Discrimination Policy

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________ (ACN.................................................) ("Employer")

Effective date: ________


The Employer is committed to providing all staff with a workplace which is pleasant, safe, inclusive, professional and free from discrimination.

The Employer is committed to meeting its legal obligations regarding discrimination.

Every staff member has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Every staff member has the obligation to treat other staff members and members of the public with dignity and respect.

This Discrimination Policy ("Policy") is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.


This Policy applies to:

- all employees of the Employer, including full time, part time and casual employees, temporary employees, permanent employees, managers, supervisors, interns, apprentices, job candidates, student trainees, or volunteers, all contractors, sub contractors, agents or other representatives of the Employer (together hereinafter "Staff").

- clients or customers of the Employer.

- any persons in the role of director or secretary for the Employer.

- all employment related matters including: employment, hiring and recruitment, promotion, benefits, employment conditions, training, development, allocation of tasks, allocation of responsibility, workload, work hours and scheduling, leave and other similar employment related matters.

- work related activities whether taking place at the Employer's premises, or taking place away from the Employer's premises.

- work related activities whether during ordinary work hours or after ordinary work hours.

- work related functions, social events, training events, team building events, conferences or any other events or activities in which Staff may be involved as a consequence of their work duties for the Employer.

- Staff treatment of other Staff.

- Staff treatment of customers, clients, business partners, business associates and any members of the public who they encounter as a consequence of their work duties for the Employer.


(a) At the Employer, Staff are rewarded based on merit.

(b) For the purposes of this Policy, merit refers to a person's skills, qualifications, capabilities, talents, experience or competence in relation to the requirements of a particular role, and how well the person's merit matches the requirements of the role.

(c) Personal characteristics (such as gender, age, race, religion, disability or the fact that a person belongs to a particular group) do not generally have anything to do with a person's merit in relation to a particular role.

(d) It is not accepted at the Employer, and may be unlawful in Australia, when considering a person in relation to recruitment, promotion, benefits, employment conditions, training, development, allocation of tasks, allocation of responsibility, workload, work hours and scheduling, leave or other similar employment related matters:

- to take into account a person's personal characteristics;

- to ask a person questions, or to seek information in any way, about a person's personal characteristics;

unless the person's personal characteristics can be shown to be actually and directly relevant to a genuine requirement of the position.


(a) Bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination are unlawful in Australia and are not accepted at the Employer.

(b) The following legislation affects bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination in Australia:

- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Commonwealth)

- Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Commonwealth)

- Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth)

- Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Commonwealth)

- Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Commonwealth)


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, discrimination involves treating a person less favourably than another person, because that person belongs to a particular group or because of that person's individual characteristics such as gender, age, race, religion or disability.

(b) Discrimination may occur directly or indirectly.

(c) Discrimination is against the law.

(d) Under Australian law, it is illegal to discriminate against a person based on any of the following personal characteristics ("Characteristics"):

- race;

- nationality;

- ancestry;

- ethnic background;

- colour;

- religion;

- disability, injury or disease;

- medical record;

- age (whether young or old);

- gender;

- sexual orientation;

- gender identity;

- intersex status;

- marital status;

- parental status;

- the fact that the person is pregnant or breastfeeding;

- the fact that the person is a carer;

- political opinions;

- the fact that the person is engaged in industrial activity;

- whether or not the person has become a member of a trade union or other industrial organisation.

(e) Under Australian law it is also illegal to discriminate against a person because they are assumed to have one or more Characteristics, or may have one or more Characteristics in future.

(f) Under Australian law it is also illegal to discriminate against a person because they are associated with another person who is suspected to have, or actually has one or more Characteristics.


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, sexual harassment involves unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour which can be expected to make a person feel intimidated, embarrassed or offended.

(b) Sexual harassment may be physical, or it may be spoken or written.

(c) This Policy applies to sexual harassment which occurs at the Employer's premises, at work related events taking place away from the Employer's premises, or between Staff members outside of work.

(d) Sexual harassment is not accepted at the Employer.

(e) Sexual harassment may include:

- sexually suggestive behaviour;

- sexually suggestive comments or jokes;

- making comments about a person's appearance or private life;

- asking intrusive questions about a person's private life;

- making insults or taunts of a sexual nature;

- sending sexually suggestive text messages, emails or other messages;

- sending sexually explicit text messages, emails or other messages;

- making inappropriate approaches on social media;

- posting sexually explicit material on social media;

- accessing sexually explicit internet sites or other media;

- displaying sexually explicit screen savers, calendars, posters, photographs or other objects;

- making repeated and unwanted requests to socialise;

- making requests for sex;

- making unwanted physical contact with a person, including by hugging, touching, fondling, or brushing up against the person;

- various behaviours which may also constitute an offence under Australian criminal law including but not limited to stalking, sexual assault, physical assault, or indecent exposure.

(f) In relation to sexual harassment, all Staff should consider:

- all Staff have the same rights and responsibilities in relation to sexual harassment;

- a single incident may consitute sexual harassment;

- just because a person does not object to a particular behaviour at the time that it occurs, this does not mean that the person consents to the behaviour;

- behaviour that does not offend one person may offend another person.

(g) The Employer and any relevant supervisors or managers must respond quickly and appropriately to all incidents of sexual harassment, regardless of how serious the incident is or who is involved.


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, bullying involves various forms of behaviour, targeting a person because of their personal characteristics.

(b) Bullying is a form of discrimination and is not accepted at the Employer.

(c) Bullying may include:

- jokes;

- unwanted nicknames;

- teasing;

- social isolation;

- coercion;

- sarcasm;

- demeaning language or comments;

- ganging up on a person;

- verbal abuse;

- threatening language;

- shouting;

- continuous non-constructive criticism;

- blaming a person for things that are not their fault;

- unfair work practices, such as unreasonably refusing requests for training, leave or other workplace benefits or entitlements;

- deliberately seeking to make a person's job more difficult, for example by withholding equipment or information that the person needs in order to do their job.

(d) In relation to bullying, all Staff should consider:

- all Staff have the same rights and responsibilities in relation to bullying;

- a single incident may consitute bullying;

- bullying can take many forms including but not limited to verbal bullying, cyber bullying, bullying emails, bullying text messages or bullying behaviour.


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, victimisation involves treating a person detrimentally because they have:

- made a complaint in relation to bullying, harassment or discrimination ("Complaint");

- helped another person make a Complaint;

- been involved in the investigation of a Complaint;

- asserted their rights in relation to bullying, harassment or discrimination.

(b) Victimisation is a form of discrimination and is strictly not accepted at the Employer.


(a) The Employer aims to meet the commitments described under the "Commitments" clause of this Policy, through the use of this Policy.

(b) The Employer will take all practical and reasonable steps in order to provide a workplace which is free from bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

(c) The Employer provides an internal grievance procedure which enables Staff to raise concerns regarding bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

(d) The Employer provides a Staff support system to assist Staff members in dealing with bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

(e) Any concerns regarding bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination raised with the Employer by Staff will be treated strictly confidentially.

(f) The Employer welcomes any concerns from Staff regarding bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination. Staff will not suffer any penalty for raising a genuine concern.

(10) 852855 82 55822

888 52522 5582 252 58252 22:

- 5 8252 22885222222 85885 88 2522 2522 85882822, 5555882222, 8882828852822 525 58885828252822.

- 5258225882 28258888822 82 22528 22 8252822 555522222228, 255288585582 8522 2588 88 228288552 82 25525 22 58822225522 25285 252882 882552822, 52882822, 8582552, 5885888822, 25 22525 8828855 22582258 8858528252828.

- 528228225882 55882 522 5258225882 82282528 25 8222858228, 525 22 52 82 8825252 2255822 522 2225822 25 8882828852822.

- 82 52855525 82 25285 8252 85825 22 22582.

- 222 82 52228225 82 8252 5285225 528888228 85885 552 85825 22 8552828522 22582258 855558225882888, 255288585582 82 52852822 22 52855822222, 252222822, 82222828, 2228222222 8225828228, 25582822, 52828222222, 5882852822 22 25828, 5882852822 22 52822288888822, 82528255, 8252 52558 525 8852558822, 82582 25 22525 8828855 2228222222 5285225 2522258.


All Staff have the responsibility to:

- comply with this Policy.

- observe the general standards of behaviour as outlined in this Policy.

- treat everyone (whether other Staff members or otherwise) with dignity and respect.

- respond to any instances of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination by offering support to any victims, including, if necessary, by notifying them about their rights and how to make a complaint.

- respect the privacy of any victims of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

- strictly maintain the confidentiality of any matters involving complaints or allegations of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.


In addition to the responsibilities which apply to all Staff, as described under the preceding clause hereof, managers at the Employer have the additional responsibility to:

- demonstrate appropriate standards of behaviour in relation to bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

- act to uphold the general standards of behaviour as outlined in this Policy.

- ensure that Staff are aware of their rights and responsibilities under this Policy (and under Australian law).

- intervene promptly, respectfully, sensitively and appropriately when they become aware of any incidents of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

- if appropriate, assist and guide Staff in an attempt to resolve incidents of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination informally.

- in handling any incidents of bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination, to act fairly and to ensure that all relevant Parties are heard.

- ensure that any Staff who make a complaint about bullying, harassment or discrimination are not victimised.

- in the event that an incident of bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination cannot be resolved informally, or it is not appropriate to do so, then to refer the matter to the appropriate person or department within the Employer's organisation, so that the matter can be handled formally.

- ensure that any decisions in relation to recruitment, promotion, benefits, employment conditions, training, development, allocation of tasks, allocation of responsibility, workload, work hours and scheduling, leave or other similar employment related matters are based solely on merit, and that none of the Characteristics described in the "Discrimination" clause of this Policy influence the decision.

- in the event that a Staff member makes a reasonable request for flexible working arrangements, to seriously consider the request.


(a) Behaviour that breaches this Policy is strictly unacceptable at the Employer.

(b) If any Staff member breaches this Policy, the following disciplinary procedures may apply:

- a formal warning;

- a requirement to provide an apology (either verbal or in writing);

- a requirement to attend discrimination related training;

- a requirement to attend counselling;

- demotion;

- a missed opportunity for promotion;

- suspension;

- termination.

(c) These disciplinary procedures will apply equally and fairly to any Staff member who breaches this Policy, regardless of that Staff member's position or seniority at the Employer.


(a) The Employer takes bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination very seriously and encourages any Staff member who believes he or she has been a victim of, or has witnessed, such behaviour, to address it promptly.

(b) As a first step, if you feel comfortable doing so, you may speak directly, respectfully, and sensitively to the person who you believe is responsible for the relevant behaviour.

(c) If you are not comfortable speaking directly to the relevant person, if you do not believe it is appropriate, or if you have already attempted to do this and it has not worked, then you may contact the following person for a confidential discussion ("Contact Person"):


(d) Contact Person may be contacted at any time for a confidential discussion, general information or advice, or a referral for counselling.

(e) The Employer offers the following Staff support:



By signing below, the Staff member acknowledges having read and understood this Policy, and the Staff member agrees to comply with this Policy:

Staff Signature

Staff Name


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________ (ACN.................................................) ("Employer")

Effective date: ________


The Employer is committed to providing all staff with a workplace which is pleasant, safe, inclusive, professional and free from discrimination.

The Employer is committed to meeting its legal obligations regarding discrimination.

Every staff member has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Every staff member has the obligation to treat other staff members and members of the public with dignity and respect.

This Discrimination Policy ("Policy") is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.


This Policy applies to:

- all employees of the Employer, including full time, part time and casual employees, temporary employees, permanent employees, managers, supervisors, interns, apprentices, job candidates, student trainees, or volunteers, all contractors, sub contractors, agents or other representatives of the Employer (together hereinafter "Staff").

- clients or customers of the Employer.

- any persons in the role of director or secretary for the Employer.

- all employment related matters including: employment, hiring and recruitment, promotion, benefits, employment conditions, training, development, allocation of tasks, allocation of responsibility, workload, work hours and scheduling, leave and other similar employment related matters.

- work related activities whether taking place at the Employer's premises, or taking place away from the Employer's premises.

- work related activities whether during ordinary work hours or after ordinary work hours.

- work related functions, social events, training events, team building events, conferences or any other events or activities in which Staff may be involved as a consequence of their work duties for the Employer.

- Staff treatment of other Staff.

- Staff treatment of customers, clients, business partners, business associates and any members of the public who they encounter as a consequence of their work duties for the Employer.


(a) At the Employer, Staff are rewarded based on merit.

(b) For the purposes of this Policy, merit refers to a person's skills, qualifications, capabilities, talents, experience or competence in relation to the requirements of a particular role, and how well the person's merit matches the requirements of the role.

(c) Personal characteristics (such as gender, age, race, religion, disability or the fact that a person belongs to a particular group) do not generally have anything to do with a person's merit in relation to a particular role.

(d) It is not accepted at the Employer, and may be unlawful in Australia, when considering a person in relation to recruitment, promotion, benefits, employment conditions, training, development, allocation of tasks, allocation of responsibility, workload, work hours and scheduling, leave or other similar employment related matters:

- to take into account a person's personal characteristics;

- to ask a person questions, or to seek information in any way, about a person's personal characteristics;

unless the person's personal characteristics can be shown to be actually and directly relevant to a genuine requirement of the position.


(a) Bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination are unlawful in Australia and are not accepted at the Employer.

(b) The following legislation affects bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination in Australia:

- Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Commonwealth)

- Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Commonwealth)

- Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth)

- Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Commonwealth)

- Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Commonwealth)


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, discrimination involves treating a person less favourably than another person, because that person belongs to a particular group or because of that person's individual characteristics such as gender, age, race, religion or disability.

(b) Discrimination may occur directly or indirectly.

(c) Discrimination is against the law.

(d) Under Australian law, it is illegal to discriminate against a person based on any of the following personal characteristics ("Characteristics"):

- race;

- nationality;

- ancestry;

- ethnic background;

- colour;

- religion;

- disability, injury or disease;

- medical record;

- age (whether young or old);

- gender;

- sexual orientation;

- gender identity;

- intersex status;

- marital status;

- parental status;

- the fact that the person is pregnant or breastfeeding;

- the fact that the person is a carer;

- political opinions;

- the fact that the person is engaged in industrial activity;

- whether or not the person has become a member of a trade union or other industrial organisation.

(e) Under Australian law it is also illegal to discriminate against a person because they are assumed to have one or more Characteristics, or may have one or more Characteristics in future.

(f) Under Australian law it is also illegal to discriminate against a person because they are associated with another person who is suspected to have, or actually has one or more Characteristics.


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, sexual harassment involves unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour which can be expected to make a person feel intimidated, embarrassed or offended.

(b) Sexual harassment may be physical, or it may be spoken or written.

(c) This Policy applies to sexual harassment which occurs at the Employer's premises, at work related events taking place away from the Employer's premises, or between Staff members outside of work.

(d) Sexual harassment is not accepted at the Employer.

(e) Sexual harassment may include:

- sexually suggestive behaviour;

- sexually suggestive comments or jokes;

- making comments about a person's appearance or private life;

- asking intrusive questions about a person's private life;

- making insults or taunts of a sexual nature;

- sending sexually suggestive text messages, emails or other messages;

- sending sexually explicit text messages, emails or other messages;

- making inappropriate approaches on social media;

- posting sexually explicit material on social media;

- accessing sexually explicit internet sites or other media;

- displaying sexually explicit screen savers, calendars, posters, photographs or other objects;

- making repeated and unwanted requests to socialise;

- making requests for sex;

- making unwanted physical contact with a person, including by hugging, touching, fondling, or brushing up against the person;

- various behaviours which may also constitute an offence under Australian criminal law including but not limited to stalking, sexual assault, physical assault, or indecent exposure.

(f) In relation to sexual harassment, all Staff should consider:

- all Staff have the same rights and responsibilities in relation to sexual harassment;

- a single incident may consitute sexual harassment;

- just because a person does not object to a particular behaviour at the time that it occurs, this does not mean that the person consents to the behaviour;

- behaviour that does not offend one person may offend another person.

(g) The Employer and any relevant supervisors or managers must respond quickly and appropriately to all incidents of sexual harassment, regardless of how serious the incident is or who is involved.


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, bullying involves various forms of behaviour, targeting a person because of their personal characteristics.

(b) Bullying is a form of discrimination and is not accepted at the Employer.

(c) Bullying may include:

- jokes;

- unwanted nicknames;

- teasing;

- social isolation;

- coercion;

- sarcasm;

- demeaning language or comments;

- ganging up on a person;

- verbal abuse;

- threatening language;

- shouting;

- continuous non-constructive criticism;

- blaming a person for things that are not their fault;

- unfair work practices, such as unreasonably refusing requests for training, leave or other workplace benefits or entitlements;

- deliberately seeking to make a person's job more difficult, for example by withholding equipment or information that the person needs in order to do their job.

(d) In relation to bullying, all Staff should consider:

- all Staff have the same rights and responsibilities in relation to bullying;

- a single incident may consitute bullying;

- bullying can take many forms including but not limited to verbal bullying, cyber bullying, bullying emails, bullying text messages or bullying behaviour.


(a) For the purposes of this Policy, victimisation involves treating a person detrimentally because they have:

- made a complaint in relation to bullying, harassment or discrimination ("Complaint");

- helped another person make a Complaint;

- been involved in the investigation of a Complaint;

- asserted their rights in relation to bullying, harassment or discrimination.

(b) Victimisation is a form of discrimination and is strictly not accepted at the Employer.


(a) The Employer aims to meet the commitments described under the "Commitments" clause of this Policy, through the use of this Policy.

(b) The Employer will take all practical and reasonable steps in order to provide a workplace which is free from bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

(c) The Employer provides an internal grievance procedure which enables Staff to raise concerns regarding bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

(d) The Employer provides a Staff support system to assist Staff members in dealing with bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

(e) Any concerns regarding bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination raised with the Employer by Staff will be treated strictly confidentially.

(f) The Employer welcomes any concerns from Staff regarding bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination. Staff will not suffer any penalty for raising a genuine concern.

(10) 852855 82 55822

888 52522 5582 252 58252 22:

- 5 8252 22885222222 85885 88 2522 2522 85882822, 5555882222, 8882828852822 525 58885828252822.

- 5258225882 28258888822 82 22528 22 8252822 555522222228, 255288585582 8522 2588 88 228288552 82 25525 22 58822225522 25285 252882 882552822, 52882822, 8582552, 5885888822, 25 22525 8828855 22582258 8858528252828.

- 528228225882 55882 522 5258225882 82282528 25 8222858228, 525 22 52 82 8825252 2255822 522 2225822 25 8882828852822.

- 82 52855525 82 25285 8252 85825 22 22582.

- 222 82 52228225 82 8252 5285225 528888228 85885 552 85825 22 8552828522 22582258 855558225882888, 255288585582 82 52852822 22 52855822222, 252222822, 82222828, 2228222222 8225828228, 25582822, 52828222222, 5882852822 22 25828, 5882852822 22 52822288888822, 82528255, 8252 52558 525 8852558822, 82582 25 22525 8828855 2228222222 5285225 2522258.


All Staff have the responsibility to:

- comply with this Policy.

- observe the general standards of behaviour as outlined in this Policy.

- treat everyone (whether other Staff members or otherwise) with dignity and respect.

- respond to any instances of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination by offering support to any victims, including, if necessary, by notifying them about their rights and how to make a complaint.

- respect the privacy of any victims of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

- strictly maintain the confidentiality of any matters involving complaints or allegations of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.


In addition to the responsibilities which apply to all Staff, as described under the preceding clause hereof, managers at the Employer have the additional responsibility to:

- demonstrate appropriate standards of behaviour in relation to bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

- act to uphold the general standards of behaviour as outlined in this Policy.

- ensure that Staff are aware of their rights and responsibilities under this Policy (and under Australian law).

- intervene promptly, respectfully, sensitively and appropriately when they become aware of any incidents of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

- if appropriate, assist and guide Staff in an attempt to resolve incidents of bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination informally.

- in handling any incidents of bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination, to act fairly and to ensure that all relevant Parties are heard.

- ensure that any Staff who make a complaint about bullying, harassment or discrimination are not victimised.

- in the event that an incident of bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination cannot be resolved informally, or it is not appropriate to do so, then to refer the matter to the appropriate person or department within the Employer's organisation, so that the matter can be handled formally.

- ensure that any decisions in relation to recruitment, promotion, benefits, employment conditions, training, development, allocation of tasks, allocation of responsibility, workload, work hours and scheduling, leave or other similar employment related matters are based solely on merit, and that none of the Characteristics described in the "Discrimination" clause of this Policy influence the decision.

- in the event that a Staff member makes a reasonable request for flexible working arrangements, to seriously consider the request.


(a) Behaviour that breaches this Policy is strictly unacceptable at the Employer.

(b) If any Staff member breaches this Policy, the following disciplinary procedures may apply:

- a formal warning;

- a requirement to provide an apology (either verbal or in writing);

- a requirement to attend discrimination related training;

- a requirement to attend counselling;

- demotion;

- a missed opportunity for promotion;

- suspension;

- termination.

(c) These disciplinary procedures will apply equally and fairly to any Staff member who breaches this Policy, regardless of that Staff member's position or seniority at the Employer.


(a) The Employer takes bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination very seriously and encourages any Staff member who believes he or she has been a victim of, or has witnessed, such behaviour, to address it promptly.

(b) As a first step, if you feel comfortable doing so, you may speak directly, respectfully, and sensitively to the person who you believe is responsible for the relevant behaviour.

(c) If you are not comfortable speaking directly to the relevant person, if you do not believe it is appropriate, or if you have already attempted to do this and it has not worked, then you may contact the following person for a confidential discussion ("Contact Person"):


(d) Contact Person may be contacted at any time for a confidential discussion, general information or advice, or a referral for counselling.

(e) The Employer offers the following Staff support:



By signing below, the Staff member acknowledges having read and understood this Policy, and the Staff member agrees to comply with this Policy:

Staff Signature

Staff Name
