Privacy Policy of Organization


  • Select the first option if a business wants a policy that explains to their clients that personal information is obtained from them, is used, and is stored.
  • Select the second option if the business simply wants a website privacy policy for when users browse its pages. This policy includes matters such as cookies.

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1.a. This privacy policy is revised as of: ________.

1.b. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (S.C. 2000, c. 5) (PIPEDA) governs how organizations collect, use, and disclose personal information of individuals in the course of business.

1.c. This privacy policy is intended to provide information on the way in which ________ uses, collects, and discloses the personal information of its clients and customers.

1.d. Only the information that ________ requires in order to carry out its services to clients and customers will be documented and stored in a secure manner. Our business to our clients and customers includes the following and is the reason for which we require personal information:


1.e. ________ always ensures to protect the personal information of its clients while in the course of business.

1.f. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner (Commissioner) oversees PIPEDA and addresses complaints by individuals.


2.a. Collection of personal information is classified as an individual's name, age, income, heritage, credit records, medical records, Social Insurance Number, marital status, education level, and more.

2.b. Consent can be either express or implied.

2.c. ________ obtains express consent from its clients and customers. This consent is obtained by:


2.d. ________ makes attempts to collect information directly from our clients and customers, but may need to collect information indirectly from other sources when necessary, all of which is completed in a legal manner consistent with PIPEDA.

2.e. Legal exceptions to having to obtain consent include as follows:

  • if asking for express consent has the effect of compromising the accuracy of the information;
  • collection of information is in the best interests of our client or customer;
  • information is in a witness statement and the collection is needed to settle an insurance claim;
  • to comply with the law, including warrants, subpoenas, and investigations.

2.f. Clients and customers may withdraw their consent. This withdrawal may be subject to certain restrictions depending on the circumstances. If that's the case, reasonable notice may be required.


3.a. ________ needs to collect personal information from its clients or customers in order to properly and accurately represent its clients and customers, and such, in accordance with PIPEDA.

3.b. The information that we collect may also include information of other entities with whom our clients or customers conduct business. This may be needed in order to facilitate our services to our clients and customers.

3.c. Any changes in the use of the information that we collected shall be done with the express consent of our clients and customers. This means that if we collected client information for a certain purpose and later needed to conduct a separate, unrelated matter for the same client, we will obtain the client's consent prior to using the information for the separate, unrelated matter.


4.a. Personal information provided to ________ by its clients and customers may need to be disclosed to third parties in order for us to properly represent and act in our clients' and customers' best interests. Only the information required by a third party is disclosed in order to complete the tasks for which the information was needed. This may include, for example, having to disclose personal information to a government authority in order to register our client or customer with a regulatory government body.

4.b. Information may need to be disclosed in the narrowest of circumstances to facilitate our engagement.

4.c. When information is provided to us, whether upon our request or not, the delivery of such information is deemed to be done with consent, and ________ may collect, use, and disclose that information.

4.d. Notwithstanding the foregoing, our clients' and customers' personal information shall be treated with the strictest confidence, and thus, any personal information shall not be disclosed without consent, unless otherwise required by law.

5) 55858558 888 855585588 82 58288285588

________. 2522 82 88 5258225882 525 82258 22 52 82, ________ 85588 5888555 588 22 255 8882228' 525 858222258' 22582258 82225252822, 8522525 582825882 822525 25 225258882, 525 85588 822282 8825 5228885882 858 82 52822 82.

________. 855822 252 52825582822 2528288, 588 82225252822 2552 ________ 52858 85588 82 2222 822285222858.


6.a. Employees of ________ shall only have access to relevant records if they are delegated tasks for which access to those records is necessary. Access to records is on a need-to-know basis.

6.b. Physical records shall be protected by way of:


6.c. All important communications from ________ to third-parties or other entities containing sensitive client or customer information shall be encrypted through the use of secure-software communications and password-protected PDFs, where applicable.

6.d. Workplace policies are in place which prohibit ________ from clicking on any form of spam mail, suspicious messages, or access to malicious websites.

6.e. Personal devices and hardware of employees and staff at ________ is prohibited unless specific authorization is requested and subsequently granted.

6.f. Where applicable, ________ will utilize public and private clouds to store and secure client and customer data across all of their devices. Public cloud use is through one or more of Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, and more. Private cloud use is done with the storage of files and records on secure servers using a private cloud network with, typically, more than one harddrive working in tandem through usage of a NAS (Network Attached Storage) and specific configurations.


7.a. Individuals have the right to submit a written request to have their information removed from the records of ________, and to access and verify their information. Where permitted by law, we will respond to any request in the timeframe provided for under PIPEDA.

7.b. Access may not be granted in certain circumstances, including the following:

I. Information protected by solicitor-client privilege;
II. Information that could be reasonably expected to reveal confidential commercial information;
III. Information disclosed to law enforcement;
IV. Information produced in a formal dispute; and
V. All other exceptions under PIPEDA.

7.c. Information that clients or customers have with ________ may be corrected and amended upon written request. Notice must be provided with the updated information so that our records can be duly updated to reflect the changes. Once the changes are made, we shall also provide notice to relevant third parties and keep them informed.

7.d. Personal information maintained is kept accurate, up-to-date, and complete. Individuals may challenge any information that is incorrect or incomplete by giving notice to ________. However, only information that is necessary for purposes related to the collection of the information in the first place shall be changed by ________.

7.e. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner can be contacted for any complaints.


Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, or the manner in which information is stored or kept confidential, do not hesitate to contact ________ using the below contact information. We shall respond to inquiries as soon as practicable. For inquiries with specific timelines established under PIPEDA, we shall adhere to those criteria.





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1.a. This privacy policy is revised as of: ________.

1.b. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (S.C. 2000, c. 5) (PIPEDA) governs how organizations collect, use, and disclose personal information of individuals in the course of business.

1.c. This privacy policy is intended to provide information on the way in which ________ uses, collects, and discloses the personal information of its clients and customers.

1.d. Only the information that ________ requires in order to carry out its services to clients and customers will be documented and stored in a secure manner. Our business to our clients and customers includes the following and is the reason for which we require personal information:


1.e. ________ always ensures to protect the personal information of its clients while in the course of business.

1.f. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner (Commissioner) oversees PIPEDA and addresses complaints by individuals.


2.a. Collection of personal information is classified as an individual's name, age, income, heritage, credit records, medical records, Social Insurance Number, marital status, education level, and more.

2.b. Consent can be either express or implied.

2.c. ________ obtains express consent from its clients and customers. This consent is obtained by:


2.d. ________ makes attempts to collect information directly from our clients and customers, but may need to collect information indirectly from other sources when necessary, all of which is completed in a legal manner consistent with PIPEDA.

2.e. Legal exceptions to having to obtain consent include as follows:

  • if asking for express consent has the effect of compromising the accuracy of the information;
  • collection of information is in the best interests of our client or customer;
  • information is in a witness statement and the collection is needed to settle an insurance claim;
  • to comply with the law, including warrants, subpoenas, and investigations.

2.f. Clients and customers may withdraw their consent. This withdrawal may be subject to certain restrictions depending on the circumstances. If that's the case, reasonable notice may be required.


3.a. ________ needs to collect personal information from its clients or customers in order to properly and accurately represent its clients and customers, and such, in accordance with PIPEDA.

3.b. The information that we collect may also include information of other entities with whom our clients or customers conduct business. This may be needed in order to facilitate our services to our clients and customers.

3.c. Any changes in the use of the information that we collected shall be done with the express consent of our clients and customers. This means that if we collected client information for a certain purpose and later needed to conduct a separate, unrelated matter for the same client, we will obtain the client's consent prior to using the information for the separate, unrelated matter.


4.a. Personal information provided to ________ by its clients and customers may need to be disclosed to third parties in order for us to properly represent and act in our clients' and customers' best interests. Only the information required by a third party is disclosed in order to complete the tasks for which the information was needed. This may include, for example, having to disclose personal information to a government authority in order to register our client or customer with a regulatory government body.

4.b. Information may need to be disclosed in the narrowest of circumstances to facilitate our engagement.

4.c. When information is provided to us, whether upon our request or not, the delivery of such information is deemed to be done with consent, and ________ may collect, use, and disclose that information.

4.d. Notwithstanding the foregoing, our clients' and customers' personal information shall be treated with the strictest confidence, and thus, any personal information shall not be disclosed without consent, unless otherwise required by law.

5) 55858558 888 855585588 82 58288285588

________. 2522 82 88 5258225882 525 82258 22 52 82, ________ 85588 5888555 588 22 255 8882228' 525 858222258' 22582258 82225252822, 8522525 582825882 822525 25 225258882, 525 85588 822282 8825 5228885882 858 82 52822 82.

________. 855822 252 52825582822 2528288, 588 82225252822 2552 ________ 52858 85588 82 2222 822285222858.


6.a. Employees of ________ shall only have access to relevant records if they are delegated tasks for which access to those records is necessary. Access to records is on a need-to-know basis.

6.b. Physical records shall be protected by way of:


6.c. All important communications from ________ to third-parties or other entities containing sensitive client or customer information shall be encrypted through the use of secure-software communications and password-protected PDFs, where applicable.

6.d. Workplace policies are in place which prohibit ________ from clicking on any form of spam mail, suspicious messages, or access to malicious websites.

6.e. Personal devices and hardware of employees and staff at ________ is prohibited unless specific authorization is requested and subsequently granted.

6.f. Where applicable, ________ will utilize public and private clouds to store and secure client and customer data across all of their devices. Public cloud use is through one or more of Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, and more. Private cloud use is done with the storage of files and records on secure servers using a private cloud network with, typically, more than one harddrive working in tandem through usage of a NAS (Network Attached Storage) and specific configurations.


7.a. Individuals have the right to submit a written request to have their information removed from the records of ________, and to access and verify their information. Where permitted by law, we will respond to any request in the timeframe provided for under PIPEDA.

7.b. Access may not be granted in certain circumstances, including the following:

I. Information protected by solicitor-client privilege;
II. Information that could be reasonably expected to reveal confidential commercial information;
III. Information disclosed to law enforcement;
IV. Information produced in a formal dispute; and
V. All other exceptions under PIPEDA.

7.c. Information that clients or customers have with ________ may be corrected and amended upon written request. Notice must be provided with the updated information so that our records can be duly updated to reflect the changes. Once the changes are made, we shall also provide notice to relevant third parties and keep them informed.

7.d. Personal information maintained is kept accurate, up-to-date, and complete. Individuals may challenge any information that is incorrect or incomplete by giving notice to ________. However, only information that is necessary for purposes related to the collection of the information in the first place shall be changed by ________.

7.e. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner can be contacted for any complaints.


Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, or the manner in which information is stored or kept confidential, do not hesitate to contact ________ using the below contact information. We shall respond to inquiries as soon as practicable. For inquiries with specific timelines established under PIPEDA, we shall adhere to those criteria.



