ACN: ________
Dear ________,
Re: Formal Warning
This letter serves as a formal warning about your employment. As at the date of this letter, your job performance is unsatisfactory. In particular I note the following issues:
In the event that you wish to provide an explanation for these issues, please contact us by phone or in person, or write to us either by post or email.
In order to address these issues, we need you to do the following:
If your job performance does not improve, in accordance with the recommendations above, then you risk having your employment terminated.
I would like to have a follow up meeting on ________ and will monitor your performance up until the date of that meeting.
I hope to see an improvement in the near future, so that you are able to enjoy a long and rewarding career with us.
52 252 28222 2552 225 2225 5888825282 8825 522 22 25282 2522258, 2522 282582 52 222 52882522 22 8222582 22. 225 2552282, 82 225 8288282 2552 25252 88 822225822 82 852585 52, 82 25525 22 5282 225 2252252 2255 228, 2522 5 82585 82 2855 225 225 22 822 22 2228. Likewise, if you need to clarify any of the matters raised in this letter, then please also feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
ACN: ________
Dear ________,
Re: Formal Warning
This letter serves as a formal warning about your employment. As at the date of this letter, your job performance is unsatisfactory. In particular I note the following issues:
In the event that you wish to provide an explanation for these issues, please contact us by phone or in person, or write to us either by post or email.
In order to address these issues, we need you to do the following:
If your job performance does not improve, in accordance with the recommendations above, then you risk having your employment terminated.
I would like to have a follow up meeting on ________ and will monitor your performance up until the date of that meeting.
I hope to see an improvement in the near future, so that you are able to enjoy a long and rewarding career with us.
52 252 28222 2552 225 2225 5888825282 8825 522 22 25282 2522258, 2522 282582 52 222 52882522 22 8222582 22. 225 2552282, 82 225 8288282 2552 25252 88 822225822 82 852585 52, 82 25525 22 5282 225 2252252 2255 228, 2522 5 82585 82 2855 225 225 22 822 22 2228. Likewise, if you need to clarify any of the matters raised in this letter, then please also feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
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