Employment Agreement


If the employee needs to be at specific premises to perform the work then choose "the employee must work from a specific location" - this is usually appropriate for most employees. For other employees who travel regularly throughout the work day, but start and finish at a regular place (for example, bus drivers), it may still be appropriate to select this first option.

If the employer will direct the employee where to work, but the employee will work from various locations, select "The employee must work from various locations as directed by the employer (for example, different building sites)". For example, this might apply if the employee is a tradesperson and moves to a different building site every few weeks or months.

If the employee can work remotely or online, i.e. they will not be required to come to particular business premises, then choose "The employee can work remotely or online."

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This Employment Agreement ("this Agreement") is dated this ________.


ACN: ________

of the following address:


("the Employer")



of the following address:


("the Employee")


The Employer agrees to employ the Employee, and the Employee agrees to be employed, on the terms set out in this Agreement.


In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following rules of interpretation shall apply:

(a) Words referring to one gender include every other gender.

(b) Words referring to a singular number include the plural, and words referring to a plural include the singular.

(c) Words referring to a person or persons include companies, firms, corporations, organisations and vice versa.

(d) Any obligation on a Party not to do something includes an obligation not to allow that thing to be done.


The Employee will be employed on the following basis: full-time.


(a) The Employee will commence employment with the Employer on ________.

(b) The Employee will be employed for an indefinite term, subject to the other terms of this Agreement (including the terms relating to termination).


The Employee will be employed in the position of: ________.


(a) The Employee will be required to perform all tasks and will be required to accept all duties and responsibilities as reasonably requested by the Employer from time to time ("the Employee's Duties"). In particular, the Employee will have the following duties:


(b) The Employer may from time to time make changes to the position description or to the Employee's Duties, provided that such changes are reasonable in the context of the Employer's industry and in the context of the Employee's position.

(c) The Employer and the Employee may from time to time agree to make changes to the position description or to the Employee's Duties.

(d) The Employee agrees to perform the Employee's Duties in accordance with:

(I) this Agreement; and

(II) the directions, instructions, requests, and orders of the Employer; and

(III) any of the Employer's guidelines, practice manuals, policies or procedures as they exist from time to time.

(e) The Employee must perform the Employee's Duties in good faith having regard to the best interests of the Employer, and in a careful, conscientious and professional manner and to a standard that can reasonably be expected of somebody with the Employee's level of skill, training and experience.


The Employee will be required to work from the address shown below ("the Employment Location"), or such other location(s) as the Employer directs from time to time:



(a) In consideration for the Employee's performance of the Employee's Duties in accordance with this Agreement, the Employer agrees to pay the Employee ("the Compensation") a gross annual salary of $________ (________).

(b) The Compensation is a gross amount. Applicable taxes and statutory deductions will be withheld by the Employer in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The Employee's net salary, after such deductions, will be the actual amount received.

(c) The Compensation will be paid weekly.

(d) The Compensation will be paid by direct deposit into the Employee's nominated bank account.

(e) The Compensation is a total remuneration package representing the total cost to the Employer of the Employee's employment and includes all superannuation contributions required under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 and any regulations made pursuant thereto.

(f) The Employee acknowledges and agrees that the Compensation and the Benefits, (as described below), is the sole compensation to which the Employee is entitled in consideration for the Employee's fulfilment of the Employee's Duties.

(g) The Employee acknowledges and agrees that if the Employer provides any additional compensation to the Employee (such as bonuses), in addition to the Compensation and the Benefits which are described in this Agreement, such additional compensation will be payable entirely at the Employer's discretion.

(h) The Employee acknowledges and agrees that the Employer may be required by law to deduct certain amounts from the Compensation, and the Employee hereby consents to the Employer making such deductions as are required by law.

(i) The Employer may reimburse the Employee for any relevant expenses which the Employee incurs in relation to the Employee's performance of the Employee's Duties.


(a) In addition to the Compensation, the Employee may be entitled to additional benefits as determined by the Employer from time to time ("the Benefits").

(b) The Benefits are provided to the Employee at the sole discretion of the Employer. The Employer may, in the Employer's sole discretion, revoke or terminate any or all of the Benefits at any time. In the event that any or all of the Benefits are revoked or terminated, the Employee will not be entitled to any compensation in lieu of those of the Benefits which have been revoked or terminated.


(a) The Employee's employment is subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of one month.

(b) During the probationary period the Employee's employment may be terminated by either the Employee or the Employer upon providing 1 week written notice (or payment in lieu of that notice).


(a) The Employee will be expected to work ________ hours per week.

(b) The Employee may be required to work on the specific days and times as directed by the Employer or as otherwise agreed between the Employer and the Employee.

(c) From time to time, after receiving reasonable notice from the Employer, the Employee may be required to work hours in addition to or outside of the Employee's ordinary hours of work ("the Additional Hours"). The Employee will be compensated for the Additional Hours as follows:


(11) LEAVE

(a) For each year that the Employee is employed under this Agreement, the Employee will be entitled to the following amount of paid annual leave: ________

(b) In the event that the Employee does not use all of the Employee's accrued annual leave within a given year, any unused annual leave will roll over to the following year.

(c) The Employee may take annual leave at dates and times as are mutually agreed between the Employee and the Employer.

(d) Upon termination of the Employee's employment, if the Employee has any accrued annual leave which has not been used, the Employer will compensate the Employee for such accrued but unused annual leave.

(e) The Employee will be entitled to the following leave:


The Employee will be entitled to such leave as is provided by any laws and/or employment awards which apply to the Employee's employment under this Agreement, which may include sick leave, carer's leave, bereavement leave, long service leave, parental leave, family and domestic violence leave and paid public holidays.


The Employee is entitled to leave loading as described below:



The Employee must not, at any time while the Employee is employed under this Agreement, without the Employer's prior written consent, engage in any employment or other business activities (including working as a contractor, consultant or otherwise, or operating a business in which the Employee owns an interest), whether directly or indirectly, which in the Employer's reasonable determination conflicts with the best interests of the Employer.


(a) The Employee agrees that, for the period of time as set out in this clause ("the Time Period") after termination of the Employee's employment with the Employer, and within the geographical area as set out in this clause ("the Geographical Area"), the Employee will not, either directly or indirectly, whether as employee, partner, sole trader, manager, director, advisor, agent, representative, affiliate, consultant, shareholder, unit holder, trustee, contractor or otherwise, undertake any of the following:

(I) engaging in a business which is the same as, similar to or in competition with the Employer's business; or

(II) soliciting, hiring, or attempting to hire any of the Employer's other employees or staff;

(III) soliciting any of the Employer's customers or clients.

(b) For the purposes of this clause, "the Time Period" means, from the date that the Employee stops working for or with the Employer:

one month.

(c) For the purposes of this clause, "the Geographical Area" means, from the Employment Location, a distance of:

one kilometre.


(a) The Employee hereby acknowledges and agrees that during the Employee's employment under this Agreement, the Employee may have access to information that is confidential and/or commercially valuable to the Employer ("Confidential Information"), which may include but is not limited to:

(I) information of whatever nature relating to the business activities, practices and finances of the Employer;

(II) any other evaluation material, design work, technologies, technological ideas or strategies, strategic plans and ideas, marketing strategies, innovations, creative plans, concepts and any other plans or ideas developed by the Employer or on its behalf, or used by the Employer, whether relating specifically to the Employer's business or otherwise;

(III) any information derived from any other information which falls within this definition of Confidential Information; and

(IV) any copy of any Confidential Information.

but does not include information which:

(I) was known or in the possession of the Employee before it was provided to the Employee by the Employer, provided that it was known or in the possession of the Employee through legal means, and not as a result of any breach of this Agreement or any other agreement or obligation relating to confidentiality (whether or not the Employee was a party to such other agreement or obligation);

(II) is, or becomes, publicly available, through no fault of the Employee;

(III) is provided to the Employee without restriction or disclosure by a third party, who did not breach any confidentiality obligations by making such a disclosure;

(IV) is provided to the Employee by the Employer and is marked "Non Confidential"; or

(V) is required by law or regulation to be disclosed, but in the event that this exception applies, it applies only to the absolute minimum necessary and provided that the Employer is first consulted to establish whether and if so how far it is possible to prevent or restrict such enforced disclosure.

(b) The Employee shall keep the Confidential Information confidential and secret.

(c) The Employee shall only use the Confidential Information for the purpose of performing the Employee's obligations under this Agreement.

(d) If there is any doubt as to whether any particular information constitutes Confidential Information, the Employee should presume it is Confidential Information, until the Employee obtains explicit confirmation from the Employer that it is not Confidential Information.

(e) This clause will survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.


(a) In connection with the Employee's performance of the Employee's duties under this Agreement, the Employee may generate, create, contribute to, write or produce intellectual property ("Created IP").

(b) For the purposes of this Agreement, "Created IP" includes but is not limited to:

(I) information, ideas, innovations, developments, improvements, inventions, discoveries, plans, reports, drawings, specifications, advice, analyses, designs, methodologies, code, artwork, or any other intellectual property; and

(II) intellectual property, whether the Employee generates, creates, contributes to, writes or produces that intellectual property directly, indirectly, independently or in cooperation or conjunction with another person or persons; and

(III) intellectual property that results in any way from work performed for or on behalf of the Employer (whether performed by the Employee or by somebody else); and

(IV) intellectual property that results in any way from the use of the Employer's resources or assets including reference or other materials, personnel, facilities, or other resources; and

(V) intellectual property that relates in any other way to the Employer's business.

(c) Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, any intellectual property rights in any Created IP shall belong to the Employer, and the Employee hereby assigns any right, title and interest that the Employee may have in the Created IP to the Employer and, if applicable, to the Employer's successors and assigns.

(d) Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, any intellectual property rights in any intellectual property provided by the Employer to the Employee in order to assist in the Employee's performance of the Employee's duties under this Agreement, shall belong to the Employer.

(e) The Employee hereby agrees, whether during the Employee's period of employment with the Employer, or after such period of employment has ended, to:

(I) cooperate with the Employer in obtaining any copyrights, patents, trademarks or other intellectual property rights in relation to the Created IP, including by signing any documents, forms or applications in relation to such intellectual property rights as reasonably required by the Employer; and

(II) cooperate with the Employer in any defence or prosecution of the Employer's intellectual property rights in relation to the Created IP.

(f) This clause will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

(17) 52228855 885 8558885558 58 8588 52228858

8225822 82 2588 825222222 5525258828 252 52282222 22 22225 822255828 25 22525 82258 82228222228 225 25 22 825582 22 252 52282225, 8825252 252 52282225'8 25825 8582222 8228222.

(18) 8822888 28258555

552 52282222 525282 582228825228 525 525228 2552 252 52282225'8 22888828, 58 5222525 25 52285825 2522 2822 22 2822, 522528222 252 52282225'8 252282528228 22 252 52282222, 852 85588 222 82 8225882 8825822 525 85588 222 82 828252255225 8222 2588 825222222.


(a) Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice (or payment in lieu of notice) to the other party as required by the National Employment Standards or any other Australian laws, awards or enterprise agreements that apply to this Agreement from time to time.

(b) Notwithstanding sub-clause (a) above, in the event that the Employee commits an act of wilful or serious misconduct, is significantly neglectful of the Employee's duties, or is in breach of this agreement, the Employer may terminate this agreement by notice effective immediately without payment (except salary accrued to the date of termination).

(c) Both the Employer and Employee explicitly acknowledge and agree that in the event that either party provides notice to terminate this Agreement, both parties must continue to perform their obligations under this Agreement in good faith until the end of the period of notice. In particular:

(I) The Employee must cooperate with any of the Employer's reasonable requests in relation to the termination of employment, including, if applicable, assisting with the training of replacement staff, or otherwise assisting with handing over and finalising the Employee's work; and

(II) The Employer must not make any changes to this Agreement, or to the amount of the Compensation during the notice period.


Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Employee must promptly return to the Employer any property, documentation, records or confidential information including any Created IP which is the property of the Employer.


(a) The Employee hereby acknowledges and agrees that in the event that the Employee breaches this Agreement, the Employer will be entitled to a permanent injunction to prevent or limit any breach of this Agreement by the Employee, and in order to minimise the harm to the Employer that any breach may cause to the Employer.

(b) The Employee hereby acknowledges and agrees that the injunction described under the preceding sub-clause hereof is available to the Employer in addition to any other rights that the Employer may have, and regardless of whether the Employer exercises any other rights or not.

(c) The injunction described under the preceding sub-clauses hereof may restrain the Employee personally, or may restrain any other persons associated in any way with the Employee, including associates, business partners, coworkers, employees, agents, subcontractors, affiliates, representatives or any other persons who are in any way connected to the Employee and whose actions, if not restrained, may cause harm or loss to the Employer or to the Employer's business.


(a) The parties agree that in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement, this Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Parties. The Parties confirm that no warranties, representations, conditions or collateral agreements affect this Agreement or the subject matter of this Agreement except as otherwise provided in writing or as expressly provided in this Agreement.

(b) For the sake of clarity, the parties agree that any other written agreements entered between the parties, such as a confidentiality agreement, may apply in addition to this Agreement.


Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement, and any additional obligations imposed on either party in relation to this Agreement will not be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by each party (either personally or by an authorised representative).


(a) Any notice, demand, request or other correspondence in relation to this Agreement, which is required or permitted to be given in writing will be deemed validly given to the Employee if delivered by hand, by courier, or by post with a signature on delivery, to the following address:


(b) Any notice, demand, request or other correspondence in relation to this Agreement, which is required or permitted to be given in writing will be deemed validly given to the Employer if delivered by hand, by courier, or by post with a signature on delivery, to the following address:


(c) Either Party ("the Nominating Party") may nominate another address ("the New Address") by notifying the other Party in writing of the New Address. Any notice, demand, request or other correspondence in relation to this Agreement, which is required or permitted to be given in writing will, after nomination of the New Address, be deemed validly given if delivered to the Nominating Party at the New Address.


(a) The waiver by either party of any right or remedy in relation to a breach, default, delay or omission by the other party of any provision or provisions of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or other provisions of this Agreement.

(b) The failure or delay by either party in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy, nor will it prevent or impair that party from subsequently exercising that right or remedy.

(c) Any rights or remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any rights or remedies provided by law.


This Agreement is subject to the laws of New South Wales and each party submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.


This Agreement is binding upon and for the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns.


If any clause or sub-clause of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, it is to be read down or severed such that the remaining clauses and sub-clauses will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. In such circumstances the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.


At the termination or expiration of this Agreement, any provisions of this Agreement which would by their nature be expected to survive termination or expiration shall remain in full force and effect, including but not limited to any provisions which explicitly state that they will survive termination or expiration.


Headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. A reference to any part or clause is a reference to a part or clause in this Agreement.


This Agreement may be signed by the parties in any number of counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall be taken to be a duplicate original and all counterparts together shall be taken as constituting a single original document.


Executed by ________ in accordance with s127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by:

Signature of first director

Name of first director

Signature of second director

Name of second director

Executed by ________:


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This Employment Agreement ("this Agreement") is dated this ________.


ACN: ________

of the following address:


("the Employer")



of the following address:


("the Employee")


The Employer agrees to employ the Employee, and the Employee agrees to be employed, on the terms set out in this Agreement.


In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following rules of interpretation shall apply:

(a) Words referring to one gender include every other gender.

(b) Words referring to a singular number include the plural, and words referring to a plural include the singular.

(c) Words referring to a person or persons include companies, firms, corporations, organisations and vice versa.

(d) Any obligation on a Party not to do something includes an obligation not to allow that thing to be done.


The Employee will be employed on the following basis: full-time.


(a) The Employee will commence employment with the Employer on ________.

(b) The Employee will be employed for an indefinite term, subject to the other terms of this Agreement (including the terms relating to termination).


The Employee will be employed in the position of: ________.


(a) The Employee will be required to perform all tasks and will be required to accept all duties and responsibilities as reasonably requested by the Employer from time to time ("the Employee's Duties"). In particular, the Employee will have the following duties:


(b) The Employer may from time to time make changes to the position description or to the Employee's Duties, provided that such changes are reasonable in the context of the Employer's industry and in the context of the Employee's position.

(c) The Employer and the Employee may from time to time agree to make changes to the position description or to the Employee's Duties.

(d) The Employee agrees to perform the Employee's Duties in accordance with:

(I) this Agreement; and

(II) the directions, instructions, requests, and orders of the Employer; and

(III) any of the Employer's guidelines, practice manuals, policies or procedures as they exist from time to time.

(e) The Employee must perform the Employee's Duties in good faith having regard to the best interests of the Employer, and in a careful, conscientious and professional manner and to a standard that can reasonably be expected of somebody with the Employee's level of skill, training and experience.


The Employee will be required to work from the address shown below ("the Employment Location"), or such other location(s) as the Employer directs from time to time:



(a) In consideration for the Employee's performance of the Employee's Duties in accordance with this Agreement, the Employer agrees to pay the Employee ("the Compensation") a gross annual salary of $________ (________).

(b) The Compensation is a gross amount. Applicable taxes and statutory deductions will be withheld by the Employer in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The Employee's net salary, after such deductions, will be the actual amount received.

(c) The Compensation will be paid weekly.

(d) The Compensation will be paid by direct deposit into the Employee's nominated bank account.

(e) The Compensation is a total remuneration package representing the total cost to the Employer of the Employee's employment and includes all superannuation contributions required under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 and any regulations made pursuant thereto.

(f) The Employee acknowledges and agrees that the Compensation and the Benefits, (as described below), is the sole compensation to which the Employee is entitled in consideration for the Employee's fulfilment of the Employee's Duties.

(g) The Employee acknowledges and agrees that if the Employer provides any additional compensation to the Employee (such as bonuses), in addition to the Compensation and the Benefits which are described in this Agreement, such additional compensation will be payable entirely at the Employer's discretion.

(h) The Employee acknowledges and agrees that the Employer may be required by law to deduct certain amounts from the Compensation, and the Employee hereby consents to the Employer making such deductions as are required by law.

(i) The Employer may reimburse the Employee for any relevant expenses which the Employee incurs in relation to the Employee's performance of the Employee's Duties.


(a) In addition to the Compensation, the Employee may be entitled to additional benefits as determined by the Employer from time to time ("the Benefits").

(b) The Benefits are provided to the Employee at the sole discretion of the Employer. The Employer may, in the Employer's sole discretion, revoke or terminate any or all of the Benefits at any time. In the event that any or all of the Benefits are revoked or terminated, the Employee will not be entitled to any compensation in lieu of those of the Benefits which have been revoked or terminated.


(a) The Employee's employment is subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of one month.

(b) During the probationary period the Employee's employment may be terminated by either the Employee or the Employer upon providing 1 week written notice (or payment in lieu of that notice).


(a) The Employee will be expected to work ________ hours per week.

(b) The Employee may be required to work on the specific days and times as directed by the Employer or as otherwise agreed between the Employer and the Employee.

(c) From time to time, after receiving reasonable notice from the Employer, the Employee may be required to work hours in addition to or outside of the Employee's ordinary hours of work ("the Additional Hours"). The Employee will be compensated for the Additional Hours as follows:


(11) LEAVE

(a) For each year that the Employee is employed under this Agreement, the Employee will be entitled to the following amount of paid annual leave: ________

(b) In the event that the Employee does not use all of the Employee's accrued annual leave within a given year, any unused annual leave will roll over to the following year.

(c) The Employee may take annual leave at dates and times as are mutually agreed between the Employee and the Employer.

(d) Upon termination of the Employee's employment, if the Employee has any accrued annual leave which has not been used, the Employer will compensate the Employee for such accrued but unused annual leave.

(e) The Employee will be entitled to the following leave:


The Employee will be entitled to such leave as is provided by any laws and/or employment awards which apply to the Employee's employment under this Agreement, which may include sick leave, carer's leave, bereavement leave, long service leave, parental leave, family and domestic violence leave and paid public holidays.


The Employee is entitled to leave loading as described below:



The Employee must not, at any time while the Employee is employed under this Agreement, without the Employer's prior written consent, engage in any employment or other business activities (including working as a contractor, consultant or otherwise, or operating a business in which the Employee owns an interest), whether directly or indirectly, which in the Employer's reasonable determination conflicts with the best interests of the Employer.


(a) The Employee agrees that, for the period of time as set out in this clause ("the Time Period") after termination of the Employee's employment with the Employer, and within the geographical area as set out in this clause ("the Geographical Area"), the Employee will not, either directly or indirectly, whether as employee, partner, sole trader, manager, director, advisor, agent, representative, affiliate, consultant, shareholder, unit holder, trustee, contractor or otherwise, undertake any of the following:

(I) engaging in a business which is the same as, similar to or in competition with the Employer's business; or

(II) soliciting, hiring, or attempting to hire any of the Employer's other employees or staff;

(III) soliciting any of the Employer's customers or clients.

(b) For the purposes of this clause, "the Time Period" means, from the date that the Employee stops working for or with the Employer:

one month.

(c) For the purposes of this clause, "the Geographical Area" means, from the Employment Location, a distance of:

one kilometre.


(a) The Employee hereby acknowledges and agrees that during the Employee's employment under this Agreement, the Employee may have access to information that is confidential and/or commercially valuable to the Employer ("Confidential Information"), which may include but is not limited to:

(I) information of whatever nature relating to the business activities, practices and finances of the Employer;

(II) any other evaluation material, design work, technologies, technological ideas or strategies, strategic plans and ideas, marketing strategies, innovations, creative plans, concepts and any other plans or ideas developed by the Employer or on its behalf, or used by the Employer, whether relating specifically to the Employer's business or otherwise;

(III) any information derived from any other information which falls within this definition of Confidential Information; and

(IV) any copy of any Confidential Information.

but does not include information which:

(I) was known or in the possession of the Employee before it was provided to the Employee by the Employer, provided that it was known or in the possession of the Employee through legal means, and not as a result of any breach of this Agreement or any other agreement or obligation relating to confidentiality (whether or not the Employee was a party to such other agreement or obligation);

(II) is, or becomes, publicly available, through no fault of the Employee;

(III) is provided to the Employee without restriction or disclosure by a third party, who did not breach any confidentiality obligations by making such a disclosure;

(IV) is provided to the Employee by the Employer and is marked "Non Confidential"; or

(V) is required by law or regulation to be disclosed, but in the event that this exception applies, it applies only to the absolute minimum necessary and provided that the Employer is first consulted to establish whether and if so how far it is possible to prevent or restrict such enforced disclosure.

(b) The Employee shall keep the Confidential Information confidential and secret.

(c) The Employee shall only use the Confidential Information for the purpose of performing the Employee's obligations under this Agreement.

(d) If there is any doubt as to whether any particular information constitutes Confidential Information, the Employee should presume it is Confidential Information, until the Employee obtains explicit confirmation from the Employer that it is not Confidential Information.

(e) This clause will survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.


(a) In connection with the Employee's performance of the Employee's duties under this Agreement, the Employee may generate, create, contribute to, write or produce intellectual property ("Created IP").

(b) For the purposes of this Agreement, "Created IP" includes but is not limited to:

(I) information, ideas, innovations, developments, improvements, inventions, discoveries, plans, reports, drawings, specifications, advice, analyses, designs, methodologies, code, artwork, or any other intellectual property; and

(II) intellectual property, whether the Employee generates, creates, contributes to, writes or produces that intellectual property directly, indirectly, independently or in cooperation or conjunction with another person or persons; and

(III) intellectual property that results in any way from work performed for or on behalf of the Employer (whether performed by the Employee or by somebody else); and

(IV) intellectual property that results in any way from the use of the Employer's resources or assets including reference or other materials, personnel, facilities, or other resources; and

(V) intellectual property that relates in any other way to the Employer's business.

(c) Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, any intellectual property rights in any Created IP shall belong to the Employer, and the Employee hereby assigns any right, title and interest that the Employee may have in the Created IP to the Employer and, if applicable, to the Employer's successors and assigns.

(d) Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, any intellectual property rights in any intellectual property provided by the Employer to the Employee in order to assist in the Employee's performance of the Employee's duties under this Agreement, shall belong to the Employer.

(e) The Employee hereby agrees, whether during the Employee's period of employment with the Employer, or after such period of employment has ended, to:

(I) cooperate with the Employer in obtaining any copyrights, patents, trademarks or other intellectual property rights in relation to the Created IP, including by signing any documents, forms or applications in relation to such intellectual property rights as reasonably required by the Employer; and

(II) cooperate with the Employer in any defence or prosecution of the Employer's intellectual property rights in relation to the Created IP.

(f) This clause will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

(17) 52228855 885 8558885558 58 8588 52228858

8225822 82 2588 825222222 5525258828 252 52282222 22 22225 822255828 25 22525 82258 82228222228 225 25 22 825582 22 252 52282225, 8825252 252 52282225'8 25825 8582222 8228222.

(18) 8822888 28258555

552 52282222 525282 582228825228 525 525228 2552 252 52282225'8 22888828, 58 5222525 25 52285825 2522 2822 22 2822, 522528222 252 52282225'8 252282528228 22 252 52282222, 852 85588 222 82 8225882 8825822 525 85588 222 82 828252255225 8222 2588 825222222.


(a) Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice (or payment in lieu of notice) to the other party as required by the National Employment Standards or any other Australian laws, awards or enterprise agreements that apply to this Agreement from time to time.

(b) Notwithstanding sub-clause (a) above, in the event that the Employee commits an act of wilful or serious misconduct, is significantly neglectful of the Employee's duties, or is in breach of this agreement, the Employer may terminate this agreement by notice effective immediately without payment (except salary accrued to the date of termination).

(c) Both the Employer and Employee explicitly acknowledge and agree that in the event that either party provides notice to terminate this Agreement, both parties must continue to perform their obligations under this Agreement in good faith until the end of the period of notice. In particular:

(I) The Employee must cooperate with any of the Employer's reasonable requests in relation to the termination of employment, including, if applicable, assisting with the training of replacement staff, or otherwise assisting with handing over and finalising the Employee's work; and

(II) The Employer must not make any changes to this Agreement, or to the amount of the Compensation during the notice period.


Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Employee must promptly return to the Employer any property, documentation, records or confidential information including any Created IP which is the property of the Employer.


(a) The Employee hereby acknowledges and agrees that in the event that the Employee breaches this Agreement, the Employer will be entitled to a permanent injunction to prevent or limit any breach of this Agreement by the Employee, and in order to minimise the harm to the Employer that any breach may cause to the Employer.

(b) The Employee hereby acknowledges and agrees that the injunction described under the preceding sub-clause hereof is available to the Employer in addition to any other rights that the Employer may have, and regardless of whether the Employer exercises any other rights or not.

(c) The injunction described under the preceding sub-clauses hereof may restrain the Employee personally, or may restrain any other persons associated in any way with the Employee, including associates, business partners, coworkers, employees, agents, subcontractors, affiliates, representatives or any other persons who are in any way connected to the Employee and whose actions, if not restrained, may cause harm or loss to the Employer or to the Employer's business.


(a) The parties agree that in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement, this Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Parties. The Parties confirm that no warranties, representations, conditions or collateral agreements affect this Agreement or the subject matter of this Agreement except as otherwise provided in writing or as expressly provided in this Agreement.

(b) For the sake of clarity, the parties agree that any other written agreements entered between the parties, such as a confidentiality agreement, may apply in addition to this Agreement.


Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement, and any additional obligations imposed on either party in relation to this Agreement will not be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by each party (either personally or by an authorised representative).


(a) Any notice, demand, request or other correspondence in relation to this Agreement, which is required or permitted to be given in writing will be deemed validly given to the Employee if delivered by hand, by courier, or by post with a signature on delivery, to the following address:


(b) Any notice, demand, request or other correspondence in relation to this Agreement, which is required or permitted to be given in writing will be deemed validly given to the Employer if delivered by hand, by courier, or by post with a signature on delivery, to the following address:


(c) Either Party ("the Nominating Party") may nominate another address ("the New Address") by notifying the other Party in writing of the New Address. Any notice, demand, request or other correspondence in relation to this Agreement, which is required or permitted to be given in writing will, after nomination of the New Address, be deemed validly given if delivered to the Nominating Party at the New Address.


(a) The waiver by either party of any right or remedy in relation to a breach, default, delay or omission by the other party of any provision or provisions of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or other provisions of this Agreement.

(b) The failure or delay by either party in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy, nor will it prevent or impair that party from subsequently exercising that right or remedy.

(c) Any rights or remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and are in addition to any rights or remedies provided by law.


This Agreement is subject to the laws of New South Wales and each party submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.


This Agreement is binding upon and for the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns.


If any clause or sub-clause of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, it is to be read down or severed such that the remaining clauses and sub-clauses will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. In such circumstances the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.


At the termination or expiration of this Agreement, any provisions of this Agreement which would by their nature be expected to survive termination or expiration shall remain in full force and effect, including but not limited to any provisions which explicitly state that they will survive termination or expiration.


Headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. A reference to any part or clause is a reference to a part or clause in this Agreement.


This Agreement may be signed by the parties in any number of counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall be taken to be a duplicate original and all counterparts together shall be taken as constituting a single original document.


Executed by ________ in accordance with s127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) by:

Signature of first director

Name of first director

Signature of second director

Name of second director

Executed by ________:
