a) This Employee Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter "Policy") is revised as of: ________.
b) The purpose of this Policy is to outline what information ________, as an employer, keeps on file of its employees, how it processes it, why it collects it, what it does with it, and how it keeps it secure.
c) ________ ensures compliance with all applicable human rights laws, privacy laws and regulations in the collection and use of the information it collects. On general principle, ________ further ensures to respect the integrity and privacy of its employees and to utilize the personal information of its employees in an appropriate manner.
d) This Policy is not a contract of any nature, and no rights, conditions or obligations arise from this Policy. If an employment contract or any contract between ________ and its employees exists, such contract shall be applied in conjunction with this Policy. Where applicable, this Policy shall also be read in accordance with our IT Policy. Inconsistencies, if any, shall be dealt with by ________. Employees may provide notice of inconsistencies should the need arise.
a) This Policy applies to all workers, independent contractors, prospective employees, staff, personnel, officers, agents, consultants, and all workers who are required to disclose information to ________ for work-related purposes (hereinafter referred to as "employee"). This Policy also applies to all staff members, whether full time or part time, temporary or permanent, and shall also apply to prospective employees who are in the recruiting process and have received a conditional offer.
b) Any use of the employees' personal information outside of the parameters of this Policy or an employment contract will only be done with the express written consent of the employee.
c) This Policy applies to third parties with whom any employee deals, including emergency contacts.
a) The collection of personal information may be a necessary business need, which arises during the recruiting process, payroll processing, and the use of information technology and hardware at ________. Information collected may also include personal information required when enrolling for an insurance coverage program or participation in company stock options, where applicable.
b) Third party information provided to ________ shall be collected and kept on file. This includes information from former employers, educational institutions, law enforcement, and more.
c) The personal information that ________ collects of its employees includes past employment, payroll, education, emergency contacts, insurance-related information, and any other information that the employer requires.
d) Employees may be electronically monitored when using company hardware, and correspondence shall also be surveilled in order to ensure cybersecurity and safety of the premises.
e) The information collected is required and shall form part of the employee's file. Information is needed to ensure the employer has an accurate description of all its employees in their records to maintain an honest working environment.
f) Information about employees may be created by ________, such as job title, employment function, and so forth, while an employee is in the course of his or her duties.
g) The information that ________ collects shall only be for the foregoing purposes and any other additional information that ________ requires shall be on the consent of its employees.
a) The personal information that ________ holds on its employees may be filed and stored with the company in electronic format in the database of ________ and/ or with physical copies held in the employee's folder.
b) Access to stored data is limited to authorized personnel of ________, including Human Resources.
c) Only information that which is necessary for the orderly functioning of ________, workplace activities, or for complying with the law shall be held and stored.
d) ________ will hold the personal identification information of all applicants, employees, prospective employees, contractors, agents, etc., which includes names, addresses, nationality, and more. Recruiting Information including professional status, educational background, former employers, and academic transcripts shall be held and stored. Financial information for payroll and tax purposes shall also be held and stored, including salary, benefits, pensions, and insurance schemes. Internal employment information such as probationary review, job performance, job reviews, promotions or demotions, training records etc., shall be documented and filed. Information and history regarding leaves of absence, whether short-term or long-term, shall be kept on file. This may include family responsibility leave, critical illness leave, bereavement leave, and more. Any personal information in relation to a disability or plan of accommodation for work shall be kept stored and filed. Other information relating to quitting or dismissal of employment, disciplinary action, lawsuits or grievances, shall be kept on file.
e) Any personal information or work information created for work-related purposes on the premises of ________ or while in the course of duties for ________, whether or not such duties are conducted on-site, shall be kept stored and filed.
f) Information in relation to criminal background checks, records or prior convictions shall only be held and stored with express consent, or where legally allowed under applicable law.
g) After an employee's departure from ________, information shall only be held and stored for such a length of time as is reasonably necessary. Any continued relationship, such as a conversion from employee to independent contractor, shall warrant ongoing holding of such personal information. A legal obligation imposed upon ________ shall also warrant the ongoing holding of personal information.
h) Information will be held for as long as legally required.
a) The personal information that ________ collects of its employees shall only be disclosed under need-to-know circumstances or when required by law.
b) Disclosure of information may be needed to comply with governmental or other law enforcement agencies.
c) Personal information may need to be disclosed to third parties who may assist ________ in the recruitment of prospective employees, new contractors, workers, officers, agents, etc., and to provide general background information, and also to family relatives, emergency contacts, regulatory bodies, courts, law enforcement, insurance companies, payroll and accounting, other institutions relevant to the orderly functioning of ________.
d) In the course of providing information to third parties, where legally permissible, ________ shall advise employees of such disclosure and the reasons therefor.
a) From time to time, express consent will be required prior to the collection, use or disclosure of specific personal information that is used for any other purpose outside of the parameters of this Policy and general employment functions. Knowledge and consent of employees shall be a prerequisite to gathering any additional personal information.
b) There is implied consent to collect information during the recruitment phase where a prospective employee delivers personal information to ________, as part of the recruiting process; this includes resumes, cover letters, references, if any.
c) ________ ensures to obtain employees' informed, signed consent prior to any disclosure of personal information, unless the employer is legally required by law to disclose such information.
7. 888555 58 58288285588
________) 888288 22 82225252822 22528 252 222822228' 588288 22 252 82225252822 2222 22 2882 82 252 22282225.
________) ________ 588288 828 222822228 22 588288 252 82225252822 2222 22 2882 82 25525 22 825822 252 82225252822 525 22 855882222 828 58855582 525 822282222288, 852585 252 2225 55882. 8282825, 2282 82225252822 2552 88 228288552 225 25522828 5285225 22 252 8288282822 22 252 82225252822 82 252 28582 28582 85588 82 8552225 82 ________.
________) 22582258 82225252822 2582258225 88 2222 58855522, 52-22-5522, 525 82228222. 822822 ________ 22 522 8552228 22 52 22282222'8 22582258 82225252822.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy, or the manner in which information is stored or kept confidential, do not hesitate to contact ________ using the below contact information. We shall respond to inquiries as soon as practicable.
I have received and reviewed this Employee Data Privacy Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy.
I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.
Employee Signature
Employee Name (Print)
a) This Employee Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter "Policy") is revised as of: ________.
b) The purpose of this Policy is to outline what information ________, as an employer, keeps on file of its employees, how it processes it, why it collects it, what it does with it, and how it keeps it secure.
c) ________ ensures compliance with all applicable human rights laws, privacy laws and regulations in the collection and use of the information it collects. On general principle, ________ further ensures to respect the integrity and privacy of its employees and to utilize the personal information of its employees in an appropriate manner.
d) This Policy is not a contract of any nature, and no rights, conditions or obligations arise from this Policy. If an employment contract or any contract between ________ and its employees exists, such contract shall be applied in conjunction with this Policy. Where applicable, this Policy shall also be read in accordance with our IT Policy. Inconsistencies, if any, shall be dealt with by ________. Employees may provide notice of inconsistencies should the need arise.
a) This Policy applies to all workers, independent contractors, prospective employees, staff, personnel, officers, agents, consultants, and all workers who are required to disclose information to ________ for work-related purposes (hereinafter referred to as "employee"). This Policy also applies to all staff members, whether full time or part time, temporary or permanent, and shall also apply to prospective employees who are in the recruiting process and have received a conditional offer.
b) Any use of the employees' personal information outside of the parameters of this Policy or an employment contract will only be done with the express written consent of the employee.
c) This Policy applies to third parties with whom any employee deals, including emergency contacts.
a) The collection of personal information may be a necessary business need, which arises during the recruiting process, payroll processing, and the use of information technology and hardware at ________. Information collected may also include personal information required when enrolling for an insurance coverage program or participation in company stock options, where applicable.
b) Third party information provided to ________ shall be collected and kept on file. This includes information from former employers, educational institutions, law enforcement, and more.
c) The personal information that ________ collects of its employees includes past employment, payroll, education, emergency contacts, insurance-related information, and any other information that the employer requires.
d) Employees may be electronically monitored when using company hardware, and correspondence shall also be surveilled in order to ensure cybersecurity and safety of the premises.
e) The information collected is required and shall form part of the employee's file. Information is needed to ensure the employer has an accurate description of all its employees in their records to maintain an honest working environment.
f) Information about employees may be created by ________, such as job title, employment function, and so forth, while an employee is in the course of his or her duties.
g) The information that ________ collects shall only be for the foregoing purposes and any other additional information that ________ requires shall be on the consent of its employees.
a) The personal information that ________ holds on its employees may be filed and stored with the company in electronic format in the database of ________ and/ or with physical copies held in the employee's folder.
b) Access to stored data is limited to authorized personnel of ________, including Human Resources.
c) Only information that which is necessary for the orderly functioning of ________, workplace activities, or for complying with the law shall be held and stored.
d) ________ will hold the personal identification information of all applicants, employees, prospective employees, contractors, agents, etc., which includes names, addresses, nationality, and more. Recruiting Information including professional status, educational background, former employers, and academic transcripts shall be held and stored. Financial information for payroll and tax purposes shall also be held and stored, including salary, benefits, pensions, and insurance schemes. Internal employment information such as probationary review, job performance, job reviews, promotions or demotions, training records etc., shall be documented and filed. Information and history regarding leaves of absence, whether short-term or long-term, shall be kept on file. This may include family responsibility leave, critical illness leave, bereavement leave, and more. Any personal information in relation to a disability or plan of accommodation for work shall be kept stored and filed. Other information relating to quitting or dismissal of employment, disciplinary action, lawsuits or grievances, shall be kept on file.
e) Any personal information or work information created for work-related purposes on the premises of ________ or while in the course of duties for ________, whether or not such duties are conducted on-site, shall be kept stored and filed.
f) Information in relation to criminal background checks, records or prior convictions shall only be held and stored with express consent, or where legally allowed under applicable law.
g) After an employee's departure from ________, information shall only be held and stored for such a length of time as is reasonably necessary. Any continued relationship, such as a conversion from employee to independent contractor, shall warrant ongoing holding of such personal information. A legal obligation imposed upon ________ shall also warrant the ongoing holding of personal information.
h) Information will be held for as long as legally required.
a) The personal information that ________ collects of its employees shall only be disclosed under need-to-know circumstances or when required by law.
b) Disclosure of information may be needed to comply with governmental or other law enforcement agencies.
c) Personal information may need to be disclosed to third parties who may assist ________ in the recruitment of prospective employees, new contractors, workers, officers, agents, etc., and to provide general background information, and also to family relatives, emergency contacts, regulatory bodies, courts, law enforcement, insurance companies, payroll and accounting, other institutions relevant to the orderly functioning of ________.
d) In the course of providing information to third parties, where legally permissible, ________ shall advise employees of such disclosure and the reasons therefor.
a) From time to time, express consent will be required prior to the collection, use or disclosure of specific personal information that is used for any other purpose outside of the parameters of this Policy and general employment functions. Knowledge and consent of employees shall be a prerequisite to gathering any additional personal information.
b) There is implied consent to collect information during the recruitment phase where a prospective employee delivers personal information to ________, as part of the recruiting process; this includes resumes, cover letters, references, if any.
c) ________ ensures to obtain employees' informed, signed consent prior to any disclosure of personal information, unless the employer is legally required by law to disclose such information.
7. 888555 58 58288285588
________) 888288 22 82225252822 22528 252 222822228' 588288 22 252 82225252822 2222 22 2882 82 252 22282225.
________) ________ 588288 828 222822228 22 588288 252 82225252822 2222 22 2882 82 25525 22 825822 252 82225252822 525 22 855882222 828 58855582 525 822282222288, 852585 252 2225 55882. 8282825, 2282 82225252822 2552 88 228288552 225 25522828 5285225 22 252 8288282822 22 252 82225252822 82 252 28582 28582 85588 82 8552225 82 ________.
________) 22582258 82225252822 2582258225 88 2222 58855522, 52-22-5522, 525 82228222. 822822 ________ 22 522 8552228 22 52 22282222'8 22582258 82225252822.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy, or the manner in which information is stored or kept confidential, do not hesitate to contact ________ using the below contact information. We shall respond to inquiries as soon as practicable.
I have received and reviewed this Employee Data Privacy Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy.
I further understand that ________ reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.
Employee Signature
Employee Name (Print)
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