Professional Expense Reimbursement Policy


Indicate the name of the employer, whether it is a person or a company, who is implementing this expense reimbursement policy.

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________ ("Employer")

Effective Date: ________

This Expense Reimbursement Policy (the "Policy") outlines the guidelines that all employees must follow when spending money in the course of their work.

The Policy covers expenses such as employee business travel, business meals or the purchase of items necessary for work from personal funds. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that employees understand which expenses are covered and which are not, and their responsibilities with respect to expenses.


________ generally covers expenses related to employees' work. Work-related expenses are defined as those directly related to the employee's work. Work-related expenses can be either paid directly by ________ or paid initially by the employee and reimbursed later.

Note that while work-related expenses can be generally covered, they may be subject to a cap on the approved amounts. In this case, the employee is advised to check with his/her immediate supervisor before any work-related expenses are incurred.

________ will cover the following work-related expenses, but please note that all of the following expenses are subject to approval and will not be approved categorically:

  • Expenses related to the employee's office phone (mobile), as long as the employee's office phone is used exclusively for work purposes and not for any personal use;
  • Expenses related to the employee's business travel, such as flight tickets, accommodation, car rental, gas, required visas and vaccinations;
  • Expenses related to employee's meals during professional duties, such as business travel or professional events;
  • Reasonable entertainment expenses for which the employee is responsible when dealing with customers of ________ or other third parties related to ________;
  • Expenses related to certain training or education related to the employee's work;
  • Expenses related to the purchase of tools and equipment related to the employee's work;
  • Expenses related to licences and other professional fees related to the employee's work;

and for additional expenses not listed above for which the employee wishes to be reimbursed, the employee may contact his/her immediate supervisor to request additional coverage. Please note that coverage will not be guaranteed.


The following expenses are considered to be expenses that are not categorically covered and of which the employee must assume the entire cost:

  • Expenses related to meetings or unauthorized or personal travel;
  • Expenses related to the expiry of a professional licence;
  • Expenses not related to the employee's work;
  • Expenses related to unauthorized upgrades when travelling or renting equipment on behalf of ________;
  • Expenses related to a fine for speeding or other traffic violations.

The above list should not be considered exhaustive. For any questions regarding covered or uncovered expenses, the employee is advised to contact his/her immediate supervisor.


52 25525 22 228552 2552 528285585882 25222828 552 8282525 82 ________, 222822228 552 52858525 22 522582 588 528522228, 8585 58 52828228. 88 8222 58 22888882 52225 828555822 252 2522282, 252 22282222 2582 858282 52828228, 58 8288 58 522 5558282258 5285222252822 528528225, 8585 58 2522282 5282558, 22 ________ 2552525 252 22282222'8 822258522 8522588825.


Employees caught with falsified documents or exaggerated expenses will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


I have received and reviewed this Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.

Employee Signature

Employee Name (Print)


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________ ("Employer")

Effective Date: ________

This Expense Reimbursement Policy (the "Policy") outlines the guidelines that all employees must follow when spending money in the course of their work.

The Policy covers expenses such as employee business travel, business meals or the purchase of items necessary for work from personal funds. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that employees understand which expenses are covered and which are not, and their responsibilities with respect to expenses.


________ generally covers expenses related to employees' work. Work-related expenses are defined as those directly related to the employee's work. Work-related expenses can be either paid directly by ________ or paid initially by the employee and reimbursed later.

Note that while work-related expenses can be generally covered, they may be subject to a cap on the approved amounts. In this case, the employee is advised to check with his/her immediate supervisor before any work-related expenses are incurred.

________ will cover the following work-related expenses, but please note that all of the following expenses are subject to approval and will not be approved categorically:

  • Expenses related to the employee's office phone (mobile), as long as the employee's office phone is used exclusively for work purposes and not for any personal use;
  • Expenses related to the employee's business travel, such as flight tickets, accommodation, car rental, gas, required visas and vaccinations;
  • Expenses related to employee's meals during professional duties, such as business travel or professional events;
  • Reasonable entertainment expenses for which the employee is responsible when dealing with customers of ________ or other third parties related to ________;
  • Expenses related to certain training or education related to the employee's work;
  • Expenses related to the purchase of tools and equipment related to the employee's work;
  • Expenses related to licences and other professional fees related to the employee's work;

and for additional expenses not listed above for which the employee wishes to be reimbursed, the employee may contact his/her immediate supervisor to request additional coverage. Please note that coverage will not be guaranteed.


The following expenses are considered to be expenses that are not categorically covered and of which the employee must assume the entire cost:

  • Expenses related to meetings or unauthorized or personal travel;
  • Expenses related to the expiry of a professional licence;
  • Expenses not related to the employee's work;
  • Expenses related to unauthorized upgrades when travelling or renting equipment on behalf of ________;
  • Expenses related to a fine for speeding or other traffic violations.

The above list should not be considered exhaustive. For any questions regarding covered or uncovered expenses, the employee is advised to contact his/her immediate supervisor.


52 25525 22 228552 2552 528285585882 25222828 552 8282525 82 ________, 222822228 552 52858525 22 522582 588 528522228, 8585 58 52828228. 88 8222 58 22888882 52225 828555822 252 2522282, 252 22282222 2582 858282 52828228, 58 8288 58 522 5558282258 5285222252822 528528225, 8585 58 2522282 5282558, 22 ________ 2552525 252 22282222'8 822258522 8522588825.


Employees caught with falsified documents or exaggerated expenses will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


I have received and reviewed this Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.

Employee Signature

Employee Name (Print)
