Notice to Call Directors' Meeting


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________ (ACN ________)


To: ________

Subject: Directors' Meeting

Dear All,

This announcement is to inform you of the next Directors' meeting.

(1) Meeting details

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date of meeting: ________
Time of meeting: ________
Location of meeting: ________

(2) Agenda

The meeting agenda will be as follows:


(3) Proposed resolution(s)

The following special resolution(s) will be proposed at the meeting:


(4) Attachments

The following documents are attached to this notice:


(5) Response

282582 5282225 58 8222 58 22888882 22 8222852 8522525 25 222 225 8888 82 82 5222255282, 25 8522525 225 2225 22 5555222 22 25528882522 2522 5222525 82852822. You may send your response to: ________



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________ (ACN ________)


To: ________

Subject: Directors' Meeting

Dear All,

This announcement is to inform you of the next Directors' meeting.

(1) Meeting details

The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date of meeting: ________
Time of meeting: ________
Location of meeting: ________

(2) Agenda

The meeting agenda will be as follows:


(3) Proposed resolution(s)

The following special resolution(s) will be proposed at the meeting:


(4) Attachments

The following documents are attached to this notice:


(5) Response

282582 5282225 58 8222 58 22888882 22 8222852 8522525 25 222 225 8888 82 82 5222255282, 25 8522525 225 2225 22 5555222 22 25528882522 2522 5222525 82852822. You may send your response to: ________

