Employee General Warning Letter


Insert the date of the letter here. Usually this would be today's date, or the date on which the letter is going to be sent to the employee.

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________ ________



Dear ________,

Re: Formal Warning

We refer to our meeting on ________. Further to the matters discussed during that meeting, this letter serves as a formal warning about your employment with ________.

At the meeting dated ________ you were advised that your job performance was unsatisfactory and that you were required to improve your performance immediately. In particular we note the following issues:


You have been given the opportunity to explain these issues, but your explanations are not acceptable. You are now on notice that in order to improve your job performance, you must do the following:


If your job performance does not improve, in accordance with the recommendations above, then you risk having your employment terminated.

We will continue to monitor your performance. We hope to see an improvement in the near future, so that you are able to enjoy a long and rewarding career with us.

In the event that you need assistance with any of these matters, then please do not hesitate to contact us. For example, if you believe that there is something we should do, in order to help you perform your job, then we would be glad for you to let us know. 28228882, 82 225 2225 22 8855822 522 22 252 2522258 558825 82 2588 822225, 2522 282582 5882 2228 2522 22 8222582 58.

Yours sincerely,


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________ ________



Dear ________,

Re: Formal Warning

We refer to our meeting on ________. Further to the matters discussed during that meeting, this letter serves as a formal warning about your employment with ________.

At the meeting dated ________ you were advised that your job performance was unsatisfactory and that you were required to improve your performance immediately. In particular we note the following issues:


You have been given the opportunity to explain these issues, but your explanations are not acceptable. You are now on notice that in order to improve your job performance, you must do the following:


If your job performance does not improve, in accordance with the recommendations above, then you risk having your employment terminated.

We will continue to monitor your performance. We hope to see an improvement in the near future, so that you are able to enjoy a long and rewarding career with us.

In the event that you need assistance with any of these matters, then please do not hesitate to contact us. For example, if you believe that there is something we should do, in order to help you perform your job, then we would be glad for you to let us know. 28228882, 82 225 2225 22 8855822 522 22 252 2522258 558825 82 2588 822225, 2522 282582 5882 2228 2522 22 8222582 58.

Yours sincerely,
