Letter Reporting Hidden Defects in a Commercial Property


This letter is only designed to be used in relation to commercial properties.

If the user wants to use the letter in relation to a residential property, they may use our Letter Reporting Hidden Defects in a Rented Property.

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Phone: ________



RE: Hidden Defects

Dear ________,

I am writing to you regarding a recently discovered defect located at the following address:


I hereby request that the following repair be made to the property:


This issue was not evident during the initial inspection but has since become apparent, and was not caused by my actions as tenant. However, it has begun to affect the functionality of the property, and I am concerned that if not addressed promptly, it may lead to more significant damage to the property or health concerns. It may also have a negative impact on my business. As the landlord, you are obligated to ensure the property is maintained in a good state of repair.

For urgent repairs, particularly those that pose a risk to safety or significant inconvenience, I respectfully request that they be attended to immediately. For other, less critical repairs, I understand they should be completed within a reasonable timeframe, typically regarded as within 14 to 28 days, depending on the nature of the defect.

I am happy to facilitate access to the property for any inspections or repairs as required.

For your information, I am also attaching the following:


55522 225 225 2255 522222822 22 2588 252225. 5 8222 2258555 22 2255 52822282 525 252 5282852822 22 2588 252225. 282582 2228 2522 22 8222582 22 22 5888588 2588 252225 2552525 25 22 5555222 5 2822 225 5225858.

Kind regards,


Phone: ________

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Phone: ________



RE: Hidden Defects

Dear ________,

I am writing to you regarding a recently discovered defect located at the following address:


I hereby request that the following repair be made to the property:


This issue was not evident during the initial inspection but has since become apparent, and was not caused by my actions as tenant. However, it has begun to affect the functionality of the property, and I am concerned that if not addressed promptly, it may lead to more significant damage to the property or health concerns. It may also have a negative impact on my business. As the landlord, you are obligated to ensure the property is maintained in a good state of repair.

For urgent repairs, particularly those that pose a risk to safety or significant inconvenience, I respectfully request that they be attended to immediately. For other, less critical repairs, I understand they should be completed within a reasonable timeframe, typically regarded as within 14 to 28 days, depending on the nature of the defect.

I am happy to facilitate access to the property for any inspections or repairs as required.

For your information, I am also attaching the following:


55522 225 225 2255 522222822 22 2588 252225. 5 8222 2258555 22 2255 52822282 525 252 5282852822 22 2588 252225. 282582 2228 2522 22 8222582 22 22 5888588 2588 252225 2552525 25 22 5555222 5 2822 225 5225858.

Kind regards,


Phone: ________