Letter Requesting Parental Leave


In some cases, employees take several periods of parental leave when a child is born. They might take their first period of parental leave as soon as the child is born, and then they might take another, shorter period of parental leave a few months later. They may do this so that they are able to juggle the childcare duties with the other parent. In fact, from 1 July 2020, eligible employees under the Australian Parental Leave Pay Scheme can split their Parental Leave Pay (PLP) so they take it over two periods within two years. Eligible employees are able to claim PLP for one set period and one flexible period. The first period of PLP is available for up to 12 continuous weeks, within 12 months of the birth or adoption of a child. The second period of PLP is flexible and available for up to 30 days, usually starting after the first period ends and finishing within 24 months of a child’s birth or adoption. Further information is available from the website of the Fair Work Ombudsman. If this is the first period of parental leave that the employee is claiming for this child, select "Yes". Otherwise, click "No".

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Letter Requesting Parental Leave
Instructions for use

This letter is in two parts. The first part is to be provided to the employer at least 10 weeks before starting leave, unless it is not practicable to do so, in which case it is to be provided as soon as practicable.

The second part, with the heading "Confirmation or Change of Leave Details" is to be provided to the employer at least 4 weeks before
starting leave, unless it is not practicable to do so, in which case it is to be provided as soon as practicable. It provides confirmation that the dates of leave (as requested in the first instance) are still appropriate, or advises of any changes to the dates of leave (for example, if the expected pregnancy date has changed).

Email: ________
Phone: ________

Email: ________


RE: Maternity Leave

Dear Employer,

This letter will outline my formal request for maternity leave. As you are already aware, I am pregnant, and my due date is ________. Please consider this letter as my official parental leave request.

I am requesting the following maternity leave:

  • Start date: ________
  • End date: ________
  • Total period of leave: ________

I intend to apply for Parental Leave Pay under the Australian Government Paid Parental Leave Scheme. I will also be submitting this request to the appropriate department in our organisation.

I plan to have all of my work properly assigned to co-workers prior to my absence. I am open to any requests or suggestions as to how this should be done. I also request that no work-related calls, emails, or other obligations be forwarded to me during my leave. I do not anticipate any problem returning to work as usual after my leave period.

I also would like to request a second period of maternity leave at a later date, but I will be in contact in due course to discuss this.

282582 822 22 2228, 82 8582822, 8522525 22 5285282 88 58822225. 52 222, 282582 2528582 252 525822 225 22 5285282 82822 52888225 525 22225 8222 2822 2258258 2552 82 252 2222 525 5888588 82 2552525. 52 225 5285852 522 5558282258 82225252822 25 22528, 8585 58 2522 5 528225, 282582 822 22 2228.

I look forward to working with you to ensure a smooth transition for my leave and for my return to work.

Yours faithfully,


Confirmation or change of leave details

Complete this section and provide to Employer at least 4 weeks before starting leave (unless it is not practicable to do so).

  • Start date:........................................................................

  • End date:.........................................................................

  • Total period of leave:.......................................................


Date of signing

Acknowledgement of parental leave

This section is to be completed by manager or supervisor.

Full name of manager/supervisor

Signature of manager/supervisor

Date of signing

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Letter Requesting Parental Leave
Instructions for use

This letter is in two parts. The first part is to be provided to the employer at least 10 weeks before starting leave, unless it is not practicable to do so, in which case it is to be provided as soon as practicable.

The second part, with the heading "Confirmation or Change of Leave Details" is to be provided to the employer at least 4 weeks before
starting leave, unless it is not practicable to do so, in which case it is to be provided as soon as practicable. It provides confirmation that the dates of leave (as requested in the first instance) are still appropriate, or advises of any changes to the dates of leave (for example, if the expected pregnancy date has changed).

Email: ________
Phone: ________

Email: ________


RE: Maternity Leave

Dear Employer,

This letter will outline my formal request for maternity leave. As you are already aware, I am pregnant, and my due date is ________. Please consider this letter as my official parental leave request.

I am requesting the following maternity leave:

  • Start date: ________
  • End date: ________
  • Total period of leave: ________

I intend to apply for Parental Leave Pay under the Australian Government Paid Parental Leave Scheme. I will also be submitting this request to the appropriate department in our organisation.

I plan to have all of my work properly assigned to co-workers prior to my absence. I am open to any requests or suggestions as to how this should be done. I also request that no work-related calls, emails, or other obligations be forwarded to me during my leave. I do not anticipate any problem returning to work as usual after my leave period.

I also would like to request a second period of maternity leave at a later date, but I will be in contact in due course to discuss this.

282582 822 22 2228, 82 8582822, 8522525 22 5285282 88 58822225. 52 222, 282582 2528582 252 525822 225 22 5285282 82822 52888225 525 22225 8222 2822 2258258 2552 82 252 2222 525 5888588 82 2552525. 52 225 5285852 522 5558282258 82225252822 25 22528, 8585 58 2522 5 528225, 282582 822 22 2228.

I look forward to working with you to ensure a smooth transition for my leave and for my return to work.

Yours faithfully,


Confirmation or change of leave details

Complete this section and provide to Employer at least 4 weeks before starting leave (unless it is not practicable to do so).

  • Start date:........................................................................

  • End date:.........................................................................

  • Total period of leave:.......................................................


Date of signing

Acknowledgement of parental leave

This section is to be completed by manager or supervisor.

Full name of manager/supervisor

Signature of manager/supervisor

Date of signing