in promoting the business affairs of ________, in a manner consistent with this Policy.
Use of social media in promoting and advertising ________ must reflect its actual objectives and must never include any derogatory, obscene, negative, or inappropriate content. Any social media campaigns must undergo assessment and receive company endorsement prior to being released.
Use of social media in the workplace that contravenes this Policy may warrant disciplinary action. Such prohibited uses may include, but not be limited to:
The content that is permitted when using social media for business purposes includes the following:
________ and its employees will respect the perspectives and opinions of others and conduct themselves professionally in accordance with the best social networking method at all times. Employees will listen and respond to customer feedback courteously, committing themselves to being responsible citizens and upstanding members of the community. Social media is for business use only during working hours, unless the employer approves otherwise. Damaging behaviour and content considered harassing, dishonest or offensive will not be tolerated and social media for personal use during working hours is strictly prohibited, unless consistent with this Policy.
When using company-issued hardware such as laptops, tablets, desktops or mobile devices, employees are prohibited from using such devices for personal reasons, including logging into social media and posting videos or photographs. The use of company devices when accessing social media is limited to employment functions and must be within the scope of the employee's duties, if the company permits such. Any unauthorized use or misuse of company-issued hardware is prohibited. Employees shall not click on suspicious links or spam emails and shall refrain from downloading malicious or illegal applications. Employees shall comply with the company's IT Policy, where applicable.
Applicability: Personal blogging means employees' use of social media applications outside of the workplace to write comments, make posts, either photographs or videos and general content creation through the use of the Internet.
Liability: Employees' posts or content creation shall be their sole responsibility, and liability shall be exclusively borne by the employee who posted such. Employees shall be fully accountable for any ramifications that stem from their content, and ________ shall not bear any liability.
Confidentiality: Employees using social media applications outside of work that are web-based, discussion groups, chat rooms, content sharing sites, and other social sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, or other platforms on which users may write content or captions are prohibited from disclosing any proprietary, confidential, trade secrets, and personal information of ________, or describe third parties with whom the company deals. Posting with the use of pseudonyms can also pose problems for ________, therefore, such activities are not permitted. Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements signed by the employee extend to use of social media, including blogs, posts, tweets, and professional networking platforms.
Identification: An employee who identifies themselves as working for ________, and posts content on social media that discusses the business, or its customers, should add a disclaimer stating that the employee's views are their own and they do not constitute the opinion or position of ________. The employee's views cannot be construed as the company's opinion, and it should be made expressly clear that ________ has no connection to the subject matter of the post.
Equipment: Employees shall utilize personal devices for social media, and such use shall be done on their own time and not during business hours. If employees, such as marketing and sales, or business development strategists use social media for business purposes, their business account should be entirely segregated from their personal account with different privacy settings and make it clear that such account is a business account.
Defamatory and Derogatory Posts: Employees using social media applications shall not make any violent, discriminating, derogatory or harassing comments towards colleagues and fellow employees, clients and customers, or management at ________, whether or not pseudonyms or misleading names are being used. Employees shall further ensure not to engage in defamatory conduct that may impact the reputation of ________; and shall remain true to their implied duty of good faith and loyalty. Any form of damaging material towards ________ is expressly prohibited.
5) 58555552855885
522822228 852585 2222822 522 8582888228 22 5 852585 22 2588 228882 25 525525258225 582 22 828858 22585 22 25285 8522588825 25 582525 2525222222 58 8222 58 22888882. 5588 252 82 5222 52222225882.
552 22282225 85588 522585582 2228225 228822 285222528 82 85885 828 2522 5222558 525 8888 82828282522 58825582282. 552 22282225 85588 2522 52258825 22228 22 252 8282828252822 525 58252 252 22282222 82 85282822. 52 252 828858 22585 2282 88 5 28225 8222558222822 22 2588 228882, 252 22282225 2582 828882 22 828 5222858 525 2882 252 22282222 5 8552822. 8282825, 82 252 828858 22585 2282 825825882 82225582228 2588 228882, 2522 252 22282225 252 8582225 252 22282222 225 252 55552822 22 828 8282828252822.
Should you have any questions or concerns arising from this Policy, or need to report an incident, kindly contact ________ using the following information:
T: ________
I have received and reviewed the Workplace Social Media Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.
Employee Signature
Employee Name (Print)
This Social Media Policy is revised as of: ________
The purpose of this Policy is to allow ________ ("employer") to set rules on use of social media applications in the workplace. This includes limiting personal use of social media unless such use falls within the scope of duties of employees and is permitted by ________.
The employer ensures compliance with all applicable Federal and Provincial or Territorial laws. Any part of this Policy that is inconsistent with the law shall be deemed severed.
All other contracts, documents, rules, policies and workplace regulations will continue to apply concurrently with this Policy. The employer shall rectify any inconsistencies between employee contracts and this Policy.
This Policy applies to all employees, prospective employees, staff, personnel, and workers who are connected with ________. This Policy applies to all staff members, whether full-time or part-time, temporary or permanent, and any other member that ________ deems appropriate in the circumstances who utilize social media (hereinafter "employees").
The use of social media may be a necessary function of an employee's duties. This includes employees who work in marketing and sales, business development or employees who are otherwise engaged in promoting the business affairs of ________, in a manner consistent with this Policy.
Use of social media in promoting and advertising ________ must reflect its actual objectives and must never include any derogatory, obscene, negative, or inappropriate content. Any social media campaigns must undergo assessment and receive company endorsement prior to being released.
Use of social media in the workplace that contravenes this Policy may warrant disciplinary action. Such prohibited uses may include, but not be limited to:
The content that is permitted when using social media for business purposes includes the following:
________ and its employees will respect the perspectives and opinions of others and conduct themselves professionally in accordance with the best social networking method at all times. Employees will listen and respond to customer feedback courteously, committing themselves to being responsible citizens and upstanding members of the community. Social media is for business use only during working hours, unless the employer approves otherwise. Damaging behaviour and content considered harassing, dishonest or offensive will not be tolerated and social media for personal use during working hours is strictly prohibited, unless consistent with this Policy.
When using company-issued hardware such as laptops, tablets, desktops or mobile devices, employees are prohibited from using such devices for personal reasons, including logging into social media and posting videos or photographs. The use of company devices when accessing social media is limited to employment functions and must be within the scope of the employee's duties, if the company permits such. Any unauthorized use or misuse of company-issued hardware is prohibited. Employees shall not click on suspicious links or spam emails and shall refrain from downloading malicious or illegal applications. Employees shall comply with the company's IT Policy, where applicable.
Applicability: Personal blogging means employees' use of social media applications outside of the workplace to write comments, make posts, either photographs or videos and general content creation through the use of the Internet.
Liability: Employees' posts or content creation shall be their sole responsibility, and liability shall be exclusively borne by the employee who posted such. Employees shall be fully accountable for any ramifications that stem from their content, and ________ shall not bear any liability.
Confidentiality: Employees using social media applications outside of work that are web-based, discussion groups, chat rooms, content sharing sites, and other social sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, or other platforms on which users may write content or captions are prohibited from disclosing any proprietary, confidential, trade secrets, and personal information of ________, or describe third parties with whom the company deals. Posting with the use of pseudonyms can also pose problems for ________, therefore, such activities are not permitted. Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements signed by the employee extend to use of social media, including blogs, posts, tweets, and professional networking platforms.
Identification: An employee who identifies themselves as working for ________, and posts content on social media that discusses the business, or its customers, should add a disclaimer stating that the employee's views are their own and they do not constitute the opinion or position of ________. The employee's views cannot be construed as the company's opinion, and it should be made expressly clear that ________ has no connection to the subject matter of the post.
Equipment: Employees shall utilize personal devices for social media, and such use shall be done on their own time and not during business hours. If employees, such as marketing and sales, or business development strategists use social media for business purposes, their business account should be entirely segregated from their personal account with different privacy settings and make it clear that such account is a business account.
Defamatory and Derogatory Posts: Employees using social media applications shall not make any violent, discriminating, derogatory or harassing comments towards colleagues and fellow employees, clients and customers, or management at ________, whether or not pseudonyms or misleading names are being used. Employees shall further ensure not to engage in defamatory conduct that may impact the reputation of ________; and shall remain true to their implied duty of good faith and loyalty. Any form of damaging material towards ________ is expressly prohibited.
5) 58555552855885
522822228 852585 2222822 522 8582888228 22 5 852585 22 2588 228882 25 525525258225 582 22 828858 22585 22 25285 8522588825 25 582525 2525222222 58 8222 58 22888882. 5588 252 82 5222 52222225882.
552 22282225 85588 522585582 2228225 228822 285222528 82 85885 828 2522 5222558 525 8888 82828282522 58825582282. 552 22282225 85588 2522 52258825 22228 22 252 8282828252822 525 58252 252 22282222 82 85282822. 52 252 828858 22585 2282 88 5 28225 8222558222822 22 2588 228882, 252 22282225 2582 828882 22 828 5222858 525 2882 252 22282222 5 8552822. 8282825, 82 252 828858 22585 2282 825825882 82225582228 2588 228882, 2522 252 22282225 252 8582225 252 22282222 225 252 55552822 22 828 8282828252822.
Should you have any questions or concerns arising from this Policy, or need to report an incident, kindly contact ________ using the following information:
T: ________
I have received and reviewed the Workplace Social Media Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.
Employee Signature
Employee Name (Print)
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