Notice of Lease Violation


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RE: Notice of Lease Violation

Dear Tenant:

This letter serves as notice that you are in violation of your lease dated ________, for the property located at the following address:


(hereinafter referred to as the "Lease"). Specifically, the violation is as follows:


This violation is in direct contravention of the following specific portion of the lease:


You are expected to correct the situation and comply with your lease immediately. If you fail to do, I will take appropriate legal action against you.

282582 8822 82828 525 8225 8582 2588 222882 58 52 8258852822 2552 225 5582 52828825 82. 825 252 5282225 22 2588 82582 882852822 222882 82 8582822.

Aside from your response to the lease violation notice, if you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss further, please contact me via written response so that we may either set up a time to talk or come to a resolution.



This notice was delivered by (landlords must check one):

____ Registered mail, return receipt requested

____ Hand delivery to tenant

Confirmation of receipt:

Signature of Tenant: _______________________________

Printed Name of Tenant: ____________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

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RE: Notice of Lease Violation

Dear Tenant:

This letter serves as notice that you are in violation of your lease dated ________, for the property located at the following address:


(hereinafter referred to as the "Lease"). Specifically, the violation is as follows:


This violation is in direct contravention of the following specific portion of the lease:


You are expected to correct the situation and comply with your lease immediately. If you fail to do, I will take appropriate legal action against you.

282582 8822 82828 525 8225 8582 2588 222882 58 52 8258852822 2552 225 5582 52828825 82. 825 252 5282225 22 2588 82582 882852822 222882 82 8582822.

Aside from your response to the lease violation notice, if you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss further, please contact me via written response so that we may either set up a time to talk or come to a resolution.



This notice was delivered by (landlords must check one):

____ Registered mail, return receipt requested

____ Hand delivery to tenant

Confirmation of receipt:

Signature of Tenant: _______________________________

Printed Name of Tenant: ____________________________

Date: ___________________________________________